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So, I actually bookmarked Canterlot a month or so ago, but I couldn't be separated from watching the show, buying a shirt, and sharing fun fan pictures of the cast of FiM long enough to actually make any posts!

Right, I'm 17, male, and live in Virginia, USA.

What started as a brief question or two inquiring about all the pony avatars I was seeing in multiple places a few months ago became a near obsession of my own in a very short time. I'm impressed with the show, and I love how the community tends to behave. The friendliness and accepting behavior of each individual person is something I very much want to show in my attitude and spread around the world.

Now for a few weeks I've been playing several different MLP songs on guitar and teaching them to my friends, "Giggle at the Ghostie" and "Winter Wrap-Up" being the most prominent.

I'd very much like to be a part of any community supporting Friendship is Magic and I've heard from a good few that this is one of the best, and that's why I'm here. To talk about the show and meet some people who love it. [/abrupt ending]

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If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

Also, I'm guessing you are an Anime fan. I know there are some Anime Bronies around here, you'll fit right in!

Welcome to Canterlot!

Ah, thanks for the handy reminder!

And yes, as you could probably guess by my avatar I happen to watch a bit of Anime here and there. Sadly I've kind of stepped away from it over the past few years, probably just because of a lack of things that interest me. I'm always kind of in to the casual, slice-of-life Anime that simply show some people going about their natural lives and letting the humor and interest flow from their normal occurrences. "Azumanga Daioh!", "Lucky Star", and "Minami-ke" are some sure examples.

Regardless of that block of random information...

I went ahead and re-read the rules. I don't plan on causing any sort of trouble on Canterlot, that's a definite promise. :D

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Howdy! I just got here too, so welcome aboard, fellow newb! :3

Haha, welcome to you too, Jimbo! Hope I see you around a bunch!

I just realized how absolutely spotty my avatar is. That's no good, better re-upload that one.

Thanks! Ditto for you - did you join up for the Dream Foal contest? I guess I shouldn't assume everyone is as late as I am, LOL! I wonder how well I can draw in the dark... XD

I uploaded my avatar to Photobucket, it seemed to work well! Are you resizing it from a bigger version when you upload it from your computer? That's the only reason I could guess it might be spotty - if it's automatically resized by the board program, it might go a little funky. Doing it manually via Photobucket or whatnot might make it less grainy - but that's just been my personal experience, and I am VERY far from an expert, LOL! Good luck with the fix! :D

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Howdy! I just got here too, so welcome aboard, fellow newb! :3

Haha, welcome to you too, Jimbo! Hope I see you around a bunch!

I just realized how absolutely spotty my avatar is. That's no good, better re-upload that one.

Thanks! Ditto for you - did you join up for the Dream Foal contest? I guess I shouldn't assume everyone is as late as I am, LOL! I wonder how well I can draw in the dark... XD

I uploaded my avatar to Photobucket, it seemed to work well! Are you resizing it from a bigger version when you upload it from your computer? That's the only reason I could guess it might be spotty - if it's automatically resized by the board program, it might go a little funky. Doing it manually via Photobucket or whatnot might make it less grainy - but that's just been my personal experience, and I am VERY far from an expert, LOL! Good luck with the fix! :D

Haha, well, I actually just ended up swapping it for another Konata avatar that happened to be lying in my inventory. I didn't really feel like messing with it right now. 3:15 AM and all that. :D

I actually did not sign up for the Dream Foal contest. Currently I am enjoying my fourth straight month of not touching my sketch-book or other art materials. I did so much art and drawing back to back over the past year that I was kind of sick of picking up pencils for the purpose by the end of the school-year. Footnotes had thousands of little drawing all over them, four paintings I finished, two photography projects, and a sketch-book and a half full of drawings of people's faces and profiles. I sort of became a profile artist for awhile there because everyone enjoys the drawings and I wasn't too good at it when I started. After awhile it all became smooth calculation and busy-work; even though I consider myself pretty good at it now, I don't really want to do it anymore. Haha.

I am, however, looking forwards to checking out the entries and the winners. It's a very good idea, I'm just so sick of creating art right now, even though it's starting to wear off a bit after a few months.

I'm enjoying the art from the other side, I suppose.

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Haha, well, I actually just ended up swapping it for another Konata avatar that happened to be lying in my inventory. I didn't really feel like messing with it right now. 3:15 AM and all that. :D

I actually did not sign up for the Dream Foal contest. Currently I am enjoying my fourth straight month of not touching my sketch-book or other art materials. I did so much art and drawing back to back over the past year that I was kind of sick of picking up pencils for the purpose by the end of the school-year. Footnotes had thousands of little drawing all over them, four paintings I finished, two photography projects, and a sketch-book and a half full of drawings of people's faces and profiles. I sort of became a profile artist for awhile there because everyone enjoys the drawings and I wasn't too good at it when I started. After awhile it all became smooth calculation and busy-work; even though I consider myself pretty good at it now, I don't really want to do it anymore. Haha.

I am, however, looking forwards to checking out the entries and the winners. It's a very good idea, I'm just so sick of creating art right now, even though it's starting to wear off a bit after a few months.

I'm enjoying the art from the other side, I suppose.

Oh wow, that is a LOT of art!! I'm not much more than a doodler, but I similarly haven't done much art in, oh, months? We'll see how this goes, LOL! I'm aiming more towards having a really nice, polished profile - and with maybe a little sketch that looks bad, but gives the general CONCEPT of what I'm going for. XD

Yipes! You're up late! Well, enjoy your time on the board! I'm off to work on my pony! :heart: (BTW, cute avvie! Nice choice for a replacement.)

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Oh wow, that is a LOT of art!! I'm not much more than a doodler, but I similarly haven't done much art in, oh, months? We'll see how this goes, LOL! I'm aiming more towards having a really nice, polished profile - and with maybe a little sketch that looks bad, but gives the general CONCEPT of what I'm going for. XD

Yipes! You're up late! Well, enjoy your time on the board! I'm off to work on my pony! :heart: (BTW, cute avvie! Nice choice for a replacement.)

Haha, I've been known to stay up pretty late, admittedly.

I'm sure your art will turn out very well indeed. Ah, haha, I mean, what it an artist but a talented doodler, really? Doodles are art, of course. I learned to draw by doodling. You could say I learned to doodle better by doodling.

In any case, I'd love to see it when you're finished. Have fun working on it!

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