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Cast Revival Topic


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Welcome to the Cast Revival Topic! Did you have a cast character you applied for and did not receive back in the days of public applications? Did you win a character and later have to drop the character? With the new roleplay setup here at Canterlot.com, you may now play any cast character you wish! So, if you have an app somewhere in the ether you want recovered and/or moved here, post the character here. Note: Applications, even previously accepted ones, still need to be reviewed and stamped for approval in the roleplay. Please keep the Cast Revival Topic on the topic of old apps you want recovered.


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Well It's been a while but I did apply for Rarity and Rainbow Dash? I sent them in to staff

I have found Rarity. Would you like for it to be moved into the applications area so you may put it back up for approval?

Rainbow Dash- I believe I found it. I will PM it to you. Please inform me if this is yours,:)


My old Derpy Hooves app is still around there somewhere, right?  :?:

I have found it. Would you like for it to be moved into the applications area so you may put it back up for approval?


Anyone know where my old Soarin' app is..?

I have found it. Would you like for it to be moved into the applications area so you may put it back up for approval?

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Are my Octavia, Twilight, Luna and Red Delicious Apps still around?

I can find Red Delicious and Zecora, but not the others. I will continue the hunt. Do you remember in general when you applied?

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If we're talking about past cast characters applied for but not won, I did once apply for Princess Luna. Not sure if it exists as that was back in 2012 or 2013.

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If we're talking about past cast characters applied for but not won, I did once apply for Princess Luna. Not sure if it exists as that was back in 2012 or 2013.



I would like to revive my Flax Seed (T3).  He was a WoE character.

Scootalux, check your PMs. That may be the app.

River, moved Flax Seed into the current application area.

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Cadance, Mjölna, Minuet, Derpy. Have links to all the apps but Derpy if you need them.

I found them all. They are now in the application area! You have many other character apps in the old area. Want anything with them?

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