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Last post wins

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Ugh, at this point I'm fairly sure my less-than-stellar well-being is linked to caffeine withdrawal after the removal of soda from my diet. I suppose I should count myself lucky, however. I haven't lashed out at anyone or thrown up or gone into a comatose state like some people.

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Confident, almost always. Arrogant? Not so much today. I feel drained, mildly dizzy and there's a headache flitting at the edges of my senses. Not altogether pleasant, but how are you today Fawkes?

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I'm bleh :3

I'm supposed to be doing alllllllll this productive stuffs like reading these books I'm supposed to read and studying for my test tomorrow and working on my OC's.

Instead I was all like, "Neh" and now I'm playin' Skyrim~ :3

Oh, I just made a pot of coffee. I'm hoping that'll drive out the "NEH."

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So wait....your avatar changes based on your daily mood?

...I may be stirring up a hornet's nest.......But what's the one for when you're angry? :/

I would guess something like this.


I have it so that I receive a notification whenever someone likes one of my posts. In the notification itself there's a part ("...post you made...") that is hyperlinked to the post that was liked.

Ah, I have that as well. However, I also auto-follow any topic I post in, so those notifications are usually lost among "50 people have responded to Last Post Wins."

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That....was the single most EPIC picture I have ever seen..............

I have no more words.....thank you Aria *sniff* :'D


THAT was the single most epic picture you've ever seen?

Either Conor is trolling or he doesn't get around much >:[

(I get the feeling he's trolling but juuuuuust in case...)


Ah, I have that as well. However, I also auto-follow any topic I post in, so those notifications are usually lost among "50 people have responded to Last Post Wins."

Yeeeeeah, I would recommend against following most topics.

ESPECIALLY this one.

That feature is mainly for slow moving topics.

Which... this is kinda the very opposite of xD

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It works rather well. I'm able to relax and be intellectual on this account. Despite loving being energetic, friendly, and random, which I usually am, people also expect that of me constantly on Pinkie. Which isn't necessarily bad, just tiring on days like this.

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