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Well, well, WELL.

If it isn't the ever lurking Vas-Normandy.

Wouldn't be plotting on stabbing me in the back now, would we?


Now's your chance, Vas-Normandy. Now that SHES returned.

Planning on running off to take up her banner, aren't we?


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I see you like dragons,

can my pet join?


By leoclarishship at 2012-01-24

The majority of this picture actually wouldn't be hard to do. The most hard to decript part of it would be the subtle shading for the sky in the background but the majority of it is so dark it would be easy to do. Dragons themselves are pretty easy to do. The most hardest thing about this for me..at least would be my inexpereince with colours and blending. The form though, positioning easy enough drawing wise... Love how its used brushes for the wing on the right though and then used air brushing for the light affected skin.

Hope I can produce stuff like this in a year if I can master Digital tools and techniques.

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I'll have my revenge!!!

Nothing happening here, Fawkes. You are getting paranoid on your old days. XD

I will END you, Davvy D:<

You can't fool me.


None of you can. NONE OF YOU.

My eyes... MY EYES SEE ALL!

Hear all... feel all... smell all...


So don't try it >:I

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Did you JUST draw that?!

Oh my God... xD

In like... the last TEN MINUTES? xD

If I wasn't out of likes I would like this so hardcore...

I REALLY can't stop laughing...

That's AWESOME Sulvuss! xDD

Yea. I just drew it. Literally in like...what..five-seven minutes then uploaded it.

Thanks. I just couldn't resist drawing that. I have a real easy time drawing Discord for some reasons. Perhaps because I'm used to drawing humanoids and dragons.

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