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As no one has seen me before, let me get a few things out of the way.


I AM A DIE HARD RP'ER. Saying that, I've done some pretty dark Pony RPs. Not Dark for the sake of being dark, but they were not exactly... bright and cheery.


We ended up in a war, for one.


I also made a country. With science and technology.


That was an interesting time.


If anyone is interested, I can provide you with a PDF that shows the RPs I've done. Things get... dark, quickly, specifically when we needed it to.



Otherwise, I'm a safe person.


I MAY have started up an RP before introducing myself.


My bad. :razz:

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Haha, nice! I am a major fan if some dark RP myself~

Maybe we could do a thing sometime! :P

Anyways, on behalf of the community, I wish you well with your time spent here in Canterlot, and that it would be awesome to the absolute fullest! ^w^

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Haha, nice! I am a major fan if some dark RP myself~

Maybe we could do a thing sometime! :razz:

Anyways, on behalf of the community, I wish you well with your time spent here in Canterlot, and that it would be awesome to the absolute fullest! ^w^

Actually, look in the FIM Free For All OOC discussion or whatnot. I might have something set up there.


And thank you too, Lyipheoryia.

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Hello and Welcome to this forum. Please enjoy your stay here. Keep up with the show too if you can. Have fun with all of the RP's!!



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