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Nothing like welcoming someone new with an avatar that at any time might be a Luna that's almost NSFW.

Ah, you begin to understand my delight in variety Micro :)

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*Knocks* Is anybody home? Hope not interrupting. *Scans the area* It's funny to see how this topic will soon hit... uhm... *Throws cards in notepad* ... 30 thousand posts...? *Stares* *Rubs eyes* *Faints*

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*Knocks* Is anybody home? Hope not interrupting. *Scans the area* It's funny to see how this topic will soon hit... uhm... *Throws cards in notepad* ... 30 thousand posts...? *Stares* *Rubs eyes* *Faints*

Quite so. Welcome, I do not believe we've had the pleasure of being introduced.

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Quite so. Welcome, I do not believe we've had the pleasure of being introduced.

Oh, undoubtedly, undoubtedly. I'm strongly convinced we simply didn't have chance, considering the fact it's maybe my... second? Third day here? Although, I admit I feel like I've been here for weeks already.

If there's anything I could help you with concerning my person, feel free to come at me with it. I don't bite. No, really, I don't. Even a bit.

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Understood, accepted. Yet, I still owe you at least most basic and common greetings, so, not overextending, "Nice to meet you.". More like a metaphor of meeting though.

I think I'll consider dropping in here from time to time. Who knows, might this become useful someday?

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This only gives me another reason to do so. Now, if you'd be kind enough to accept my apologies, but I have a few different matters to attend to. But you might have noticed this already after the delay in my responses.

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*shakes out of glass*

Hey there Volt! Welcome to the lands of madness! We have epic fights from time to time, be sure to not get in the way when one erupts, as you may not survive!

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ah yes, as I was going to say... U_U

yeah, my classes switch every second day. I go to school monday-friday like any normal high school kid. it just so happens that my schedule sucks so I have three hours of free time every second day that I spend stuck inside the school :l and I can't normally get on Canterlot because I either have homework or the library is full. I would've come back an hour ago, but there was a bunch of ugly grade 9s using the computers for the projects they think are so hard

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