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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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Aisha strolled along at a gentle pace with her comrades when the girl stormed past. Her eyebrow rose in slight interest as she watched her go and giggled when cinder spoke about the subject. With a laugh she hummed gently, "Poor kitty." She said gently as she followed along.


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Tehengu gave another small growl at Andrea's response, letting her get a little way away before she found her feet frozen to the ground, an arrow in the ground right inbetween her legs. He walked over to her, glaring all the while, and grabbed onto her collar. 


"Do you really want to try me? I am not one to hurt my teammates, but you are dangerously close to falling out of that category, and I have no problem with hitting girls that deserve it. Stop this now, or you will pay the price." He then took the pendant after seeing the chain, walking away for a while before turning and firing another arrow, breaking up the ice and freeing Andrea. After that, he simply headed back to the room to return the pendant once Midnight went back. 


What was wrong with Andrea? You didn't blackmail your teammates into becoming slaves, not if he had anything to say about it. He knew Midnight didn't want her secret getting out, but it had to be better than being Andrea's servant. Besides, she had left that life behind, she just had to prove that to anyone who took her past that seriously. 

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Before Slash entered the building, he stopped walking. Midnight probably went back to their room and Tehengu probably went after her so he can't go back for his nap. He sighed and turned back around, walking towards the statue. He climbed on top of it and sat down, hanging his head and looking at his hands. "Am I really a bad leader? Or am I just bad with people?" he asked himself, cat ears pressed down against his head. That aside, Midnight got really riled up when Andrea found out about her secret. It must be something so important that Midnight cannot afford to let anyone know, narrowing down the possibilities of what it could be. Come to think of it, Andrea showed Midnight a necklace that seemed to be connected to the secret. If only he'd been able to see what it was, it might have been decisive evidence. 


Slash looked at his scroll to check the time. The assembly for the Vytal Festival is going to start in an hour, he should get his head together until then.

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Silver watched the cat girl walk by but thought nothing of it until Cinder made a comment about it. He looked back before he finally recognized her. Luckily she didn't recognize them. "She might not be a problem but we should probably keep tabs on her just to be safe." Silver added, jogging a bit to catch up. "We can't ever be too careful."

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" Gee that went well...Guess I can just leak those pictures now. " Andrea pulled out her scroll and began scrolling through the pictures. But as she scrolled through them, Andrea felt...something. " Hmm, yeah, no. To early for this. I should at the very least try to get the necklace back. " With that, Andrea began walking back to the statue but almost immediately stopped when she realized that Tehengu and Midnight had probably gone back to the room. With this knowledge, Andrea Headed toward the room. Or at least she would have. But for whatever reason, Andrea found that she couldn't move forward. " Hmm, T-that's just a bad idea. I-I mean I'd be out numbered! Yeah! Good as I am, that's just a quick way to get my butt kicked. " Andrea began biting her lip and quickly tapping her foot. " And even if I did get it back, I wouldn't be able to go back to the room anyway. M-maybe I.... " Taking her scroll out again, Andrea noticed her hand. It was trembling. Quickly lowering her arm and looking away, Andrea thought allowed " Wh-what's up with that? Wh-why am I feeling? It's not like I did anything.... I was just, I am just... " Andrea slowly backed herself up to a wall, and collapsed against it. " I'm just awful.... "

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Tehengu knocked on the door as he made it back to the room, hoping he was right that Midnight had come back here. 


"It's me again. I got it back." He said simply, opening the door slowly to give her a chance to say no to him coming in. 

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Midnight was in her bed, curled up in her blanket. When the Faunus had returned to her room, she'd thought about expunging her anger, all of the emotions that were building up inside, before instead burying them in a whirlpool of self-loathing she found herself in more and more. Sure, everyone said to let your emotions out, but what if you buried so many for so long, you didn't know how to release it all.


Hearing the door opening, her first thought that it would be Andrea, and a threatening growl emerged from the girl. However, hearing Tehengu's voice saying he'd 'got it back'. The girl poked her head out of the covers, going silent as she watched him, before sitting up, still buried in her blanket, smiling "Y-you...you got it back..m-my pendant..." She seemed to perk up, slowly reaching out a hand for her pendant.

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Tehengu nodded at her, looking at her still covered in blankets for a moment before closing the door behind him and making his way over to her. He handed the pendant to her without another word, watching her for a moment before speaking.


"I also got our outfits for the dance, if you wanted to see them." He said, holding up the bag with their clothes in it. "Here's your card, by the way, you can get Slash to pay you back for their clothes, I got those too."

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Upon being given the Pendant, she hugged it, holding it against her chest. It calmed her, and slowly, she placed it around her own neck. Andrea would spill it one way or the other, she might as well embrace it instead of deny it anymore. To hell with anyone that knows! She could deal with it, she never came here to make friends anyway, so what if they all hate her, she had herself and that's all she truly needed. And with Tehengu by her side...she could handle being alone, with him.


Hearing outfits, she raises an eyebrow, slowly taking the bag along with her card, but not looking inside "Y-you...got me something too...?"

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"Yes. I got you a dress to match my suit." Tehengu said, gesturing towards the bag as an invitation for her to look at the outfits. 


"Thank you for paying for mine, by the way." He said, smiling at her a bit. 

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"Kay I'm fine now" Slash said, jumping off the statue and walking back to the tree outside their window. He leaned his back against the wall and crossed one leg over the other, eavesdropping on his other teammates. "Oh, so it was on Midnight's card. That makes me feel much better" he said after hearing Tehengu. He pulled out his scroll and texted Tehengu, asking for Midnight's account number so that he could give the money to her. While waiting for Tehengu, he felt something that sent chills down his spine. It must have been what ever negative emotions Midnight or Tehengu might be feeling. Andrea must have gone somewhere to blow off some steam. 


"You know what? I give up. I'm done with everything" Slash said, ruffling out is hair so he could hide his ears. He walked out to the main entrance and pressed a button on his scroll, which brought his locker to his location. He opened it and pulled out his weapons before closing it and sending it back to the school. As he put on his weapons, he boarded the shuttle to the city. Pulling out his scroll once more, he started to text Tehengu again. "I'm going to a club down town, Junior's club. Do not come find me, I'm not telling you where i'm going" he texted, sending the message and pocketing his scroll after. 


He arrived at the city and took a bus to the shady parts of town. Slash walked until he arrived at the club, walking to the rhythm of the bass. Opening the doors, he saw some of Junior's goons walking about, feeling as if he had seen them before. He walked up to the counter and rests his elbow on the counter, signaling Junior.


"I told you to only come back once you are eighteen or above. Heck, I'd rather you never come back." Junior Xiong said, glaring at Slash as he handed him a glass of milk. 


"Very funny. Can I not chill at your place? I like it" Slash said, sipping his milk as he winked at the twins. "Hey Melanie, hey Miltia"


"Stop that" Junior sighed, leaning closer to Slash. "What are you really here for? I know you want answers. I can see it in your cheeky kitty eyes"


Slash looked at Junior, dumb founded. "Eh?"


"Look. I only lent Torchwick my men because he paid me upfront. But I haven't talked to him nor have seen him since the night you beat all of them up" Junior said, gritting his teeth. 




"I already told you everything. Torchwick hired my boys and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is something I can relate to!" Junior yelled as he watched his men stumble around. 


"...Oohhoooo..." Slash's ears perked up from under his hair in excitement. "I think it's called serendipity..." he thought, grinning. "Upupupu..." 

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Midnight tilts her head sideways, slowly opening the bag and smiling. The dress was beautiful, a delicate colour of blue that had sparkles laced delicately through it. She looked up at Tehengu, wiping her eye "I-its, beautiful...thank you"

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"No problem. It was the least I could do since you were paying for mine." Tehengu replied, smiling back at her. A moment later, he felt his scroll buzz and he looked at it to find Slash asking about Midnight's account number. His brow furrowed a bit in confusion, but his expression soon turned into annoyance. Really? Slash was eavesdropping on them?


He was going to play it off for now, but another message arrived before he could say anything. Looking at it, his expression turned back to confusion. Slash wasn't going to say where he was going, but he had already said he was going to some club... The archer shook his head slightly, moving to the window and looking around outside, then doing the same to the hallway before going back to Midnight. 


"Slash was listening earlier, but he seems to be gone now." He explained simply, sighing a bit. "Also, you should probably just message the account number to Slash or something if you want him to pay back his share of the bill."

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Midnight smiled down at the dress, running her hand through the fabric happy with it. She tilts her head to the side seeing a look of confusion, anger, then confusion on T's face. Needless to say, she was confused until he revealed Slash had been easedropping, no doubt listening in for Andrea...

"I'll do that later...For now, I wanna burn out some steam...clear my head a little..." Slowly emerging from her tent of blanket, she tapped her bear fear against the wooden floor a few times, her brain failing in her next question, making the Faunus go silent.

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Tehengu nodded at that, watching her seem to have a question, but fail to ask it. He remained silent for the moment as well, giving her a chance to talk before he spoke. 


"Blowing off steam sounds good. Any ideas?" He said, still watching her with a smile. 

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Andrea had sat alone for a bit, soaking Midnights hoodie sleeves with tears and snot. " How could I? Blackmail!? What was I thinking? " Calming herself down a tad, Andrea began to think. " I have to fix this...But, how would I? Is there even anything I can do? " She let out an exasperated sigh. It was hopeless. What she had done wasn't just unforgivable. It was a crime! Their was nothing she could do to make up for that. Unless..." I have to try... " Slowly lifting herself to her feet, Andrea wiped her teary face and made her way toward the room. Arriving at the door, Andrea started taking some deep breaths. I'll just magic everything back into the bathroom again, then she'd leave. Barging directly into the room, Andrea went to the closet, grabbed her school uniform, marched toward the bathroom, opened the door, Magnetically pulled Midnights bag and an item from beneath her pillow into the bathroom with her and closed and locked the door. " Alright, I probably don't have much time. Let's just get to work." Andrea grabbed the item from beneath her pillow, a diary, and wrote a quick message on a page, tore it and placed it in the front. With an uneasy sigh, Andrea Placed the diary inside Midnights bag. Using the time she had left, Andrea quickly got herself change out of Midnights clothes and reluctantly got into her uniform. Opening the bathroom door once more, Andrea flung the bag at Midnight and stormed out of the room while awkwardly tugging at her skirt.  Once she had exited the room, Andrea simply sighed and walked away. Hopefully that would do something....

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Slash chugged the rest of his milk and slammed the glass on the counter. "Thanks Junior, that was good milk" he said, hiding his ears under his hair again. "Now if you would excuse me, I have some unfinished business to take care of." 


"...Don't come back!"


He got back to school as fast as he could and ran back to the dormitories. Once he was in the building, he quickly ran to their room, swung the door open, dropped to his knees, and pressed his forehead and hands onto the ground. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything you think I did wrong! I'm sorry for not being responsible! I'm sorry for being careless! I'm sorry that all of my ideas always result in you getting injured. I'm sorry T for being such a terrible friend!..." Slash yelled, apologizing for everything he thought he'd done wrong. "...I'm sorry for not stopping Andrea from harassing you! And most importantly, I'm sorry for being a horrible leader."


Slash waited for their response, anticipating another slap or a kick from either of them. He couldn't think of any other way to make amends other than a direct approach. 

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Midnight had been about to talk. To suggest either sparing to try release her anger, OR a dance, to practice for tonight, the latter being where her confidence failed her once again. However, she wasn't able to talk. For that moment, Andrea burst into them room, causing a growl from Midnight. She glared at Andrea who grabbed her, uniform?! A yell of protest came as she stole her bag yet again, causing the Faunus to go deadly silent and just stare at the door, temptations to break it and beat Andrea to an inch of her life rising.


But what came out of the bathroom shocked Midnight. Andrea was...wearing a skirt?! She remembered what the girl did to avoid wearing it, even stealing her clothes, as she quickly caught her bag. She opened her mouth to ask Andrea what her game was, but the girl left before Midnight's mouth acted, leaving her staring at the door dumb-struck. Glancing at her bag, she was waiting for it to explode, or snakes to pop out, some sort of evil prank from her teammate once again. She was about to upzip it, when Slash burst into the room, and started applogising like a raving loony who'd escaped from a mental hospital.


Eventually there was silence, silence Midnight savoured, leaving her confused. Everything was happening too quickly, too quickly for her to keep up with it. First everything with Andrea, and now Slash? She sat there in her bed, her fingers tracing over the White Fang pendant that hung from her neck, not trying to hide it as it sat on her shirt, not hidden under it. She looked over at Tehengu, almost as if asked for help. She didn't know what to say to Slash. She couldn't say 'its ok', but it wasn't, but she didn't hate him. She just, didn't know him well enough to reply.


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Tehengu's eye narrowed a bit as Andrea came in and took Midnight's bag into the bathroom. He glared at the door until she came out again, at which point his expression became one of surprise. Was Andrea trying to make amends? Or was she simply setting up for her next prank? 


Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. The archer watched Andrea leave, turning back to Midnight for only a moment or so before Slash burst in and began apologizing for many things. Tehengu was just as confused as Midnight at first, returning her look, though he got a hold of himself after that and he made his way over to Slash. 


"Honestly, I don't know if you are cut out to be a leader, but recognizing there is a problem and admitting it both sound like good steps to improving in that regard." He said, looking down at his teammate. "If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. We are teammates, after all. I'm not sure I would consider us friends, but that can change with time."

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"We...aren't friends?" Slash asked, getting up with his head still hanging. He sighed and looked up with a smile, popping his ears back out from under his hair. "I'm sorry about that, I only assumed..." he muttered, his ears pressed down against his head as he turned around. "I'm going to look for Andrea now. Something tells me she has changed" he said. With a short wave and his back facing his teammates, he walked out of the room and closed the door. 


Slash looked around and sniffed the air. If he remembered Andrea's smell correctly, then he should be able to find her without scaring her away. Slash then walked down the hallway, sniffing the air as he does. 

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Midnight watched the scene play out, and could hear, the hurt in Slash's voice as he left. He...thought they were friends? Teammates maybe, but friends? She never even considered it, then again, remembering what she did from the first say of meeting said Faunus, this shouldn't have hit her as a surprise. Yet it did. Slowly, she looked back at Tehengu, an almost dazed look on her face.

"...Todays a first of everything isn't it? First Andrea, then Slash...Everything is happening now..." the Faunus stood up, tying her hair into a lazy ponytail and slipping her most formal looking black jacket on, and grabbed her book from the bedside table, her bookmark showing she'd read a grand total of 3 pages since arriving "I...have stuff, to do...in town...y-yeah....Wanna come? I just gotta stop via the internet café for an hour or so..."

The Faunus didn't even consider the implications of her words, after all, it could easily be taken as a date, and with the dance coming up, her mind should have been focused on that. However, she had someone very different consuming her thoughts, and they weren't pleasant ones.

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Tehengu watched Slash go, nodding at Midnight's words as he turned back towards her. She wanted company for her trip into town? Well he wasn't about to complain. 


"Sure, I'll go into town with you." He said, placing the bag with Slash and Andrea's clothes onto Slash's bed before heading towards the door. He wasn't sure where this was going, but he had no complaints so far. 

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Midnight smiled, almost beaming, hearing Tehengu agree to come into town with her. While she could easily go alone, and perhaps it would be better given what she intended to do, having T by her side made everything, easier. sorta. Grabbing her wallet and placing her unopened bag under her bed, she quickly lead him down the stairs and hailed a Taxi into town, tapping her fingers against the palm of her hand.

"That man before, the one Slash ran into...Torch-something wasn't he called?" She asked, seemingly out of the blue. Slash had mentioned the name, and if she was going to start, he was the key to everything. She knew it. First, she needed a name, and she hoped Tehengu had a better memory than she did.

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"Torchwick, I think." He replied, looking over at her. "Why do you ask?"


There was probably a good reason for it, perhaps she was just gathering information on her former teammates and the people they've now sided with. He wasn't sure why she was asking that now, unless she was only going into town to get info, in which case he'd be happy to help cast a bit more light on their enemy. 

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