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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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"I'm sure you'll work hard. There's food there after all" he chuckled. As they continued walking, Andrea told him not to worry about the suit anymore. "You didn't have to do that, but don't worry, I'll pay you back." Slash said with a smile. "That means I can nap until the Vytal Festival Assembly!" 


Slash arrived at the dorms and walked up to their room, unlocking it before stepping inside. "I should change out of these clothes too. The food fight just now made a lot of stains" he said, opening his closet and pulling out another set of the exact same outfit. 

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Tired of waiting for the doctors to release her, Midnight slowly stood up. She stretched out, spotting her clothes. She moved forwards, and quickly changing out of the hospital gown into her clothes, noticing they seemingly had been cleaned. She smiles to herself, walking out of the hospital room, and quickly made her way outside to the sunlight. Doing that, she reached into the pocket and pulled out her tablet, not her phone, and looked through it. Looking through her contacts, she hovered over Tehengu's, uncertain if she should message him. On one side, she could see how he was getting along with a suit, and even confirm if he was going with her, but on the other hand, there was every possibility he didn't want her to see his suit until the night, a sentiment she could understand.


Slowly, she started walking through the school. She wasn't even sure why, or what she'd find, but she did it anyway, lost in her own thoughts.

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Looking down at herself, Andrea gave an embarrassed chuckle. " Yeeeaaaahhh, that's probably a good idea. " Andrea walked over to the closet, removed her coat and tossed it at Slashs head. Looking into her closet, Andrea realized the only clean clothes she had left was.... " Ugh, ooooooh boy. " Realizing what may have to be done, Andrea began considering her alternatives. She could just stay in her dirty clothes. but it was starting to get kinda sticky. she could try to sneak off with some of Midnights clothes. But nothing in the closet interested her. Maybe her bag had some better items? She had been meaning to snoop through her things. " Can't be worse then wearing the uniform " Andrea walked toward the bathroom and swung open the door. Turning around, Andrea quickly and magnetically dragged Midnights bag into the bathroom, closed the bathroom door and magnetically kept it shut. " Now we dig! " Andrea opened the bag and began riffling through it. " Oookay. She sure does like the colour black. " Andrea selected the clothing she was going to wear, some trackies, a hoodie and some shoes,  but while she was selecting she noticed something. there was very little metal in this bag. What did she grab onto? using her powers some more, Andrea felt a tug coming from beneath the bottom of the bag. Reaching with her free hand, Andrea grabbed and pulled out a pendant? Not just any pendant, This pendant was embroidered with the marker of the White Fang. " Perfect. " Weilding a mischievous smile and getting dressed in her new clothes, Andrea snapped a few pics of the pendant then put it on under the clothes, busted out her scroll and texted Midnight. " Hey, I think we need to settle this thing. You mind meeting me in front of the beacon Academy Statue? Alone? " Getting up, Andrea put on her best serious face and walked out of the bathroom. " Slash, I'm going out. Me and Midnight are gonna try to settle this...thing between us. We're gonna need a moment so I think it would be best if we were left alone. " Without leaving time for a reply, Andrea walked her way out of the dorm and toward the statue.

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Midnight had just walked around the school, lost in her own thoughts that she nearly missed her scroll buzzing away. She quickly reached and grabbed it, maybe it was Tenehgu! Her heart sank when in reality, it was Andrea. A message from her tormentor, requestion...to meet her alone? To settle something? Midnight didn't trust it at all. It had to be a prank, an ambush of some kind...right? That's when she remembered Tehengu, how he was always so, forgiving almost. She changed her direction, headed towards the statue. Part of her knew it would be foolish to trust Andrea, the girl had it out for her, but on the otherside, maybe she'd gotten bored of her pranks? She just hoped she was right.


After a short 5 minute walk, Midnight arrived at the statue, looking around. She couldn't see Andrea, and from that alone, her sense heightened. It was a prank-trap, it had to be! Her hand reached into her pocket, tracing over her phone. While she didn't like carrying it on her, it was safer on her than in her bag. While she did leave her bag unattended in her room, who would look for a hidden compartment in the bag among her clothes right?

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Arriving near the Statue, Andrea walked right up to Midnight with confidence in every step, all while wearing her clothes " Hey! How're you feeling? Hope you don't mind I took your clothes. " Andrea spoke with a voice full of arrogance and attitude. " Anyway, I called you hear because I think I found a way to stop this thing between us. It's unhealthy, it's dangerous for the teams well being you know? So I guess you could think I'm trying to apologies. " Andrea placed her hand onto her neck feigning discomfort. Meanwhile, Andrea slipped her thumb beneath the chain of the pendant she was wearing getting ready to whip it out right when she needed it.

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Slash was about to go into the bathroom to change, but Andrea suddenly whipped the door open, dragged a bag into it, and closed it shut. "Fine, you can have the bathroom" he sighed as he took off his plaid shirt and wiped it down before putting it in a small laundry basket. He then took off his everything else and tossed them in the basket before putting on the clean clothes. Andrea came out wearing clothes that clearly did not belong to her, telling him that she was going out. "Okay, play nice" he said before she left the room. Slash quickly peered into the room and saw Midnight's bag. "Oh no..." he said as he quickly ran to the window and saw Andrea heading towards the statue. "I'll just watch here and see how things play out"

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Midnight blinked, then again. There was no mistaking it watching Andrea santer towards her, feeling her anger grow. How dare she! Hearing the girls voice made it clear she had no intention to work together, her goal was obvious. Piss her off to no end! She tried to push it back, to 'turn the other cheek', she thinks the terms goes.

"Oh, it's..." she held herself back from saying what she truly thought, more so because she was searching for the right words.

Though what truly set Midnight off, was her last sentence. She wouldn't even applogise! She knew she couldn't, after all, even Beatrice has warned her, but her temper snapped.

"Listen here you little pest! You will applogise to me for everything, and I mean Everything, you'd done to me and  Tehengu and Slash and everyone! Or I swear I will break you into tiny pieces!" Midnight shoot her arm forwards, aiming to grab Andrea by her collar and lift the small girl into the air

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Well... He wasn't getting a response it seemed. Oh well, sucks to be her. Tehengu sent a message to Slash asking about his size, figuring Andrea had already told him to not worry about clothes. 


In the meantime, he looked for some clothes like Midnight had said. He hoped she had gotten the unspoken message that he wanted to go with her too, if he went at all. 

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While watching the girls, he felt a buzz in his pocket. Slash took out his scroll and looked at the message he received. "I can adjust the size when I get it so you only need to pick something nice. Do the same for Andrea if you want to. I'll be glad to adjust yours and Midnight's too. Remind me to pay you back once you bring them. Thanks!" Slash said as he typed out his reply and sent it, figuring that Andrea asked Tehengu to get them clothes to wear. 


He put his scroll back into his pocket and looked out of the window to see Midnight holding up Andrea by the collar. "This just keeps getting better" he sighed as he leaped out of the window and landed in a tree. He kept moving from tree to tree until he couldn't go any further without having to jump off on to the grass. "Please Andrea, don't to anything stupid" he muttered under his breath, begging that neither of them would do anything to make matters worse.

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Aisha walked after cinder, glancing around as they walked. Beacon academy was such a uptight place to her. She snorted softly as they walked along. 


A girl spotted them. Holding a clipboard she walked over. 


"Oh great." Aisha sighed as the girl came close.


"hey there! I was wondering if you would be interested in voting on what snacks to have at the dance coming up?" The female with red eyes and hair asked. She did seem very carefree. 


Aisha faked a smile and gently took the board before looking at the choices. She motioned to silver to come over and vote before going to follow cinder again. 

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Silver stood up as Cinder announced their arrival. She was all businesses today. 'oh well.' He thought to himself. 'she knows what she's doing, better to not question it.' He had stepped off the aircraft to hear a commotion near the statute. Two girls were apparently having a disagreement and one of them was holding the other in the air by her collar. "Huh. Wonder what's got those two riled up?"


He watched the girl approach Aisha and joined the two them when she motioned him over. He looked at the board to see what he was signing. "Snacks for the dance?" He said a bit confused. He shrugged and cast his vote before turning to follow Cinder.

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Midnights raged seemed to do nothing but entertain Andrea. Wanting to see more of it, Andrea allowed her tiny little self to be picked off the ground while also making sure to keep her grip on her trump card. " I could apologize. But where is the fun in that? " Andrea one part smirked, one part glared at the aggressive kitten. " When I said I found a way to stop this little feud between us I didn't mean through friendship. " Andrea gave the chain around her neck a slight tug pulling it out from underneath her clothes. " I had other ideas. " Andrea giggled " Like my new necklace? " Andrea made sure to cover the necklace in just the way to allow Midnight to see it but prevent any snoops and peeping toms from getting a good look at it. this necklace was gonna be far more useful as a secret held between both of them then as something to be revealed to the whole school. Well, for now anyway.

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Midnight only growled at each word spoken by the girl who she was holding in the air, anger racing through her eyes and mind. In this anger, her mind hadn't caught onto the possibility that when snooping for clothes, she could have found something different all-together, something she treasured so much to never wear in public. But seeing it, the Faunus froze entirely, taking a quick breath in shock. How?! How had Andrea found her pendant?! It was hidden in a secret compartment in her bag, you wouldn't look unless you knew it was there! And in that horrible moment, Midnight realized that Andrea had all the power. She knew, she must have, and now, it was time for that pest to cash in.

"H-how...How did you find that?! Give that back to me to vermin!" Midnight kept her voice down, after all, she didn't want Andrea to publically call her out for being a member of the Fang, because that would cause a witch-hunt for her!  

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It seemed size was not an issue then. That was good. 


"Understood." He sent back, looking for clothes again. It was not too difficult to find something for himself, only slightly more to find something for Slash. As he was heading towards the checkout, he realized two things; he hadn't gotten anything for Midnight, and he could get something embarrassing for Andrea. 


Tehengu enlisted the help of one of the employees to look over his choice for himself and to find something matching for Midnight, and once that was done he began looking for something for Andrea, eventually checking out and heading back towards the school. 

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"Dear oh dear, Andrea must have found out" Slash said, looking at Andrea's amused expression and Midnight's slightly panicked face. He felt another buzz from his pocket, but ignored it as things were getting intense. Slash was ready to jump in if things got out of hand, but he'd rather not as Midnight would probably not want people to know her secret, even her team-mates. It wouldn't be a surprise if she told Tehengu since she trusts him, but he did wonder why it took so long for her to tell the rest...oh wait...the reason is right in front of him. 

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Giggling, Andrea replied " Well, I've always been kinda nosy. " Placing the pendant back into under her clothes for safe keeping, She continued. " So after I heard you call the fang your family? I just couldn't help myself! Haha, But yeah, "  Andrea stared Midnight down. Knowing she was only moments away from having a vassal all her own. " So why don't you put me down? " Andrea had not picked this spot randomly. She knew that the statue was a popular place. She thought it would prevent Midnight from causing a scene but evidently she was wrong. Typical of an animal. Andrea hadn't really looked out to see who or if anyone had come to watch but she was pretty sure Midnight hadn't either. " Don't you think we should give the crowd a happy ending and hug it out? Okay? "

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Midnight cursed in her head, over and over! How had she been this careless! So, stupid! Now Andrea had her by a leash and she knew it all too well! She wouldn't be able to raise so much of a finger to her anymore, not without everyone learning her secret. All the Faunus wanted was to punch Andrea across the face with all the strength she had, which admittantly was enough to take her victim out.

Slowly she released Andrea, dropping the girl to the ground, her arm shaking in anger and rage at the arrogance of the girl! But she had no choice did she? With Andrea knowing about the White Fang, until she felt safe with people knowing, which was likely to be never, she was almost a slave to the girl, if that's what she wished. Shakily, she did what she had no choice to do, and quickly hugged the girl, making it as quick as possible to stop herself from beating Andrea to death with the small humans own arms.

"No what Pest? What do you want from me?" she kept her voice down, it would take only a few words for the girl to crush her now, and she had to be careful. She had no choice now.

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"Wow, Andrea is truly a sadist at heart" Slash said, shaking his head as he watched Midnight suddenly hug Andrea. He pulled out a bag of cookies from his pocket and starting eating them, continuing to watch the girls. "If someone sees me, they'd think i'm a weirdo" Slash said, quickly turning his head left and right to check for people. No one was close enough...good. "Maybe Tehengu should know about this. That way he could calm Midnight once he gets back" he said as he pulled his scroll out. He looked at the short message Tehengu sent him before telling him about the situation. "Andrea knows about Midnight's secret and is using it to manipulate her. Don't worry I know nothing about it. Midnight is quite worked up and I don't think she'll be able to calm down with Andrea around, so i'll leave it to you :). By the way, you didn't hear from me" Slash sent the message and continued to watch the girls. 

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Aisha watched the little fued or whatever it was going on at the statue for a while before voting for what she wanted on the clipboard and handing it back to the girl. Whatever it was she didn't care. She strolled after cinder and kept her hands behind her back.


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Short and sweet. Not what she had in mind but it would work for now. Midnight would learn with time. " There. Isn't that better? " Andrea looked to her side to see if anyone was watching and noticed only Slash. She could work with that. Turning back to Midnight, Andrea said in a more hushed tone. " I only really want two things right now. The first one is more dirt on you. I want you to hand me anything else I might need to keep you in line. Go ahead and lie to me if you want. But if I find out you did, I'm leaking everything. And the second thing I want " Andrea glanced toward Slash. " I want the others to be calm. If anyone asks, we're cool. In fact, we're more then cool! Okay? If I find out you've made them think anything other then that. Well, you get the idea. " Andrea flashed a knowing grin to Midnight. " Oh, and when we're alone together, you will address me as Mistress. " Andrea placed her hands on her waist in a moment of superiority.

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Tehengu had stopped just outside the gate to the school, looking down at the message he had just recieved from Slash. After reading it over a few times, he gave an angry sigh and put his scroll away. 


"Of course. And just when I thought she couldn't get any worse. I mean, she had just put Midnight in the hospital, and now this?" Tehengu ranted to himself as he headed towards the dorm to put the clothes away. He would have to deal with them later, he didn't know where they were. 


So of course they were on the way. He stopped when he spotted them, which was from a ways off, and he could see only one of them were enjoying the situation. He began walking again, gaze focused on the two girls as he headed straight towards them. 


"Andrea! A word, now!" He said firmly to her, leaving no room for argument as he led her away, forcibly or otherwise. The archer stopped her when they got to a private area, and he turned his angry gaze on her. 


"I don't care what you think you know, you will stop tormenting Midnight right now. I will not tolerate this any longer, especially not with what it has led to. I can live with playing pranks, however annoying they were, but I draw the line when you severely injure your teammate, in a food fight no less, and then turn around to blackmail them as soon as they get better." Tehengu was not giving Andrea any time to speak during his tirade, his voice dangerously low the whole time. 


"I may not be the leader of this team, but I will not stand by and let it be destroyed because of one member and her apparent grudge. This ends now, or else." With that, he finished, a low growl escaping as his eye glared into her own. 

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"Oh, T is back" he said as he saw him storm towards the girls. He could hear Tehengu's voice from all the way up the tree, which was not a good sign. "Tehenguuuuuu! Why did you confront Andreaaaaa" Slash groaned, slapping both hands onto his cheeks and pulling down on his face. He jumped off the tree and walked towards Midnight, scratching the back of his head nervously as he stood next to her. "I swear upon my feline ears that I don't know what your 'secret' is" he said before anything else just to reassure Midnight. "But I'll do the best I can to make sure that Andrea wouldn't harass you anymore, It's the only thing I can do as a bad team leader. I know that you might not trust me right now, but I hope you would be able to tell me one day...because I want to help even if I might not be able to"

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She couldn't. Midnight couldn't bear to listen to Andrea. Hand over her phone! Hand over every good memory she'd ever had with her friends during her time there, she couldn't! Pretend like everything was fine, and mistress! Midnight was split. She couldn't do that to herself, couldn't degrade herself to that level and become the lapdog of someone she loathed. Her alternative, is everyone learns she was a terrorist, and destroy her and degrade her friends forever. She stayed silent for some time, unsure what to do. She lost either way, and no matter what, she couldn't escape it....Give in or risk everyone hating her. She sighed. What choice did she have?


She didn't have to. Right as she was about to talk, she heard Tehengu, yelling at Andrea and dragging the girl away! She simply watched, stunned, as her friend got Andrea to leave her alone. Despite herself, she stayed where she was looking around, slightly lost and confused. Now what? Did she just wait? That's when Slash snuck up behind her, catching her off-guard and nearly scaring her. Even if Slash didn't know, Andrea did, that was the issue! Unable to stop the anger bubbling in her, she slapped Slash across the face, not hard enough to even leave a mark

"Trust! I'm meant to trust you to control her? You do nothing but flirt with her! You want to be helpful, get that vermin out of my face and out of my life!" She stormed off, heading straight up to her room and barging through anyone that got in her way. If she'd been paying attention, maybe she'd of seen Aisha, Silver or Cinder, people she'd seen all that time ago in the White Fang camp. But blinded by her anger, she moved right past them.

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"I'm sure I was only flirting with her for the first month" Slash said, rubbing his cheek. "Yeesh, how many times have I been slapped in the face in half a year?" he sighed, walking into the building. "What am I doing wrong?"



Cinder was walking in the hallway accompanied by the two teens when a cat-eared girl walked past them. "Oh, looks like we've found the run-away kitten" she smirked, watching the lost girl walk down the hallway until she disappeared. "Come, the girl is not one of our concerns. That is for Grim to handle if he chooses to" 

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Before the fun could truly finally begin, Andrea found herself being dragged away from her new servant. I guess she could use a second to think about my offer. When the dragging had finally ended, Tehengu began to lay into her about all of her supposed atrocities, and tormenting. Pfft it's not like Blackmail is that bad. When Tehengu finally finished, he started to glare at her. Glare at her as if he had no idea what she was capable of. " Do you think I'm afraid of you? " She said shooting him a confident smile. " I don't think you realize whats happening. I know you're not gonna do anything to me T. You can't. Sure I can't really hurt you either. But I can sure hurt the person you care about. So go ahead. try your best. but just know that after you do, what ever happens to Midnight will be on your hands. " Andrea took a few steps back " Basically what I'm trying to say is. Try anything, and Midnights secret won't be so secret anymore. " With that, Andrea turned around and walked herself back over to the statue.

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