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No posts since 10am. Pathetic. It's also pathetic that Angie, who lives in another country, has seen more of our national points of interest than I have. This only reinforces my determination to travel all around in the next few years.

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Unless you count DFW as a point of interest.

*looooooong, sloooooooow, saaaaaaaad sigh*

Yeeeeeeah. You have some traveling to do :I

I mean even RIGHT in your own state. You're not trying hard enough >:I

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I'm poor. I live with my parents trying to save up for a down-payment on a house. I don't even have time to travel. Anyway, Texas can bite me. Aside from the fact that DFW is ranked as one of the biggest metroplex economies, it's boring.

And while we may be a state of homophobic cowboys and freeloaders, at least we don't have big Jersey hair >:l

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...my dear, your ignorance is showing :I

Clearly you meant to say, "..big Long-Islander hair."

Being that no one from New Jersey has big, obnoxious hair styles :I

Also, it would seem that your goals are counterproductive to... your other goals.

Houses can't travel the country.

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Did I say I was buying a house here? No, I'm going north. Hopefully to Seattle. And I said what I meant and I meant what I said. Jersey hair annoys me >:l

Treating me like a foal.


At least everypony associates We Are Young with me. I even outshine the sun Fawkes! So you can bite me.

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Just show me where and I'd be happy to oblige ;3



I think you mean TEXAS hair.

Being that Texas females are KNOWN for having ridiculously large, gaudy hairstyles >:I

Also, still makes no sense >:I

A house anchors you down to one place, no matter WHERE you buy it.

It's something that old people who are done traveling the world do.

And... and rich people.

If you REALLY wanted to do the whole traveling thing, you should pull a Christopher McCandless.

Except... you know... don't burn all your money.

That's a bit TOO extreme.

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Just show me where and I'd be happy to oblige ;3



I think you mean TEXAS hair.

Being that Texas females are KNOWN for having ridiculously large, gaudy hairstyles >:I

Also, still makes no sense >:I

A house anchors you down to one place, no matter WHERE you buy it.

It's something that old people who are done traveling the world do.

And... and rich people.

If you REALLY wanted to do the whole traveling thing, you should pull a Christopher McCandless.

Except... you know... don't burn all your money.

That's a bit TOO extreme.

No, Texas girls are put on TV for either being amazingly hot or rednecks hunting alligators with their hands. I'm pretty sure Jersey has the wonderful reputation of smog and big nails/hair for dressing up. Doesn't matter anyway, I have no accent to the point that other Texans think I'm from some random Midwestern state. And I have no love for my home state.

Also, what part of being a homeowner prevents you from traveling?

Last answer: tummy, left side. :l

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No, Texas girls are put on TV for either being amazingly hot or rednecks hunting alligators with their hands. I'm pretty sure Jersey has the wonderful reputation of smog and big nails/hair for dressing up. Doesn't matter anyway, I have no accent to the point that other Texans think I'm from some random Midwestern state. And I have no love for my home state.

Also, what part of being a homeowner prevents you from traveling?

Last answer: tummy, left side. :l

*noms on leftest most Aria tummy* :I

It's just not conducive to traveling.

You COULD, sure.

But you're not likely to.

Unless you mean like, a tiny little roadtrip within your state every weekend or so.

When you get a house, you're gonna get a job to keep up with that house.

When you get that job, you become effectively shackled to the area around that work place.

You have to keep up with paaaaayments and utilitieeees and graaaaass and such.

You mentioned living with other peoples so I GUESS you could have them take care of everything but... eh :I

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