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~Sexy B*tch is firing the Death Laz0r in T Minus eight seconds.~

Nasty Tanks, kersplode him while the Sexy B*tch charges its laz0r!

Nasty Soldiers, hurry, play Last Battle from Cave Story!

*Nasty Soldiers run to get YouTubez, but trip and knock into the Nasty Tanks, causing their fire to hit the Sexy B*tch, which sadly caused the cannon to malfunction, thus shooting the Death Laz0r to fire backwards - into the Sexy B*tch - which ultimately destroyed it, and its wreckage tragically fell on the army and tanks, destroying them all.*

*Nasty runs away*

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oh, it's the 42nd beatles and pikmin fan :3

I've seen you around

you're female

you collect all the generation toys

you've got a lot of 'em

you've only been collecting since August

when you're online, you post EVERYWHERE

I've noticed you :l you stand out

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Denizens of the Forest of Madness!

This proclamation is to announce the arrival and alliance between Fawkes, Spirit of Madness and Top Hats, and his long, lost brother, Noah, Lord of Order.

He shall be moving into the Forest in order to preach his craaaaaaazy Order hub-bub as well as to return to the lands which he once called home. Under the terms of our agreement, Noah shall be given his own throne in the Forest and he shall be allowed to follow his blasphemous order of Order until he is driven entirely mad by the forest in which he shall reside, at which point he shall be fully welcomed with open arms by the Madmen~

As well, Noah is actively recruiting for his armies of Order. Any who happen to find themselves to be insufficiently mad or are curious about living an Ordered lifestyle, inquire with him. He shall be around.

Thank you and that is all~ :I

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Denizens of the Forest of Madness!

This proclamation is to announce the arrival and alliance between Fawkes, Spirit of Madness and Top Hats, and his long, lost brother, Noah, Lord of Order.

He shall be moving into the Forest in order to preach his craaaaaaazy Order hub-bub as well as to return to the lands which he once called home. Under the terms of our agreement, Noah shall be given his own throne in the Forest and he shall be allowed to follow his blasphemous order of Order until he is driven entirely mad by the forest in which he shall resides, at which point he shall be fully welcomed with open arms by the Madmen~

As well, Noah is actively recruiting for his armies of Order. Any who happen to find themselves to be insufficiently mad or are curious about living an Ordered lifestyle, inquire with him. He shall be around.

Thank you and that is all~ :I


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Denizens of the Forest of Madness!

This proclamation is to announce the arrival and alliance between Fawkes, Spirit of Madness and Top Hats, and his long, lost brother, Noah, Lord of Order.

He shall be moving into the Forest in order to preach his craaaaaaazy Order hub-bub as well as to return to the lands which he once called home. Under the terms of our agreement, Noah shall be given his own throne in the Forest and he shall be allowed to follow his blasphemous order of Order until he is driven entirely mad by the forest in which he shall reside, at which point he shall be fully welcomed with open arms by the Madmen~

As well, Noah is actively recruiting for his armies of Order. Any who happen to find themselves to be insufficiently mad or are curious about living an Ordered lifestyle, inquire with him. He shall be around.

Thank you and that is all~ :I


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*sighs a soft sigh, flopping onto my back in the seat of my throne as my horn glows a soft lavender, the tea in my cup drifting lazily through the air over my head*

Do tell me then, Aria.

Tell me of your grand vision of a LPW without Fawkes.

Tell me of your revolutionary machinations which will bring back the Golden Age.

Tell me allllllll about the change you're trying to force down our throats.

Not without you, never without you. You are as much a part of this place as anypony else. All I'm implying is that good leaders either continue their realm's prosperity, or aid in ushering it in if they themselves cannot or will not do it. As this has been your first response without an insult it saddens me to halt my offensive for the day, but I do like the progress.

*sets up a small perimeter and tents, leaving Pinkie to guard with a confetti cannon while i cook a small marshmallow over a campfire*

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Who isn't pleased?

You and Noe?

Noe is just being a troll like he always is :I

Why is Sulvuss displeased?

EDIT: AHHHHHH, the little false princess is back! : D

I get to read more of her silly hub-bub.

Such fun! : D

EDIT #2: It was boring and nothing really interesting happened but I guess I have to respond to it all the same... :I

EDIT #3: I feel like Angie doin' these super secret edits to my post... :3

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Who isn't pleased?

You and Noe?

Noe is just being a troll like he always is :I

Why is Sulvuss displeased?

EDIT: AHHHHHH, the little false princess is back! : D

I get to read more of her silly hub-bub.

Such fun! : D

EDIT #2: It was boring and nothing really interesting happened but I guess I have to respond to it all the same... :I

You are aware of the reasons. Do you really think you can maintain a alliance with me while aligning with someone who supports order?

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You are aware of the reasons. Do you really think you can maintain a alliance with me while aligning with someone who supports order?

No worries, Sulvuss my dear chap. No worries.

I assure you that either of your activities will not disrupt the activities of the other.

All shall be well and whatnot~

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No worries, Sulvuss my dear chap. No worries.

I assure you that either of your activities will not disrupt the activities of the other.

All shall be well and whatnot~

The two screams of the opposite walls always reflect and meet the centre. You lies may work on your underlings, Mad god but they work little wonders on me.

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Who isn't pleased?

You and Noe?

Noe is just being a troll like he always is :I

Why is Sulvuss displeased?

EDIT: AHHHHHH, the little false princess is back! : D

I get to read more of her silly hub-bub.

Such fun! : D

EDIT #2: It was boring and nothing really interesting happened but I guess I have to respond to it all the same... :I

EDIT #3: I feel like Angie doin' these super secret edits to my post... :3

Ah, there we go. Much more to my expectations.

*munches on my marshmallow*

No more a fake princess than you are the self-proclaimed leader who took these lands from his mother. Do be civil, regardless of your assumptions.

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