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Can you guess who will respond next?

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well what do you know..... didn't realize I had that many. huh.



someone who's been on this site far longer than I.


<Baps Queen with Old pony cane>

I just couldn't help but imaging Granny Smith bopping Chrysalis with her walker on that one, lol!

and no...

Umm... the queen again?


I'm not sure on that one, unless you mean my IRL name, in which case, no.



someone who's going to use more commas than me in their response


I'll give it, the comma challenge, a try; hopefully, finish it with more commas than the Cerali, the previous reply, did.


Someone who has an alicorn OC.


That's all of us.  I should really stop posting so fast and give other members a shot...but no one else seems active...here, I'll post anyways.



Someone registered on a mlp rp forum.


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