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They still don't understand that I enjoy being who I am, though, which is why I'm back to my old state - dashing to grab things while I'm online to get for when I'm offline. Not as much internet isn't the real reason why I'm upset though, it's mostly that they don't accept me. Oh well, I mean, at least they don't beat me, right? :unsure:

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I... I won.

I thought I would be gone for at least a month, but...

Well, I won. Sorry for the crap I put you guys through yesterday. Sure, now I have an hour or less of internet a day, but... I think I won. They're not going to treat me unfairly anymore. At least I hope. I can't understand it though... Why won't they ever leave me be? Sure, I'm not strong, I'm not outdoorsy, I'm not a greasemonkey... but shouldn't that not matter?

Ah well.. Important thing is, is that I've kind of won... I really am sorry though.

There an endless list as to why that traditional male model no longer exists. It has to do with politics, environment, changes in social structures and the law itself along with technological advances. It sounds like your parents are stuck sixty years in the past and haven't paid attention to all the major events happening over the last six decades at all. People here are lot less strong also for those reasons. if there really concern then they should buy you a gym set-trust me, its not really hard work, takes like an hour and makes you feel generally good, plus its a good conversation starter and generally impressive-or stereotypical male behaviour..whatever..the point is, there less of them and the ones that are there tend to struggle surviving in these times in my experience, mostly making bad choices-having kids too young, losing money they don't have, ditching education ectr-

BUT..to be fair..most I know who fall into that genre had other bad attributes following them too.

"walks into my room" whoah dude, look at those weights.

-Me-"Ah..yeah..just...doing my daily 120 reps...you know how it goes" *flexs skinny arm*

but...what matters right now is that I was correct.



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There an endless list as to why that traditional male model no longer exists. It has to do with politics, environment, changes in social structures and the law itself along with technological advances. It sounds like your parents are stuck sixty years in the past and haven't paid attention to all the major events happening over the last six decades at all. People here are lot less strong also for those reasons. if there really concern then they should buy you a gym set-trust me, its not really hard work, takes like an hour and makes you feel generally good, plus its a good conversation starter and generally impressive-or stereotypical male behaviour..whatever..the point is, there less of them and the ones that are there tend to struggle surviving in these times in my experience, mostly making bad choices-having kids too young, losing money they don't have, ditching education ectr-

BUT..to be fair..most I know who fall into that genre had other bad attributes following them too.

"walks into my room" whoah dude, look at those weights.

-Me-"Ah..yeah..just...doing my daily 120 reps...you know how it goes" *flexs skinny arm*

but...what matters right now is that I was correct.



P.S: I am happy to have you back, Nasty. Ignore me. I don't know anything about politics or society. I just draw all day.

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test test test



what the hell is wrong with my mom`s computeré D: why aren`t my punctuation buttons workingé

look at those question marks! they`re Es with accent things! and my apostrphies are screwy! and my weird backwards slash button is showing up as greater than and less than symbols D: and a bunch of other things are off too

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