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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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Tehengu blinked a bit as he saw the color on her face, though he made no comment on it. 


"That's good, glad I could find a good one for you." He said, smiling a bit at her. 

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"T-thank you...I..i really appreciate it..this...it..." Midnight glances at the wall, realizing she'd turned off her mental filter and had actually just said that outloud "The doctor guy said I should be good to go soon anyway, they need to do a sorta check-up or something, make sure i'm not gunna die on them or something..." Midnight leaned back in her bed "T...c-can, you do me a favour...?"

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Tehengu nodded at Midnight's words, glad she was not stuck in the room for too long. When she asked her question, he watched her for a moment before responding.


"What is it? What do you need me to do?" He asked her. He wasn't sure what to make of how she was acting, but he didn't say anything.

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Good old cinder didn't give any sort of emotion except cold calculated orders. She gave a sigh, "could go for a little warmpth in your words once in a blue moon cinder." She said gently as she took her uniform and walked off to the compartment bathroom. 


She came back fully dressed like a student and dusted her uniform off. She looked quite attractive the way she tied her hair back. "Your turn silver." She said as she sat down. 

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"This dance Slash signed us up for...honestly I think it's gunna go badly. I don't know, I just, have this, feeling...Just make sure you keep your eyes open for me, please? I don't want you getting hurt..." Leaning back in her bed, holding the book she'd been given over her chest, she smirked slightly "Also go get something nice to wear...my cards in my jacket pocket, hung up on the wall...As-assuming, we're going...." Midnight felt her confident drop completely. She had been fine, buffed herself up trying to be confident telling T she wanted to go with him, and mid-sentence, her confidence had abandoned her.

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Tehengu listened in silence as Midnight revealed her worry about the upcoming dance. To tell the truth, he felt like something bad was coming too, so he could understand her feelings there. What she said next though made him pause. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? It seemed she wanted to go to the dance with him...


"I will." He said simply, in response to both requests. "I look forward to it."


He smiled at her after that, lingering for a moment before heading towards the door. 

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Midnight smiled weakly at Tehengu, opening an eye watching him planning on leaving. While one part of her wanted him to stay, there was no point. The doctors wouldn't be long, and she'd be let out. Watching him leave, she cleared her throat to get his attention, and points at her coat, hung up on the wall.

"Top inside pocket, take the white card. It'll be more than enough...Oh, and get a blue tie, trust me...."

Midnight would be the first to admit, she knew, little, about fashion. But she knew enough to get by and make herself look pretty. She needed to get a dress at some point, but she knew what colours worked well with her, plus, blue eyes and blue hair, a blue tie was only natural. Her mind drifted back to the phone under her pillow, and the picture she'd been looking at before Tehengu had come in...

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"You know I can pay for myself, right?" He asked, turning back towards her. "But if you insist, I guess I'll use your card."


He shrugged a bit as he turned and grabbed the card. "I shall see you later then."

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Midnight nodded her head, watching him take her card and biding him farewell. She hadn't ever been short on income, so why not use it?

Hearing Tehengu leave, she reached under her pillow, pulled her phone out and looked at the picture, a sad smile on her face as she went over her old memories.

"Oh Grim...why..." she muttered quietly to herself "Why are you back? Why can't you just, leave me alone..."

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Tehengu hummed slightly to himself as he left the room, heading out to go find one of those clothing stores that sold things like suits and ties. He didn't want to use too much of Midnight's money. 

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" Maybe, But I mean it feels okay. " Andrea said inspecting her arm for a moment. " I'll just make sure to keep an eye on it. " Satisfied with her inspection, Andrea rolled her sleeve back down. " Don't beat yourself up over it. Midnight just didn't know who she was dealing with. Not your fault. " Andrea said, in an attempt at being comforting. " Besides! I'm sure she'll be fine." Andrea let out a long yawn that was abruptly cut when Slash mentioned setting up the dance " Wait what? When was this mentioned? I never signed up for this! " Before Andrea could blurt out more questions, a certain someone entering the infirmary caught her attention " What are you doing here? "


" Why is it that every time I see you you are in the infirmary?  " The women approached Andrea and Slash and took a second to look them both over Deadpan expression always intact. Suddenly She slapped Andrea. " Ow! Hey! " " I tell you to behave and to work on your social skills. And you put one of your teammates in the infirmary. You deserved that. You disgraced the family name." Suddenly she turned to Slash.and sighed " It was nice seeing you again. " The women began walking away but stopped after just a few steps. " My expectations of your haven't changed Slash Claw. I don't change my expectations for anyone. " The women continued walking down the hall suspiciously eyeing a rather tall gentlemen with an eye patch on her way. After a few moments, she arrived at Midnights room door, wasting no time, the women walked in. " Hello. I assume you're Midnight? "

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"You didn't and neither did I, all teams have to help with the preparation because the Vytal festival is coming up" Slash replied, raising his head when Andrea seemed to be talking to another person whom Slash recognized. Suddenly the woman smacked Andrea; Slash grew a dumbfounded face as the woman scolded Andrea. "Oh...okay" Slash said, keeping his dumbfounded expression when the woman mentioned about her expectations of Slash. "I-is she perhaps your sister?" Slash asked turning to Andrea, still confused and shaken from what had just happened. "Also, do you know what expectations she has of me? I'm kinda curious" Slash mumbled.


( O ^O)r

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Midnight had been so long in her memories, going over photo after photo, she hadn't heard the commotion outside, and was very unprepared for when a women walked in! Panicing, she quickly closed her phone and placed her hand under her blanket, her eyes shooting over to the intruder, someone she's never seen before.

"Y-yes...I'm Midnight...W-who are you...?"

She had to be a nurse of some kind, no one else would just walk into her room without her knowing them, maybe she was here for a final check-up before letting her escape the hospital.

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Silver grumbled and picked up the uniform. He hated the fact he was forced to wear a shirt. He opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. The moment the shirt was on his back he began to itch. "Blasted fabric." He cursed under his breath. He stepped out a moment later wearing the uniform but he didn't look happy about it.


He took a seat next to Aisha and faced Cinder. "What our first move?" 

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Andrea put a hand on her cheek and rubbed and groaning the pain away " Y-yeah, well, one of them. Only one that goes to Beacon. " Andrea turned to face Slash and gave him a less then confident expression. " I don't really know what she's expecting of you. But you have a right to be spooked. She's always getting these weird ideas and plans that one. " Following that little exchange, Andreas thoughts wandered back to the dance. " But yeah...The Dance...." she said, scooting herself a little closer to Slash.


" My name is Beatrice Indigo. I believe you've met one of my younger sisters. " Beatrice approached the end of Midnights bed. She had almost immediately noticed the animal was in a panicked state " I do not intend to cause you any undue stress. I come only to apologize for the actions of my sister. I feel it necessary for the structure of your team to extend the olive branch. But I also think we both know Andreas ego would prevent her from coming here herself. " Deadpan expression always intact, Beatrice bowed " My sincerest apologies. " Beatrice walked her way back to the door before pulling out her scroll " One more thing. " Beatrice sent a text to Midnight. " Seeing as my sisters actions sent you to the infirmary, I feel you've earned yourself a favour. Within reason. If you wish to redeem it. all you have to do is message that number. and I will do my best to meet your demand. "

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Indigo...Midnight had to stop herself from growling. She knew that last name all too well...Andrea's last name, meaning she had a sister. Thankfully, this sister was much nicer than the other. Her deadpanned expression could be worse, in fact, Midnight was ready to try swap Andrea for her sister! The Faunus smirked hearing Beatrice acknowledge Andrea would refuse to apologise herself. Although the Faunus couldn't stop the sinister grin that appeared hearing the last bonus, which almost made up for it being put in the hospital in the first place! A free favour! She was raking them in.

First she had the boy with pistols from her duel (Assuming that still counts), and now she had 1 favour from Andrea's sister to call in. She had to stop herself from demanding on right then and there: Information on the crime movement. Despite all that had happened, her mind was still on Grim and that red-haired man. She had to get to the bottom of it, with or without her teams support. But that would come later, first she needed a lead, something to get her started. Once she found that, she'd use that boy who promised to be her slave for the day to go out and locate what she needed, once done, she could investigate herself and use this last favour, and that would be her end-game against them all.

"T-thank you Beatrice. Am I free to go?"

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Cinder smirked and transformed her dress into a school uniform that matched theirs. "We will pose as students from Haven who will be participating in the tournament. There will be a dance at the school and that is when we sabotage the communications tower for. Remember, do not draw unnecessary attention to yourselves." she replied as the airship landed on a platform. "We have arrived" Cinder said as she got up and walked down the ramp.


"Right...the dance" Slash sighed, hanging his head again. "The hall is so big and it needs to be fully decorated within two days. It's only possible if everyone works and cooperates with one another". Slash noticed Andrea sliding closer to him, but it was probably because she was either trying to comfort him or punch him in the face to relieve stress. Whatever it was, it didn't matter to Slash. He had so much he needed to do that there basically was no time for naps in the next couple of days.

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Tehengu looked at the girl that he passed on his way out, looking away as she turned a corner. Something about her was familiar...


As he left the hall and spotted Andrea, he knew what it was. Those two were related somehow, probably sisters judging by the ages. 


"Midnight will be fine. It seems she only needs a final check up and then she can go." Tehengu said, filling the other two in on her condition. "Guess I'll see you two later then." With that, he walked off, heading to the clothing store. 

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Listening to Slashs words, Andreas eyes began to widen. " TWO days? we have to days to decorate the whole entire hall? Ugh, I mean, at least we're not the only team doing it." Andrea sighed and propped her head on her hands " Oh! And Midnight probably won't have to do much because of her little boo-boo." Andrea suddenly had a thought. She looked at her braced arm, then she look at her other hand. Her hand began glowing with her semblemce when she stopped. "No, bad idea..." Andrea sighed, stood up, made her way to the front desk, and grabbed herself one of the consolation sucker. " So what's the theme for the dance anyway? "


" I wouldn't know. I don't work here. Anyway, get better soon. "  Beatrice finally walked out of the room and made her way back to where Slash and Andrea were. Speaking to neither of them in particular, she said " Your Teammate seems nice. "

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Midnight frowned at Beatrice left. Reaching under her covers, she opens up her old phone once again. She knew it was unhealthy holding onto the past, and even dangerous given what she was holding onto. But the only other option would be to abandon it, abandon her past. Something she couldn't do. No matter how much she loathed society for hating her, she was, proud of it. Proud at the time of what she had stood for, had fought and killed and stole for. It had all been so good, until the 'deal' made by that witch. That's when it all changed...She shuddered at the thought of when everything changed that night at camp...

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"Yup, two days" Slash sighed. "I don't think there is a theme, it's just a formal dance" he replied, scratching his ears. He looked up at Andrea who went to the front desk and came back with a sucker. "I think you would have to wear a dress. I don't really have anything but my school uniform to wear which I think is fine. Oh wait...you stole my pants"


Andrea's sister walked out of the room and spoke to them. "Yea she is, but she doesn't show it much." Slash said, glancing at Andrea with a 'gee I wonder why' look. "Anyway since Midnight is fine, we should get going. I'm going back to our room to look for things I could wear, unless you'd like to visit Midnight?" he asked, rising up from his chair.

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Andrea scoffed at her sisters remark. " Yeah, she's nice now that she's been put in her place. " Andrea unraveled her sucker and stuck it in her mouth with the utmost sass.


Beatrice sighed, " Right, well, I have business elsewhere. I'll see you later I guess. Oh, and Slash, " Beatrice took out her scroll and sent a message to Slash. " If you're still having issues." She made a subtle head motion toward Andrea " Just send me a message. " And with that, Beatrice left.


Having not really payed attention, Andrea came back into the conversation of the dance. " Do you think they'll make me wear a dress? I don't know if I can. I like wearing your uniform to much." Andrea raised her head in surprise at what she had just said. Turning toward Slash, she glared at him and said " Don't read to much into that. " With that, Andrea stood up and declared " Well, I'm ready to leave when you are!  "

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Slash felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled out his scroll. He read the message and nodded, putting his phone away. "I know, I know. I didn't" he said as he started to walk. "I'm going back to our room, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to" Slash said, going out the door and heading to the dormitories. "I wonder if I should go to the dance. I don't really have anything to wear yet and I don't have anyone to go with." 

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" Yeah, I don't really have anything to do either. " Andrea said as she followed behind Slash. " I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna be made to decorate the hall I'm sure as heck gonna attend. Make sure everyone appreciates my hard work. Having all the boys falling over me is just a bonus."  Following Slash, Andrea came to a realization. Busting out her scroll, Andrea sent a text to Tehengu.  * Yo T. MeXSlash have stuff to do at the dorm. Can you pick us up some dance clothes? K thx bye. * With that, Andrea shut her scroll off. " Hey Slash, don't worry about a suit. I've got you covered. But you owe me now. "

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Tehengu looked at the message Andrea had sent him as he walked, frowning at it. He liked Slash, and he probably wouldn't have minded getting something for him, but Andrea... He was worried that he wouldn't get paid back. 


"I don't even know your sizes." He messaged back simply, leaving the possibility open. 

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