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Silly Fawkes starts a war then nonchalantly thinks that it's over. He's so silly. And maybe he's right! Who knows :D

DO allow me to reiterate...

Despite her lyrical libations of liberation, I have no fear of Pinkie.

My dear, despite your conspiratorial whisperings of my coming demise, I have still yet to see naught any proof atoll that would give me cause to cower in mine nickers.

Yes, yes. You can play spy and shuffle your name around into alllllllll sorts of nifty names.

I'll be sure to be extra splendiferty suspicious of any new comers to the Kingdom.

But suspicious characters are no cause for a war.

A COLD war, perhaps. But not a WAR war.

And WAR war is really the only war worth warring.

Give Fawkes a reason to cower.

And perhaps he will humor you and take your request into consideration~ >:3

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