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Andrea was fuming. The pie had gotten all over her face and hair. "Ugh! How dare he. This is gonna get sticky...." Right as she said that, a pie came soaring in and struck her in the back of the head. " OH! Oh! Oh." Andrea turned around facing her assailant " I'm going to end you Slash. " As the several cans Slash had thrown in her direction approached, Andrea raised her hand halting the cans in mid air. Andrea made them made rotate around her slowly increasing in speed. " Hope you enjoy this dance. It will be your last! " With that, Andrea shot the cans one after another towards Slash. Like Carbonated Missiles.

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Slash smirked as his can bombs were flying back at him. "You're forgetting something Andrea...I'M A CAT!" Slash laughed as he grabbed the sausages, using them to knock away the cans. He used his platforms to dodge the rest, jumping around. "Let's see if you can dodge this!" Slash sneered as he lifted a dining all table and kicked it at his team. 

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Well, he couldn't argue with that. He still frowned at her response though, glancing towards Slash and catching one of the cans aimed towards him. Another exploded near him, but he didn't even flinch at the liquid. 


As Slash kicked the table towards them, Tehengu threw his can hard at the table, impacting and exploding on the side to knock the table off course. He simply moved to the side to avoid it the rest of the way, grabbing some more food and launching it towards Slash. He also threw some at Midnight without even looking towards her, though it was still right on target. 

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Midnight paused slightly seeing the table being thrown! It was meant to be a foodfight, something silly to distract them, not to kill! Thankfully Tehengu blow the table of course, meaning she didn't have to dodge it at it hit the ground beside her. She observed the room, this was dumb on so many levels. They were being attacked by some random, the Fang were acting up and here they are, being kids!....Maybe that's what they were, kids. She shook her head, barely able to dodge Tehengu's most recently attack, but once she saw it coming, she slipped her way around it and leaped away, observing the chaos in the room. Pure and utter chaos, so she did what was easily the dumbest thing possible. She kicked up a table herself, one covered in food, and launched it right at Andrea.

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Slash couldn't help but laugh at how much fun he was having, hoping the others were too. He spotted Midnight kick a table, aiming it at Andrea. Slash quickly grabbed all the spare food he can and made a platform, launching himself towards Andrea's location. He landed in between her and the table, punching it in two. "This is no time to be fighting between ourselves angel! Let's show Midnight and Tehengu what we can do!" Slash grinned, handing her a baguette. "I didn't have time to toast and butter it, but it should do for a weapon" 

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Andreas eyes were red with the blood of Slash Claw. She dreamt of rivers that ran red with it. Her laser focus on her target though prevented her from seeing Midnights incoming table until it was to late. Luckily for her, the Very cat she was looking to ice decided to come to her rescue. Her eyes went wide as he punched the table in half. This is my chance. Andrea raised her arm using her powers to pluck all the utensils as they fell from the now halved table and sent them into any and all food food stuff she could. Wasting no time at all, Andrea flicked her wrist and let out a maniacal laugh of victory while simultaneously commanding the utensils to fling all of the items they had gathered at Slash, making sure to toss a few at Midnight and Tehengu for good measure. She wasn't just gonna forget the table that one of them had tossed.

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Tehengu watched Midnight launch the next table, which was destroyed by Slash, and Andrea take advantage of the situation. He moved out of the way of the food thrown his way, blocking some of them with his own projectiles. 


Once that was taken care of, he launched another piece of food right at Andrea. 

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"I cannot believe i'm doing this..." Midnight muttered to herself as she dodged out the way of Andrea's counter-attack, glancing around for some form of ammo. She could try soda cans, no, Andrea seemed to have control over those...She smiled as she spotted what she was looking for, and sprinted across the hall, flipping her way around the food before finally reaching the plate full of bread, loafs and loafs of it. She grinned as she grabbed it and leapt into the air, before throwing a barrage of loafs at Slash.

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"You pickle head! We are partners!" Slash growled at Andrea, dodging her projectiles with his platforms. His ears twitched and he instinctively looked at the other direction to see that Midnight was throwing bread at his direction. "Hey, it's not toasted" he joked as he whacked them away with his sausages. 

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Andrea called some metallic platters to her rescue from the onslaught of foodstuffs. "I have no partners." Andrea then summonned the platters to the ground in front of her where they formed a metallic platform that she walked herself onto. "In this room..." Andrea began raising the platform into the air. " I am a Goddess! " Calling her Utensil servants back from wherever they were now, Andrea began flinging pieces of food at anyone her eyes of judgment spotted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"...Welll...." Midnight sat back watching a seeming army of plates and utensils rise, and there she was, Andrea, in the middle of it all...  While she'd normally easily dodge the attacks, there was just so much of it! She knew she couldn't dodge it, so she did what came naturally, she ran. She ran into a shelter, ducking under the attack. She growled at herself, she felt useless! And realistically, she was, and that made it even worse.

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Slash laughed as he dodged more food, grabbing baguettes and tossing them to Midnight for her to use as a weapon. "And I thought we were finally becoming friends." Slash said, jumping onto a platform he made behind Andrea. "Very well. If that is what you want then I'll gladly take down God!" Slash exclaimed as he used his sausages to strike down at Andrea. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Andrea was to occupied with throwing things at the poor unsuspecting pesants beneath her, she was unable to react on time to the incomming sausage whip. Being struck by the said whip knocked Andrea right off of her platform. " GAH! " Before she could fall to far, Andrea made some platters break her fall. " Ugh. Metal is not a comfy thing to land on " Andrea raised herself back onto her feet and gave Slash a glare " You'll pay dearly for that Kid! "

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Tehengu jumped behind cover as Andrea's barrage began. He waited for a bit, collecting ammo from the food nearby as he did so. The barrage paused at some point, and he peeked from behind his cover to find Andrea on a different platform after a hit from Slash. Taking advantage of the fact he was behind Andrea now and she was distracted, he launched a large amount of food by using a stray platter as a catapult.

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"The difference between our ages come down to months, so I'm not that much younger" Slash shrugged as he hopped to another one of his green platforms that he made. He noticed Tehengu make his move, quickly moving out of the way to dodge the incoming fire. 

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Silver fell silent as Aisha leaned over to kiss his forehead. He sat very still even after she pulled back. He sat there thinking of the life they couldn't have and the things they couldn't do.


After a moment he shook his head. "Sorry. We should probably get ready. The students  are probably in the cafeteria by now," He said rising to his feet. "And I haven't even had a shower yet." He picked up the school uniform that Cinder had gotten for their disguises. It wasn't a bad outfit but Silver always preferred not wearing a shirt. This costume required three upper body garments. He sighed before heading into the bathroom to get ready.

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Andrea stared at Slash with glares of death! " You know nothing of my age, maturity and experience, child! Feel my Wra- " Andrea was then so RUDELY interrupted by some jerk striking her directly in the back of her everywhere with some food stuff. Turning around, Andrea spotted Tehengu " YOU! You dare defy the rule of your goddess! After everything I've done for you? " Andrea then called forth a slew of forks and launched then directly at Tehengu. No food, Just nice pointy forks.


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"....." Midnight didn't know what to say as she watched Andrea lose her damn mind. A god complex in work, she simply sat back before spotting Andrea throw FORKS at Tehengu. A food fight she was maybe up for, but that was, in her eyes, a step too far. Reaching into her back pocket, she fired off Ice Dust, to try and freeze the forks before they collided with Tehengu. While she did trust him to dodge them, she'd rather not take the risk.

Glancing over the room, things had gone from foodfight, to out-of-control brawl. She needed to think, she needed to get control...She needed to, sigh, stop Andrea. Something easier said than done. She'd seen a god-complex before, on a show she watched, and it ended up with the main character losing his damn mind over the ability to kill with a piece of paper. In this case, she looked around. Andrea could control metal, thankfully Midnight could see projectiles coming in, so she had the advantage.

She started sprinting up to Andrea, flipping and dodging around, clambering up the walls and objects until she made it up to the floating fortress of Andrea. She landed glancefully in front of her, a smirk on her face as she stared at the so called 'goddess' with cold eyes.

"Boo..." She said as she threw another handful of Dust at her, but this wasn't nice, but a personal revenge trick. This dust was Lightning dust, identical to the one that had been used on Her while she'd slept several nights ago.

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"And here I thought my utensils were made out of silver" Slash sighed bounced off a platform and turned his body mid-air to assess the current situation. Andrea  was certainly going at her own pace now as she showers forks upon the dining hall after Tehengu's last attack. Midnight seemed to be back in action, but what she did next (payback for last time?) almost made Slash smack his palm onto his forehead. 

Okay here's the thing, Andrea is like a very moody...chihuahua. She believes she can poke you but you absolutely cannot poke her. She also likes to look down on people so when she feels intimidated, she will bark as much as she could to prove she is better. Her height conveniently fits in well with the imagery, though it doesn't really play a part. 

Slash is quite flexible when it comes to dealing with different sorts of people, but Midnight demonstrates an introverted mind set ever since the beginning so she probably isn't experienced when it comes to this stuff, but that's just his opinion. Plus, Andrea needs to change the way she looks at people any by the looks of it, that's not going to happen any sooner. "This is getting a little dangerous" Slash muttered as he landed on a horizontal beam that supported the roof.


Cinder walked down the ramp of the helicopter, heading for the warehouse that hid the teenagers. The White Fang men opened the doors for her, letting her walk in before following her in. She looked around for the teens as the faunus close the warehouse door behind them.

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Tehengu ducked back behind one of the overturned tables as Andrea launched her assault of forks. Seriously, what was her problem?

He hadn't noticed Midnight use the ice dust, but he knew it had been used after the frozen forks flew by. Peeking back out, he saw Midnight hit Andrea with lightning dust, probably as revenge for earlier. He sighed with a slight frown at the direction this was taking. He hadn't been too sure about the food fight to begin with, but this was definitely devolving into a real fight with the way those two were going. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aisha watched him go and stood before depositing the mess away and moving over to her collapsed shield. She opened It and the massive thing thumped on the ground with a rumble. Without her strength gauntlets it was very hard to move this thing. She began to polish it, trying to get rid of the scratches and knicks that were there.


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Andrea fired off her assault of forks and found that it was impaired by a sudden burst of ice. " Uuuuugh " turned her attention toward the culprit only to find that it was Midnight. Oh what a pleasant surprise~ " Oh am I gonna enjoy beating the snot out of you " Andrea then began a second assault. She began flinging metal at Midnight, Not just forks or knives, anything her powers could pick up was being thrown at Midnight in volleys. " Can you just stand still for a second I'm trying to bedazzle your face! " Andrea levitated her platform in an attempt to keep up with Midnight. But as it went on, Andrea noticed exactly what Midnight was trying to do. " Uh oh. " She pulled her platform away from anything close enough and high enough to reach her but it was to late. True to her species, Midnight climbed and leapted her way onto her platform. " Well... " This was awkward. But with a sudden 'boo' and flash of lightning dust Andrea took a few to many steps backward and fell off her platform. As she Plummeted from her Mount Olympus, Andrea looked at her opponent and flashed a knowing smile. Andrea then hit the ground. Hard. 'I'm gonna be feeling that one for awhile.' She though as she got onto her knees. 'But' Without even raising her arms, Andrea clenched her fists causing the platters that made up the platform she was just thrown from, the one Midnight was standing on to crumple and clench to Midnights legs like some jagged metallic boots.  " Naughty kitties should watch where they're standing " Andrea raised her hands into the air then slammed them back down sending midnight crashing feet first toward the ground. " Don't think I'm done just yet Kitty cat. " Flashing another knowing smile, Andrea pointed her hands right sending midnight, feet first, toward the right wall. Andrea then pointed her hands left, then forward, then back, then right, and finally left again but this time when Midnight was about halfway through the her trip to the left wall, Andrea struck a dramatic victory pose that ended with her hands pointing straight up. Naturally, This sent Midnight flying straight through the roof. Cancelling her hold, Andrea looked up. " Uh... Oops. I maaaaaay have over done that. "


(Can't show you all my party tricks just yet ;) )

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Midnight grinned as her attack was successful, sending the girl crashing into the ground. Revenge! Revenge for shocking her in her sleep. She stood on Andreas floating castle, satisfied in her victory, even giving a mock bow from her position. She was caught so very unprepared for the counter-attack. She realized it too late, she tried to step forwards, but the platform had ensnared her legs! She felt a cold wave of fear run over her as it dawned on her. Andrea was pissed, and this was going to hurt....a lot!

The Faunus let out a yell of pain having been thrown to the ground, but the crash was easily survivable. However, being thrown around like a rag-doll back and forth, causing injury that even she wasn't aware of internally, before she felt herself being thrown upwards! "....ccrraaaa" was all she got out before she cracked the ceiling and went up. Thankfully, she was quick enough. The metal was attached around her boots, so she did what she could, unzipping her boots from a seam along that back, her safety protocol in case her boots ever became a hindrance, escaping the grip of Andrea and quickly rolling onto the roof, coughing into her hand before glancing at her hand, blood. Internal bleeding...huh. T-that, isn't a good sign...She closed her eyes, and collapsed on the roof.  

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"Okay that's enough" Slash sighed, regretting ever starting the food fight. He jumps and pushes off a platform and shoots straight into the ground, landing on his feet and creating a small crater on the ground. He swung the sausages in Andrea's direction, wrapping it around her waist before pulling her to his side. "You went overboard there" Slash simply said before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. He made a staircase of platforms, following them up into the hole in the roof. Slash poked his head out and spotted Midnight, grabbed her too and went back down. He was sure that Tehengu was fine compared to the two girls, but he should make sure before sending Midnight and Andrea to the infirmary. "T? You okay bro?" he asked as he approached Tehengu. 

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Tehengu's eye narrowed dangerously as Andrea sent Midnight through the roof. He held back the growl, but he was considering hurting her now. Thankfully, he actually had self-control, unlike Andrea. 

"I'm fine. How's Midnight?" He asked, coming out from behind his cover as Slash descended from the roof. He took Midnight from the Faunus, carrying her as to lighten Slash's load a bit. 

"Let's get going." He said simply, taking a deep breath as he held Midnight. 

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