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A question and a hello :()


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There are three main roleplay areas on the site, Free For Ala (FFA), World of Equestria (WoE), and Canterlot Chronicles (CC), and the rules regarding OCs are a different for each of them.


Free For All: As the name would suggest, this one is anything goes, out of the gate.  You want to play an OC?  Jump right in.  You want a cast character?  Go for it. You want to play a sentient banana?  If other people in the thread don't mind, you can do that too.  This is the least restrictive section.


World of Equestria: RedCedar pointed you in the right direction for this one.  This section tries to keep pretty close to the show in terms of tone as well as lore.  OCs are certainly allowed, however there is an application process they have to go through (there's an application process for cast characters as well).  Red linked you to the starting point of that.


Canterlot Chronicles is much like WoE, though it's a bit less restrictive.  It also has a application process, though the form is a little different, and it allows a few more things.


As for a guide, I'm not sure precisely what you're looking for, but this might be a good place to start.  There's a whole series of those, although some of them address things other than creating or playing a character.

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