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Media other than My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


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Aside from MLP, I've always been a big time Star Wars fan since childhood. I've played almost all the games, and right now I'm keeping up to date with the Clone Wars TV show currently releasing Season 4 episodes.

I watched many other awesome shows before, like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Doctor Who.

Not to mention I'm a sucker for great movie trilogies like Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the new Batman films! I seriously can't wait for The Dark Knight Rises and Peter Jackson's new The Hobbit film! :D

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TV: Castle, Sons of Guns, Doctor Who, British Top Gear, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Necessary Roughness, Royal Pains, Firefly (cancelled but not forgotten), Band of Brothers, Mythbusters

Books: Max Brooks' zombie series, John Ringo, Terry Prachett, Karen Traviss's Mandolorian books, Stackpole and Alliston's X-Wing series, C.S. Forrester's naval novels, David Weber, Benard Cornwell's historic fiction, Lord of the Rings (if you skip Frodo, Sam, and Gollum :D), the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Louis L'amour

Movies: Star Wars, Serenity, the newest Star Trek, Gettysburg, Gods and Generals, the Roughriders, Top Gun, Pirates of the Caribbean, Errol Flynn swashbuckling films, Independence Day, Battle for LA, anything with John Wayne, anything with Tom Selleck, anything with Sam Elltiot, anything with Harrison Ford

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a diehard South Park fan, though it went south (pun intended) a handful of seasons ago I still buzz with anticipation whenever a new episode is nearing. I've moved on to "harder" stuff like Kenny vs Spenny and Drawn Together, they were great but SP is the only one left standing now :'(

Currently watching Ugly Betty Season 4 on my PSP (why oh why did they cancel it?? The characterization was great!) and I watched Heroes till it got canned

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I was negligent in my previous posting in mentioning Doctor Who, which I have been loyally watching since it rebooted back 2005. I guess because like a lot of television shows, I download the episodes and watch them on my computer (as I don't receive BBC America and Syfy edits the episodes). Been a Who fan since the Eighties, so I am a avid watcher of both classic and the new series. Even have most episodes from Third through Seventh Doctor, as well as all of the Ninth through Eleventh ones.

AHH. Another classic Who fan?! :D I have a lot of friends who like the new series, but I seem to be the only one I know IRL (other than my parents) who loves the classic series too. I went as the 4th doctor last halloween, complete with scarf I knitted myself. All of one person got it. Everyone else said, "Omg, are you Harry Potter?" :|

Netflix has been putting more and more of the classic stuff up. I saw they even had a few of the first Doctor's episodes up! But they've yet to put up the Sunmakers, which is one of my absolute favorite Tom Baker episodes.

But, as for other TV, we don't get cable at my house. If I want to watch Big Bang Theory I usually have to go visit my parents. I've been watching a few series on my computer lately, like Pan Am, Nurse Jackie, and Dead Like Me (i know that last one's been over for a while; I'm only just now watching it for the first time). I was watching Avatar, too, but then Ponies happened. At some point I'll get back to it.

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Let's see, other than FIM. These are the ones that I follow. There's others that I happen to come across, but I look for these.



Doctor Who

Regular Show

That's pretty much everything that's still on air. Oh, and a bunch of soccer stuff.

BTW, I thought Adventure Time was all right. It's outrageous sometimes, but a lot of times it's meh. It's mostly hit or misses in terms of its jokes, at least for me.

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well besides Friendship is magic

i watch "Doctor who" which i think is an amazingly creative and emotional show. hmm... i don't really watch many tv-series these days as i don't watch Tv anymore. It got boring :blah:

I did watch "Adventure Time" some monts back though, which i thought was hilarious.

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I don't have a TV or Cable or anything, so any show I watch I have to be able to find online. This was always my issue with Adventure Time, i WANNA watch it, but I prefer stuff I can stream because I don't want to have to torrent EVERYTHING. Currently I enjoy Doctor Who (hard to find online but I will DL that.. I used to go to Chinese sites to torrent but apparently the Beeb got wise to that), QI, and mostly comedy stuff. I used to watch a lot of cartoons when I had cable so I kinda miss that, but I can't afford it anymore.

I do watch some YouTube shows, but my girlfriend's more into that sort of thing so I mostly do to make her happy. It gets akward with my friends because they're much bigger TV watchers than I am, a group of them watch Supernatural together every week for example, and I just never was into TV, all my friends would be Browncoats or Buffy fans when we were teens but I was all 'meh'.

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Dollhouse was an awesome show, too! It really opened my mind up to technological advancements.

Wow, I can't believe it's over.

Dollhouse yesss. <3 Why do so many of Joss Whedon's series get cut short? FIREFLY. >:[

It gets akward with my friends because they're much bigger TV watchers than I am, a group of them watch Supernatural together every week for example, and I just never was into TV, all my friends would be Browncoats or Buffy fans when we were teens but I was all 'meh'.

I pretty much got into Buffy because my roommate liked it. Growing up, I had friends who loved that series. Specifically, they loved Spike and/or Angel. A lot. Like, "Let me tell you alllll about the hot things that Spike did on the latest Buffy episode!!!!! Even though you don't watch the show!" (They did the same thing with anime. To this day, I still reflexively groan and roll my eyes anytime I hear the word 'bishie'. Or 'Naruto'.) Turned me off of it for a long, long while.

But then my roommate was watching it one day, and it was on a scene with Willow and Tara being all couple-y, and... What can I say? I am a simple woman, with simple likes. Aaand I watched the series from the beginning so I could get to those bits, but fell in love with the show on the way. I can definitely see how not everyone would like it, or would have problems with some of the writing, though.

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But then my roommate was watching it one day, and it was on a scene with Willow and Tara being all couple-y, and... What can I say? I am a simple woman, with simple likes. Aaand I watched the series from the beginning so I could get to those bits, but fell in love with the show on the way. I can definitely see how not everyone would like it, or would have problems with some of the writing, though.

Awww, sweet.

yeah, I suffered through "Let me tell you how hot Spike is!" way too much. I tried to watch for the Willow/Tara but I didn't care for the writing of it. At the time, I felt the whole "Hey I'm a Wicca lesbian" seemed contrived. Dunno how I'd feel now.

That's why I try and be especially loving and tolerant of my non-brony friends, because I know what it's like to be groaning when someone won't shut UP about a show.

... which I don't :blush:

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Awww, sweet.

yeah, I suffered through "Let me tell you how hot Spike is!" way too much. I tried to watch for the Willow/Tara but I didn't care for the writing of it. At the time, I felt the whole "Hey I'm a Wicca lesbian" seemed contrived. Dunno how I'd feel now.

That's why I try and be especially loving and tolerant of my non-brony friends, because I know what it's like to be groaning when someone won't shut UP about a show.

... which I don't :blush:

I do feel that the whole "I LOVE YOU OZ" "oh hey girls IM GAY NOW" thing was kind of... badly done. I mean, what? She was genuinely into Oz. There was no way that was written as "I'm just doing this because I'm expected to." Yet they wrote her as completely gay from there on out. Bisexual people exist! It's okay to acknowledge that in media!

As for the wicca/lesbian thing... Contrived, probably, but considering the time the show aired, it let them indirectly explore their relationship without offending the censors. I mean, this wasn't that long after Ellen's career was destroyed (for several years, at least) after her character came out on air. Magic was a stand-in for gay when the network wouldn't even allow them to be seen kissing on screen. (But in season six, after Buffy was on a different network, bam! Kiss! ... in the SADDEST EPISODE EVER, but still. Scratch that, that WAS season five when they were still on the WB. Still the saddest episode ever, but as I understand it, the writers did have to fight with the network to let them show any lady-PDA on screen.)

But Kennedy. Ugh, Kennedy. Kennedy is evidence that I can love a show and still completely hate parts of it. 9_9 The writing sure isn't perfect, but I still enjoy watching it.

And man! I know. I figure I probably irritate people the way I go on about ponies. Because FiM is awesome and I just get so excited, I can't help it.

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