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Last post wins

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I'm not sure, Fawkes. I'm not entirely sure.

I must say, Jay's post had... second depth. Even third or fourth! It was beyond comprehension of normal ponies.

We might just yet become surprised. Hear my words.

It was a sign of... tricky mind. One does not simply come here and post a post after 36.5k responses already.

SIDE NOTE: This is sad. I just realized I have an artist soul trapped inside body with an architects eye. What it means? I care for details in art no less than Rarity does and, on the other hoof, I can't create reliable plans and maps because I feel an urgent need to improve them to look better instead of showing strict truth.

This is cruel... comments allowed.

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10 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceburg near penguin town

One penguin said I'm ready for some fun

Jumped into the water and splashed under the sun.

9 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said it's great to be alive

Jumped into the water with a fancy penguin dive

8 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said I just gotta be me

Jumped into the water and danced around the sea

7 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said This iceberg's kind of small

Jumped into the water and did a cannonball

6 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said those dolphins wanna play

Jumped into the water and played with them all day

5 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said I think it's time to eat

Jumped into the water and had a little treat

4 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said this is getting kind of old

Jumped into the water yelling whoa it's ca ca cold

3 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said I don't wanna be last

Jumped into the water and swam away fast

2 little penguins waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

One penguin said where did everybody go?

Jumped into the water in super slow-mo

1 little penguin waddling around

A tiny little iceberg near penguin town

The last penguin said I don't wanna be alone

Jumped into the water and swam on home

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*sets a small, everburning flame on the forest floor*

Is for fun. I'll be interested to see what happens, and seeing if reality can follow hopes. What is reality, anyway?

*vanishes in a sunburst*

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I had about an hour of free time in train...

I've decided to train eyes. Yes, eyes. But I don't mean looking left and right et caetera. I rather meant...


Sorry for low quality, but my camera... well... is rebellious lately. It makes quality photos randomly lately >.>'

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ah non, Appy is sick too D:

also also

tomorrow is wear pink for anti-bullying day

but friday is my pony party with my brony friend

what day do I wear pinkie pie shirt? .-.

also, hi

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My little ponies, I am disappoint in you.


All you ever wanna do is post THE PICTURE but you never wanna do the actual welcoming.


*cough, cough*

*ruffles up mane*



Welcome home!

We've been waiting for you~ :3

Oh why thank you <3 I feel loved.

But I'm still going to win this no matter what >:3

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