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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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Midnight wasn't sure what was happening to her anymore, the last thing she could fully remember was blood in her hand, something inside was bleeding and she'd coughed it out. Weakly opening her eyes, she saw, Tehengu? Why was he there? Was she dead? No, it still hurt, she couldn't be dead...She was being, helped? She let out another cough, tilting her head to the side as a small dribble of blood exited her mouth and started sliding down her chin, the Faunus shuddering weakly in his arms.


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Slash was glad that Tehengu was somewhat okay. "She'll be fine if she goes to the infirmary immediately. She's got some internal bleeding and is in shock from the fall" Slash said, holding down Andrea tight so that she doesn't run away and wreak havoc on the entire school. Goodwitch would probably storm in soon to fix the hall and give them a scolding. "Sorry guys. This was my idea and i let it go too far"

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Tehengu was already on his way out the door as Slash spoke, having noticed the blood as the Faunus had been speaking. He walked as fast as he could without jostling Midnight too much, heading to the infirmary and handing her over to the care of the nurses and such. 

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Midnight didn't understand what was happening to her, her head was swimming, unaware that upon landing on the roof, she'd hit the back of her head. Fear swelled within her as her vision faded in and out to the point she couldn't identify who was carrying her anymore. Suddently the lights were bright, getting a hiss from the Faunus before feeling whoever was carrying her passing her own. With what little strength she had, knowing it was Teh who had carried her, she tried to grip onto him, not wanting to leave him.

"S-stay...." she whimpered, unable to complete her sentence before everything went black and vanished from her mind. The nurses put Midnight on a trolley, quickly moving her away as one of them stayed behind to talk to him.

"What is her condition? Do you know what injuries she has?" the female nurse asked him.

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Tehengu watched them take Midnight away before turning to the nurse that had spoken to him. 

"She has some sort of internal bleeding, and appears to be having trouble remaining awake. There might be more, I don't know, but she was thrown through a roof and went an unknown distance before ending up on the same roof." He explained, giving all the information he thought was relevant. 

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The nurses nods her head, giving Tehengu a calming smile. It wasn't every day a human male carried a small female Faunus in his arms...She rested her hand on his shoulder "Thank you, I promise she'll be well looked after. Her injuries aren't critical, though she may need some form of surgery for the internal bleeding. Nothing long lasting" The nurse turned to follow the direction Midnight had been whelled, before doubling back on herself "So sorry, but what is the girls name? And yours?"

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Tehengu simply looked towards where Midnight had been taken, glad that the nurse did not think the injuries were too bad. 

"I am Tehengu, and she is Midnight." He said, turning back to the nurse and giving her a nod. "Thank you."

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"And thank you Mr Tehengu. She should only need an hour of surgery if it's just some internal bleeding, I shall contact you when she is available for visits..." The nurse replies before turning around and walking down the corridor, and past the doors, to where Midnight was going to have her check-up, relying the information to the doctors, who started their work.

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(You know that feeling of dread when you drop your phone in the toilet? Imagine dropping it off the roof and it breaking in the toilet your pulling out because you're remodeling that portion of your house.)


It didn't take long for Silver to clean himself off. He heard the aircraft land on the roof as he stepped out. "Guess she made it." He said to himself as he got dressed. He exited the bathroom to find Aisha sitting on her bed, cleaning her shield. He chuckled and went to her side to offer her a hand up. "Come on. We have a time schedule."

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Aisha looked up as she heard the sound of the helecopter  came through the walls. She chewed on the inside of her cheek a bit before exhaling and putting polish on the metal of her shield. 


Silver came out of the bathroom and her expression switched to that of happiness. "Seems so." She said before collapsing the massive wall of a shield and powering down her strength gauntlets. She took his hand and stood just before stretching and exhaling. "Let us go."

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Tehengu nodded to the nurse, watching her leave before finding a paper and writing his room number on it so the nurse could contact him. In the meantime, he went to go find a get well soon gift for her. 

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Silver smiled as she took his hand and stood up. He opened the door and held it open for her. He was about to leave the room when he remembered his belt and canisters. "Hold on. I forgot to get my belt." He said rushing to pick up his gear. He quickly strapped the belt around his waist and secured two canisters in the slots. "Ok now we can go." 

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Cinder stopped walking and waited for the two teens. She didn't like waiting for them, they must think that they can take their own sweet time. No matter, they will have to go through disciplinary training again. "It's time for phase two" she said, turning around and heading back to the airship. They can catch up to her.


"Oi angel, you alright there?" Slash asked lightly slapping Andrea's face. "You were quite wild just now. Are you injured? Did you hit your head?" he asked as he walked to the infirmary so that they could wait for Midnight and so that he could properly apologize.

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Aisha looked back at silver as he got his belt and came back. She laughed gently. "Forgetful frank." She said warmly as she walked out into the warehouse. She saw cinder and gave a small sigh as she saw her glance. "Looks like we got diciplinary training ahead of us." She said gently as she followed up into the ship. " sooooo.... How are you today cinder?" She asked in a friendly tone. 

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Silver chuckled at Aisha's teasing and again at the mention of disciplinary training. Cinder didn't waste any time with a greeting, just stated that it was time for phase two then moved onto re-board the aircraft. "And a warm hello to you too." He said under his breath as he followed them onto the craft. 

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"I certainly hope I feel better once we complete the first stage of phase 2. I didn't like how you kept me waiting" Cinder replied, walking gracefully up the ramp of the airship and taking a seat. "Put on the uniforms. We are going to school"

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Midnight opened her eyes, seeing the white celing above her as her stomach hurt, a lot. She shook her head trying to remember, before noticing she was in the hospital place. Her injuries were that bad huh? She snorted as she sat up, her injuries protesting but the Faunus refused to listen to them. Taking a deep breath, she looked around, noticing she had a private room on her own. Not bad at all. The girl didn't move much outside of sitting up, she wasn't sure what damage her body had taken and needed to take it slowly.


At the same time, the nurse contacted Tehengu, informing him Midnight was available for visitors and her room number.  

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After he had recieved Midnight's room number, Tehengu headed straight there. He passed by Slash and Andrea silently, heading through the doors and stopping in front of the room. He waited a moment to collect himself before knocking. 


"It's me." He said simply, waiting for her to invite him in. He had no desire to walk in on her if she was not decent. 

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Midnight's ears perked up hearing the voice outside, freezing up slightly. She looked back down at her phone, an old device, one only she knew existed, and hid it under her pillow. Last thing she needed was anyone seeing the pictures stored there, even if Teh knew about her connection with the Fang...She looked at the mirror, and brushed some of her hair out of her face. She looked, well, she'd been hit by a bus but alive. That and the doctors hadn't put her in hospital robes and kept her in her black clothes so it could easily be worse.


"C-come in T..." Her voice was weaker than she'd like of it to have been, but at the end of the day, she had been bleeding...

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Tehengu entered at her words, looking at her worriedly as he closed the door behind him and approached slowly. 


"How are you feeling? You're awake, so that is some progress." He said, simply holding the book he had brought and not yet mentioning it. 

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Midnight smiles slightly seeing Tehengu walk into her room, nodding her head at his question, her brain not fully catching that a nod wasn't answering his question, but she was instantly distracted by something in his hands. A book, he was holding out a book for her. No, not holding it out, offering. Why was he offering a book? Surely it wasn't be...


"T...w-what..what's with the book? I'm, feeling better...I-I think..."

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Andrea looked up at the mess she had made with a slight look of worry. " Bah, she's probably okay. ". Andrea turned to walked away when suddenly, she was attacked and wrapped by sausages! "H-hey! What do you think you're doing!? Why do you keep carrying me around without asking!?" Andrea huffed and pouted as Slash carried her up the room. When they reached the top, Andrea noticed something she found amusing. The unconscious kitten she'd just taught a lesson to " Heh, kicked her ass. " she whispered to herself. Slash headed back down the stairs platform things with Andreas Prey slung under his arm. Shortly after, Slash had made his way to Tehengu but Andrea was to preoccupied to really notice that was until Tehengu had grabbed her prey and walked away with it. Andrea was about to say something but was immediately distracted by Slash tightening his gripped around her. As she and Slash arrived in the infirmary, Andrea took a seat and just sort of spaced out for a while, that was until Slash dared slap her face. Sure it was kind of gentle but still! " My heads a little sore, but the rest of me is ok. "  Andrea rolled her left sleeve up revealing her arm brace " Should probably get this checked out though. "

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"Yea, you could have done something to it while you were fighting" Slash sighed, taking a seat next to Andrea. "I'm sorry I let you and the others get hurt. I didn't mean for it to go that far" he said, looking down on his hands. This was far from his 'aloof' and 'cool' character, being with the team must have changed him, even when it has only been less than a year. But the team is still divided, mostly because Andrea and Midnight won't stop picking on each other, but also because all of his plans to bring them together had failed. Maybe they just have to get comfortable with each other, but it's difficult to say when that will happen. 


"By the way, we still need to go to the Vytal festival assembly and set up the hall for the dance" Slash quietly said, hanging his head.

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"I'm glad you are feeling better, I brought this as a gift." He said, giving the book to her. "I hope it's not a book you've already read, it's something to do while you recover from your surgery."

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Midnight felt her cheeks burn as T gave her the book.  A-a...gift, from him, to her? She glanced down at the book, her eyes going over the title. Well he wouldn't be disappointed at the very least. But 2 biggest question were; why and why did her face feel like it was on fire? She knew the answer to one of these, and it made her smile slightly.

"I-i'm a lot better.., no thanks to Andrea....A-and.." She took a deep breath trying to compose herself and not let herself get flustered, and failed completely "I've, heard of the book, nothing but good reviews....I..umm.t-thank you"

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