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I hate glasses ._. except for the fact that they make me look less like a derp. also the fact that I can see trees with them. trees are cool.

I always bump into things wether or not I have them on ._.

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Yesssss. Yes.

Microchip is here. And he wears glasses too!

Looks like YOU TWO have some stuffs to discuss! ;D

So now I won't feel as bad for leaving in the middle of a conversation to go to sleep :3


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Something different









Ha ha ha



























If I had a cat it'll be called Major tom




I do have a cat though.


Its cat.


remember him?

Here he is.


He shot me.


It went a bit like this




I got better


FAWKES reigns~

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Well Penumbra, it looks like its just you again. Alone as always.

"He doesn't mind THAT much"

Really? REALLY? You don't mind. Being alone. In this big thread being watched by a bunch of guests that have already passed judgment on you?


That's what I thought.

"That's what we thought. Penumbras just talking to himself."

Shut up. And drink your tea.

"We don't like tea"

..........What do we like?

"Urrr....David Bowie and stroking the sharp parts of knives"


*leans back on chair.

*Takes in the night sky

*Feels the cool breeze though his mane

*Glow files flutter around

Every night.

"Every day"

The same thing


And over


Nothing changes





"It's enough to drive you crazy"

ha ha ha

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