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Mirage's Tent of Destiny:Ooc and Rules

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Has your character had a issue with their appearance? Are they unhappy in their job? Their future? Their talents?

Are they questioning if fate, and destiny really exist?
Well come on down to the Mirage Tent of Destiny!
Here your Pony can have their VERY Destiny changed! And what's more  Mirage  the talented and graceful unicorn can even eliminate unflattering features~ From scars, to birth marks, to bad cutie marks! All taken away in  a heart beat!
That is to say....you THINK she took them away ;)
My idea is to have a central hub thread, where ponies can come to have destinies changed, marks hidden, or even non pony creatures receiving marks of destiny~
Ofcourse the truth is that this is all makeup~ Granted it will be waterproof, so they wont come off easily.
The plan is that  characters come to the central thread, have a  cutie mark changed, added (if you are a blank flank), or  a scar, birthmark or other "unsightly" blemish (such as  zebra stripes, or perhaps a unflattering coat color ;) ) magically taken away!
The characters are then free to leave the thread and go on their own misadventures! Perhaps trying to perform a talent they thought they had now, only to find out they do not! To think they are now   no longer a blank flank, only to have the truth revealed in that  thread!
Ofcourse like any thread there are a few rules I do request should you participate.
1: Please do not call out the scam in the hub thread! This is to prevent the thread from being killed due to "Omg we all know u fraud"
2: Please limit it to 1 character at a time, you can post in the thread with as many characters as you have, provided they are dealt with in such a manner as "Character one comes in, has their problem dealt with, and then leaves,  next posting roster, new character comes in" 
3: Feel free to have your character talk about what they would like to be instead, or how they'd like to be changed, Mirage has ears listening you know~!
4: Feel free to also go off and make your own thread with the Mirage change in effect, should your character discover the truth, you are welcome to pm me and ask me to either 1: appear in the thread for a confrontation or 2:  we make a separate thread and have the confrontation there.
That's pretty much it, let me know if you are interested in this idea!~ The Open Rp is linked 
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