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Moana was okay to me. Like, it was executed very well and the art direction and style were both amazing. 


The pig should have been the sidekick. The story introduced this super cute amazing comic-relief sidekick and then, as if they couldn't decide on just one, added another less-cute sidekick and swapped out the pig. I was pissed. It was like dangling a delicious lollipop in front of a child, giving her a lick, then when the hope and dream of consuming the lollipop had blossomed forth like a water lily drifting on the thin sea of reality, it was replaced with like, a mud-and-sand lollipop. The hell Disney.


I got stung on the nose by a wasp today. The hell, nature.


Secret Life of Pets delivered on everything it was, and it did so in an entertaining way. It actually did so better than I expected since it didn't seem like it would have a lot to work with from the fore. It was a pleasant romp and I liked the characters, so certainly not bad viewing. It was fun. It feels like a sequel was meant for this, and knowing how CGI films go, we'll certainly get one before long. Even films that don't deserve sequels seem to be getting them -- did you know the stinker Alpha and Omega has vomited out eight of them so far? The hell, Lionsgate. 


Trolls had this miasma about it that made it feel (and this could just be some deeply-ingrained psychological programming coming from being exposed to years of subversive advertising), but I kept half-expecting some kinda toy merchandising to happen somewhere along the story line of the film, in some way. It's based on a toy and too ripe to not force, but it seemed to achieve this naturally and let the film serve as a creative bastion of its own merit. The main villain seriously freaked me out, and was easily one of the most frightening ones to see come out of a children's movie since I was a little girl diving under my movie theater seat when the Witch popped out during Snow White. The hell, Dreamworks. 

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It is a shame after 5 months that the PC version hasn't been patched. But look on the bright side, that means they haven't fixed the infinite xp glitch. 
And you need all the bright sides you can get while playing N:A. 

Although there are, like, 23 other endings I need to get, they're just joke endings. There is a trophy to get all of them but after you get ending C you're given the option to buy trophies with in-game currency.  





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Man I love hurting in places in places that don't make sense.

Maybe I've been clubbing in my sleep or something, that'd explain a lot.


There's no game I'm waiting for right now, honestly the only thing I'm hyped for is when I see Spider-Man: Homecoming because Spider-Man is the best. I've been playing Terraria a lot though, all it takes is a few friends and a mod or two or eleven and it's like a whole new game.

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