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*Catches mask*

Thanks :)

Now....let's see here.......*Slowly inches the mask towards my face*

*Mask clings to my face, flings me into a wall*

.......*Takes off mask* Nothing happened.....I thought so...

Still gotta do something about that moon though...

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*stares at Angie hardcore*

I will not fail.

I will not falter.

You will lose this match.

I bet my halter :I

*hypnoeyes activate*


*stares at Fawkes*

*stares far back into the deepest depths of his eyes*


*pokes Fawkes in the eyes*

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*pokes Fawkes in the eyes*

*continues to stare directly at Angie*

*the eye she poked falls out and rolls across the ground*


Oh, Angie.

I know your cheating ways only too well by now.

So in anticipation of this fateful day, I tore out my eyes and replaced them with cheap, painted marbles.

You have no hope of winning~

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*continues to stare directly at Angie*

*the eye she poked falls out and rolls across the ground*


Oh, Angie.

I know your cheating ways only too well by now.

So in anticipation of this fateful day, I tore out my eyes and replaced them with cheap, painted marbles.

You have no hope of winning~


where did you hide them? if they're under something, they're closed ):< 'cause they can't see when they're under something

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I, er...

*rights self in air and watches my Luna and Pinkie masks flutter away*

Look at that, Conor! We are famous! I am not entirely sure what this list is, but we are recognized.

*watches shards of moon fall*

It was a false moon anyway. Good evening, Appliance.

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Yes! You and I, Conor and Aria, stand tall and winged on whatever this list is! Apparently with Robikku!

*rolls shoulder that Appliance slammed*

Maybe she burnt some toast earlier :l

*hovers close and pats Appliance on the head*

You have done well.

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Of course, Fawkes.

Who else would it be?

Certainly not your precious little


Or your Tea-pony.

Or your darling Penumbra.

Not your best mate Angie, or MicroChip.

Not even Conor or Sulvuss.


It's just me.

*chews moon shards*

So you say, Aria.

*mane burns Aria*

Don't touch me.

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