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Nightmare Night Costume Ball!


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Shining Moment was beside herself with excitement! She had never been able to be a part of a costume ball before, much less help with hosting one! When Rainbow Dash had stopped by her event planning shop earlier in the week and requested her services for holding the ball, Shining had about died! Tonight was already the night. She had spent every waking moment up until this point getting ready and now here it was, the Nightmare Night costume ball!


Rainbow Dash visited Canterlot quite regularly and knew it would be a pretty sweet spot for the event. Shining had helped turn the open field right on the edge of Canterlot where the event was to be hosted into a Nightmare Night worthy place. There were all sorts of decoration from fake spiders and cobwebs to saw dust on the ground and hay bales all over, the place looked great! The trees that loomed about the place added to the spooky feel as well. It wasn't too scary but it also certainly was not lame. The crystal pony specifically remembered her client asking for the decorations to not look lame.


There was a face painting booth where ponies could get their costume looks completed if they wished, and even a selection of costumes that could be rented just in case some pony came without one. There was a section for ponies to order food and drinks. Yes, everything looked just right. Shining Moment held the door open as the hired DJ started moved her equipment in for the night. Leave it to Rainbow Dash to have the hook ups to hire the amazing DJ PON-3 to kick up the beats for the whole night!


"It's going to be a really fun night don't you think?" Shining asked as the DJ rolled in a set of speakers.


The white unicorn nodded from behind her sunglasses and smiled.


The crystal pony breathed in the cool fall air. It was going to be a great night!





A couple hours ready everything was ready! Shining couldn't wait for her client to see how things had turned out. That was when Rainbow Dash flew onto the scene.


"This looks...AWESOME!" She swooped in near Shining Moment. "Way to go Shining Moment! Sure wasn't a waste of bits to hire you, this is going to be an epic night. I posted signs up all over Ponyville and Canterlot so I'm sure we'll get lots of fun guests."


Rainbow was decked out in of all things, a tortoise costume. She had been waiting a while to display her homage to her favorite pet of all time! Now to see who would show up to get their Nightmare Night groove on!



Perryton was happy to be back in his birth home of Canterlot, and had his costume rental booth all set up! An assortment of costumes were  on mannequins, racks, and display, and  Perry himself was dressed up as none other than Celestia herself! His mane was rather short though, but other than that, his elegant horse shoes, his  cutie mark covered excellently, and even his eyes were the right color thanks tooo magic!

"Costumes!" He called out, he hoped his cousin Cashmere would come and join him, since he'd prodded him into dressing like Luna for the event, it was rather exciting, glancing at the host he waved "Yooo hoo!" 


Soft Paw walked through the streets of Canterlot happy as could be. Nightmare Night was one of his favorite nights, because anypony that didn't know him would just assume he was in costume, and not actually a Diamond Dog. He didn't go out often, since most ponies didn't seem to like Dogs very much, so he always made sure to make the most of this night! As he rounded a corner, he spotted a flyer for a ball that was happening just a few streets away.

'Well,' he thought, 'I've never been to a ball before. Sure, why not?'


It didn't take him long to get there, but it seemed like there were hardly any ponies there yet anyways. There was a Pegasus in a turtle costume, a DJ, a Crystal pony that didn't seem to be in a costume, and a.....Unicorn?.....Pegasus?......Alicorn? Soft Paw wasn't sure, but he could definitely tell they were dressed up as Princess Celestia and seemed to be selling costumes, even if their costume was a bit off. The area itself was very well decorated, feeling as if some kind of magic would keep the party there all night. Not really wanting to just stand there awkwardly, Soft Paw announced himself, just loud enough for himself to be heard.


"Uh, hello. Is the ball starting yet, or......should I come back later?" He didn't want to be rude if they weren't ready yet.


Flux was so exited! Nightmare Night party! She loved this time of year, she could go as herself without anyone really questioning it too much! Especially since she was usually disguised as a unicorn, so anyone who knew her could just pass off the realistic 'costume' as the work of magic.


The changeling half bounced/half buzzed her way down the street, eventually coming upon the party itself. It wasn't too busy yet, unfortunately, but there were ponies there already. She smiled widely at the gathered ponies, waving excitedly before entering the party fully, giggling to herself. There was a pegasus in a turtle suit, a stallion dressed as Celestia, and even a dog that looked to be doing the same thing as her by going as himself. All these made her giggle to herself as she moved around.


And then she spotted the white unicorn with the shades. The changeling's smile grew even wider and she made a beeline for the DJ, launching into a flying leap and connecting against the mare with a tackle-hug.


"Vinny! Hiya! It's great to see you again!" She chirped happily, smiling widely at the unicorn. It was always great to see ponies she knew again, especially with the kind of relationship she had with Vinyl.




Bulk Biceps didn't make it back to his hometown nearly as often as he liked. While he had known very well that starting his own business in Ponyville would be more than a full time job, he still had difficulty making the time to even get on the train and make the trip up the mountain to Canterlot.


This was something special, though. A throwback, of sorts, to his youth when he would race through the streets of Canterlot on Nightmare Night, gathering as much Candy as he could, then leaving as little as he could at the statue of Nightmare Moon to ensure he was not gobbled. He figured he could get away with it; even as a colt he would have been a big mouthful. All the same, now that he was grown and Nightmare Moon was not even a legend any more, this party was worth the trip up from the valley below.


As Bulk arrived at the edge of the field, he grinned from ear to ear. He felt himself flex in anticipation, further straining his muscles against the teal leotard he wore, ripped in strips across his limbs and chest as though strained to almost breaking across his well-muscled form. The purple mask around his eyes may have hidden his exact identity, but couldn't hide the twinkle of delight as he - or rather, as Saddle Rager - was ready to party.


He couldn't hold it in any longer. The sight was just incredible to behold, and he made that clear. "YEAH!" he yelled before trotting closer to the blaring music.




Rainbow looked around the field, this party was going to be sweeeet! Everything she had asked for was there! She caught the wave from the unicorn running the costume booth. She swooped over and landed in front of the booth, smiling a big smile.


"Hi! Glad you could make it!" Her eyes widened at the costume array on display. "Wow! Did you make all of these?"


"Uh, hello. Is the ball starting yet, or......should I come back later?"


The sky blue pegasus turned towards the costumed Diamond Dog. "Actually you're here just in time! The party is just getting going." She nodded her head to the music that had just begun to issue from the DJ's speakers. "It's gonna be an awesome night! Glad you could make it!"

Vinyls entrance into the fray had gone relatively uninterrupted - she'd been busy getting her kit ready inside for the last hour and was now just setting about wheeling the last of it in place, the location being a pretty sweet open field that seemed to be just perfect for the situation it was gonna be used for. The one who had hired her being something of a known factor in many things, and Vinyl was pretty familiar with the pretty awesome Pegasus to some degree. 


"It's going to be a really fun night don't you think?"


Ha, she'd heard that aplenty of times in the past, and it usually was pretty true - Vinyls experience with plentiful parties over the years had given her an innate sense as to what kind of environment would nurture which kinda party, and there was an electricity in the air tonight that heralded the potential for a pretty wild night...costume balls tended to be an overall amazing scene, and one Vinyl had had the pleasure of partaking in, on both sides of the DJ Booth. Giving a quick smirk and a nod at the asker of the question, the mare known as DJ Pon3 headed towards the allocated space where it would be suited best for her particular contributions...taking no time at all to set things up and puttin' something on for the crowd whilst she took a chance to stretch and relax...well, she thought that would be the case anyway!


Unexpectedly, Vinyl immediately found herself being interrupted as a familiar voice rang out - she barely had enough time to process what was going on when she was tackled by the voices owner, an equally familiar Changeling - well, this was certainly a pleasant enough l'il surprise. Giving a chuckle, Vinyl couldn't help but return hug with zeal. " Heeeey, Flux - s'been a little while...nice to see ya made it out here, should be a great night! " 


By all means, the elements were all in place for a pretty awesome time - Vinyl hadn't really considered gettin' a costume...and besides, it wasn't like she needed one to have a fantastic time with friends an' party goers alike!






"Oh Yes indeed  Miss Dash" Perryton said and glanced over his costumes "They are all my creations and I love every single one of them! I certainly hope they'll be going home with  ponies tonight, though I am only hoping my dear cousin shows up soon so that he can help me with any mending that might be required" Perryton tapped his chin to his hoof, biting his lip in thought..."I hope he didn't get lost, I mean he's  usually so punctual, and guests are already here..."


Speak of the Devil! There he was! One of the hero's of last year's Nightmare Night, now fully recovered from the ordeal! His costume was ofcourse a companion to his dear cousins, dressed as Luna herself! Coat expertly dyed for the occasion, cutie mark delicately painted on, fake wings  curled up at his sides,  and mane flowing  with the little help of magic,  his own eyes were naturally close to the Princesse's in color so it was an easy thing to just leave, walking over to the booth, he moved to levitate a needle over, and geeently fixed one of Perryton's wings, which had started to droop.

"You made it!" His cousin exclaimed, happily, having felt the other's loving nitpicking already.

"But Ofcourse~"


Soft Paw was startled near to death when a buff pony that had somehow quietly walked in yelled "YEAH!" before heading towards the music. That was the scariest thing he'd ever seen on any Nightmare Night! Then, the blue Pegasus in the turtle costume that had flown over to inspect the costume booth talked to him. "Actually you're here just in time! The party is just getting going." She nodded her head to the music that had just begun to issue from the DJ's speakers. "It's gonna be an awesome night! Glad you could make it!"

"Me too!" He said with enthusiasm, "I've never been to a ball before, and this looks amazing! Nice costume by the way. I'm Soft Paw." he said, extending his paw for a paw-hoof shake.


Nightmare Night was probably the only reason that Dusty Skies would ever wear any sort of costume. She personally hated the feeling of any sort of clothes on her, which was sort of weird coming from a place like Manehatten, where practically everyone wore some sort of suit. But still, it was hard not to get into the spirit of tonight, and so she found herself dressed as a Royal Guard, a totally-not-last-minute-idea. In fact, her flight goggles were still around her neck, though luckily hidden from sight behind the fake armor.


Of course, the mare didn't have any specific plans, and handing out candy to foals seemed...well, dull. So to make things interesting, she decided to take a trip to who knows where, and find something to do. She ended up in Canterlot, another big city, of all places. After a while of trotting down the streets she came across this ball and entered with a shrug. What else was she going to do? Besides, walking around in this outfit for much longer would make ponies think she actually was in the REA, and Celestia's knows she'd never be cut out for that. 


There seemed to be quite the interesting mix of ponies.,.and a diamond dog? Huh, never actually met one of those before. Though after standing there awkwardly for a moment, Dusty was about to go mingle when a sudden shout from behind nearly startled some bad Manehaten pony choice words out of her. She spun around, coming face to face with quite the..,muscular pony. Certainly enough to intimidate her. Heck, it took her a good ten seconds before noticing he was another Pegasus!


"Oh! Didn't see you there...cool, erm, costume you've got," she said, nodding to his mask. He seemed nice enough, and besides, befriending a guy like him could probably be useful when asking for say, a raise...


"Yeppers! It's gonna be a great party! Especially with you doing the music!" Flux chirped happily, rolling out of the hug before helping Vinyl back up onto her hooves. The changeling loved Vinyl's music, especially since it had been the music that had been played when she went to her first rave thingy. It was fun music! Lots of energy in it that made it really exciting!


"How have you been since last time, Vinny?" She asked, smiling over at the mare. Neither of them had costumes on, but it wasn't like most people would know that the mare talking to the DJ was actually a changeling instead of simply a mare in a very good costume. That's why she liked going as herself for Nightmare Night, she could pass off her true form as a costume.


Looking around again, she gave a friendly wave to all the newcomers that had arrived while she had been engaged in her hug. It was always great to have more people at these kinds of parties, it usually made them even more fun than before!

Once the customary friendly hug was all outta the way, Vinyl set about giving a small stretch and waved to a few ponies who seemed to have recently made their way here...even a diamond dog had turned up, that wasn't very common to a shindig like this but Vinyl had no complaints about any of it - anyone who wanted to have a good time was welcome to get on down here, regardless of what they were! 


"How have you been since last time, Vinny?" came the obvious followup question, to which Vinyl gave a small chuckle and shrugged a little...


" It's been alright, Flux - the fall season is usually pretty active for several reasons...nightmare night is certainly one of the bigger ones though! " the DJ Unicorn states, nudging her shades up a little on her muzzle with a hoof - it was true, there'd been a few things here and there. Nothing major, but it was still kinda enough to keep the mare a little busy the last month and a half...no complaints at all there, though - better that she was out there doing her thing than stuck in the apartment doing a whole fat lotta nothing at all, right? " Gonna try and mingle with the crowd here as much as I can though - this is a night where it really pays off to be right up with the folks, and not jus' simply being the face behind the booth who occasionally shouts stuff! "


For the moment, Vinyl had put on a pretty medium length mix that didn't need much of her input on for her to at least be able to get a chance to get a feel of how things were with the ponies, who was here and just to grab a chance to spend the next half hour or so talking with those who she found she wanted to chat with - as it so happened, she was never one to turn away the bubbly changeling and thus had no issues hangin' around with them for a while.


" So what about you, Fluxxy? " she asks with a small smirk, curious to find out what the 'ling had been doing. " Been up to anythin' particular yourself? "


Bulk stopped short on his way to the stage when a young pegasus complimented his costume. "Oh! Didn't see you there...cool, erm, costume you've got,"


Grinning at having been recognized, he said, "Thanks! Best one I could think of for my size!" before flexing his namesakes, the fabric of the leotard parting further under the strain before he relaxed again. "Yours is good, too!" he said, admiring the cut of the false armour - fake, but then again, easy still to fly in, seeing as she was a pegasus herself. "I am Bulk Biceps!" he said, proudly and loudly introducing himself as though by association with his limbs. "What's your name?"


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