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Mau yawned. This had been probably one of her longer naps. She wasn't exactly sure how long it had been, but she remembered something about a particularly long night or something. She looked out of her cave to see that it was day time. Well, at least that night thing was fixed. She stood in the entrance of her cave and looked down at the valley below. She couldn't remember what the ponies were calling this area when she'd dozed off, she just called it "The Eastern Mountains". Whatever they were called, they were very pretty right now. She stretched her paws out and pulled her body to stretch her back. "Now's as good a time as any for a bath." she said to herself. thinking of the nearby Loch she'd always used. She turned and jumped down from the mountain she'd been sleeping in, deftly bounding through the hills with her feline grace, her landings soft and soundless. Upon finding herself closer to the Loch, she frowned. This town wasn't here, before. She thought for a moment before deciding that she'd just be careful. Already hiding in the fabric, she knew nopony would see her, but she didn't want to freak them out by raising the water too quickly when she got in. Or did she? She smiled to herself.




Myth bounced along happily, carrying her marefriend on her back. "I'm so glad you decided to join me for my mandatory vacation." she said to Icy without turning "I spend so much time in the lab, I don't get to see you as much as I'd like. Sorry that we couldn't take an airship or something. I still can't over my airsickness." she knew it would've taken a mere day or so by air, but the airship always made her very sick. The faster they went, the worse it got. So they'd been stuck with going by train. They'd been enroute for days, now, and were headed for Fet Loch, where they would spend a night before taking the Barrelfloat Pass under the Eponnine Mountains to finally get to Hoofenheim. When she'd been asked why she wanted to go there in particular, she had just shrugged "I've never been further east than Manehattan, before." she had explained "Well. Inside Equestria, anyway. And I want to see the ocean." Myth smiled "At least we get discounted child tickets for you." she booped Icy.



~~~Ice Storm~~~




Things were definitely taking some getting used to for Ice Storm. The biggest change of course being that she was Equestria's newest alicorn, and she was now maybe a third of the size that she was before. Still, just about everything else was the same. The spheres that she had gotten from Swift were destroyed during her ascension. She was somewhat surprised that this was the same Equestria that she had left. With how the reality was warping around her during her test, she honestly had no idea what was going to happen until everything stopped. 


And if course, it would be get luck that instead of fixing the one problem she had hoped something like this would fix, it made it worse and the crinkling around her rump while Myth bounced with her on her back was a reminder of that though. In a weird way though, she didn't really mind too much. She still had all of her thoughts, memories, friends, and special ponies in her life. That was more important than anything else, and she also had the intellect to understand that she got a gift that many ponies would give everything they had for. A chance to grow up again, but this time around ponies that loved her instead of ponies that would abandon her. 


Of course, she couldn't help but roll her eyes when Mythie thanked her for coming with her on her mandatory vacation. "The airship would have been quicker, but that isn't the point of a vacation now is it? She off of course I came with you. One, I love your, just like I do Raven and the others, two, me coming with you let's me make sure you're actually taking your vacation instead of saying you did and hiding in the lab," Ice said, playfully poking Myth's shoulder to tease her. "And hey, might as well use the new look to my advantage right. Judging off of alicorn growth rates, I'll be able to pass off as a foal for the next several years at least," she giggled a bit more.


"How do you know this isn't an illusion and I'm not still in the lab?" Myth smiled deviously. "I could be calibrating the Thaummeter as we speak. You don't know!" she laughed, hoping that Icy knew she was joking.


It was about this time, that the train began to decelerate quickly, jerking to a gradual stop. The station they'd arrived at was noticeably less maintained than the more populous cities like Las Pegasus or Canterlot. Tho it still served its purpose well enough. "Last stop!" called the train host "Fet Loch!" 


Myth nodded at the host as she disembarked from the train, Icy on her back. Only one or two other ponies followed them, but sickly went their own ways. Myth turned to Icy "How shall we do the hotel? You want to be my illegitimate child who I'm bringing to my ex-lover to ask for child support? How do you feel about pretending to be sick?" 


"If you're looking for a place to stay for the night," A stallion piped in, before Icy could answer "I suggest avoiding anything close the shore."


~~~Ice Storm~~~





Ice rolled her smaller eyes. "Because this would be a massively elaborate illusion, even for you. Don't get me wrong, you could probably do it, but sustaining it for a week would use enough magic that they you wouldn't be too do anything else for a week once it's over," she responded. Her ears flicked as she heard the conductor announce that their stop was approaching.



When she heard Myth ask about the hotel, she laughed for a second and shrugged her shoulders. Before she could reply, she heard another stallion speak up, saying to avoid the coast. "Honestly, whatever you want to do is fine. No pony around here is going to know us... I don't think... And I already look like a foal. So, if I stay quiet, they they have no reason not to believe whatever you say, though why should we avoid the coast?" She asked. "Part of the reason we can't here was to have fun at the lake. It's even printed in the brochure!" She added, unfolding hers and pointing at the lake. 


"I'm sorry, lass, but the Loch has been up to something, lately." he began to explain "The tides are going crazy. Why just this mornin' my house was flooded. Ain't never done that since my gran'dad built it. I suspect magic be at play, somehow, but others don't believe me. Mark my words, someth'n fishy's goin' on. Mayhaps a magical beast or sommat."


Myth smiled "Well, worry no longer, my friend! Because strange magical phenomena are exactly my specialty!" she brimmed with excitement. Work while on vacation? This is exactly what she was hoping for. She only hoped it wouldn't be over too quickly.


the stallion gave her a look "Jus' don't go gett'n your little one mixed up in something. You never know what could happen with magic. And ain't ye blind?" he added that last bit as if only just noticing Myth's eyes


Myth laughed "We may not look it, good sir, but we're both quite capable." she winked


~~~Ice Storm~~~




Ice Storm's face first grew a look of concern when he mentioned magical phenomenons occurring at the lake. He mentioned that his house flooded, and it had never done that, even back when his grandfather built it. That was a bit concerning, but hardly any proof that anything magical was going on. Lakes flooded all the time. It was one of the dangers of living next to one. Just like in Las pegasus comes with the danger of excessive heat, or Canterlot excessive cold with it being on a mountain. Perhaps the flooding was just worse than normal this year. Still, flooding was a problem and one that was worth looking into to see if there was a better way of protecting the citizens here. The only downside was, this was supposed to be a vacation. Hearing Myth speak up, saying magical phenomenon were their specialty, Icy smiled, but also rolled her eyes a bit. She was right though, strange magical mishaps were kind of their thing. As well as tracking down some of the most heinous criminal in Equestrian History. After all, the scariest monsters in Equestria never came from the outer reaches of a forest, but the inner workings of a city.


Her face went flat though when she heard the stallion about Myth's little one getting caught up in the action. That you never knew what could happen with magic, and then he commented about her being blind. Ice was just about to give this stallion an earful when she heard Myth tell him that while they didn't look like it, they were more than capable. At that, Ice was content to just give the stallion a death glare before sighing. Figure I'll have to get used to ponies thinking like that now. Ice thought to herself. Unless they know me personally, very few are ever going to see me as an adult again until I can prove otherwise... besides... in any other circumstances, his advice would be good advice. I know if I was a mother I wouldn't want my young anywhere anything that could be dangerous. her thoughts concluded. As it was, she remained until they moved away from the stallion. "I guess we should go check in at the hotel? We have even more reason to check into the beach-side resort now," Ice suggested.


Myth smiled at the stallion as he bid them adieu, then she turned to Icy "I know you're not used to ponies assuming you aren't capable because of how you look." she started, her smile fading slightly "I know, from experience, that it's not very fun. Ponies think they're being helpful, but really they're only hurting." she smiled again "but I find, more often than not, they only have your best interests in mind. If you give them some assurance, they may just give you the chance to prove yourself. Afterall, that's how I met you." she booped her. At Icy's suggestion of the hotel, she smiled wryly "You read my mind." her expression changed slightly to a more thoughtful one "I'm going to be honest. I normally wouldn't have thought much of his warning, but something is strange about this town. I felt it the moment we got off the train. Almost like.... a presence. I just can't quite put my hoof on it. I definitely think it warrants an investigation." 


At about this time, they came up to a large building whose face was in the street, but the back hung over the Loch, standing on stilts. The markings on the pillars suggested that the usual tides only reached about 5 feet below the deck. The front door had a note on it that read "Due to recent floodings, some rooms are currently unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience." When myth opened the door, inside was a unicorn mare using her magic to sort through wet papers, drying them one by one with a spell before filing them away in a filing cabinet that was sitting on the counter. At first, she didn't acknowledge the two entering until Myth opened her mouth and the sound of a desk bell came out. The unicorn looked up with a bewildered look, and looked at myth, then the desk bell that was on the other side of the room and back at Myth "H-hello there." General Kenobi she greeted "Welcome to the Loch and Key Inn. I'm Key Hole. How may I help you?"


~~~Ice Storm~~~




"Actually," Ice started. "You met me because of your ability to feel my raw emotion from Celestia knows how far away when there very ponies I was trying to protect called me a traitor. Or at least one did, which sent me down the hole of thinking others did as well. I still haven't forgiven Swift for that... But I get what you mean," Ice added, nuzzling her marefriend. 


The travel to the hotel was uneventful, but there were definitely signs that the old pony from the train was getting the truth. The tide markers on the pier were clearly visible, and they were well below the flood stage. Infact, seeing the difference in height first hoof was alarming. The hotel clearly has had a flood, as the entrance was wet, and had standing water in it in places and the host was filling papers as she dried them. She noticed and greeted them before introducing herself as Key Hole, the owner she presumed is the Loch and Key. 


"We would like a room," Ice Storm started. "I know the sign says they're are limited rooms, but we had a reservation under Storm? Though given recent events we understand if that room isn't available."


"Wait... You're Ice Storm?" Key Hole asked, surprised. "Huh... Thought you'd be bigger... N.. Not that I'm judging!!! Some age slower than others!!!" The mare said... "But yes, unfortunately all the rooms on the first and second floors are unavailable. We were just barely able to get to everypony that was trapped when the suddenly flooded with no warning. It was the craziest thing I ever did see. No rain, and nothing around but the water just rose about twelve hoof-lengths in a matter of seconds."

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