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It is probably my fault.... I killed everyone..... I wasn't in complete control of my mental faculties at the time! I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shoots self in head*

I don't think Fawkes and Appliance can die, they're already dead inside. And Pegasus is quite insane, I'm sure his other half lives on.

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today I learned that either I suck at drawing animal crossing or ponies don't translate well into animal crossing characters ):


Practice practice?

Though an Animal Crossing-style game in the world of MLP would be awesome.

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Mata... thingey.

Sounds like matador.

Therefore, my new nickname must be The Matador.

I declare it.

It is so :I

Thank you for the new nickname, Appliance~


The Matador

El Matador



Toma y da celos

y no puede entender

que no se pueda vencer

no puede dar la satisfaccion

y no se puede rendir

El Matador no sabe.

No entiende

No puede

No puedo.

Se para

se tira


se cae

pero siempre se viene de nuevo.

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My confidence in my own application just rose a little bit, due to Brian and Tales. Honestly I love that they're commenting at all, because each time they reveal a little more about the process that I can use to add to my own application.

A li'l of both, my dear. A li'l of both.

Such a dedicated, paranoid ruler :P


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