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Last post wins

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As I feel at least partially responsible for different things, I guess it goes on my shoulders to say it. Though, I'd say it anyway.

Dedicated to all mares out there:

Is this world just hate and pain?

When you fight it, all in vain.

There is hope.

Hope which brings smile on your face,

So majestic, full of grace.

Simply magic.

Magic flowing all around,

Making you feel all so proud,

Your salvation.

Salvation from all this pain,

Holy shield from evil rain,

Like an Angel.

Angel for which you must care,

And your love shall only share,

Just with "Her".


They'll forgive you all your sins,

only because Last Post Wins!

Keep on laughing.

If I may excuse for all the textual impurities and et caetera, but I had only 6 minutes to come up with this :sleep:

8th March Tribute = Done.

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What if this whole crusade's a charade? And behind it all there's a price to be paid for the blood which we dine, just to fight in the name of the holy and the divine?

Also, my song that I want to sing today. I think the first few lines correlate rather well ;-)


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*Sigh* Okay, I've made my way back home from Uni at last, after whole day...

I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm sleepy. I guess it's best time to go studying for tomorrow.

I feel no pity nor remorse for myself.

Just make sure there will be "His death was 20% cooler than any other deaths! ...yay..." on my tombstone.

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I think I'm going to buy Penumbra.I like the music and since Silent Hill is....dead...even though it tears my heart out to say that. Its time I find a new horror game to fill the gap. I don't really like the look of Amennsia-its just the general design, it all looks sort of....well...boring..its all just typical haunted house in texture although to be fair its obviously very good or it wouldn't have all this praise and I am going to try it out inevitably in the end and its most likely the music, design, acting is what makes up for that or empowers the retro scenery.

where is Penumbra anyway?

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Do you find it disturbing?

Nay, merely encompassing. Silence is wonderful for introspection and reading. And yes, they are most kind in that regard. For who would let me languish in the supposedly active Forest of Madness when its denizens but hide amongst its boughs?

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Mmm it's beautiful outside. The first wave of a storm just passed and lowered the temperature by 40 degrees, so I stepped out and let the rainy wind blow through my hair. So pleasant.

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