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I saw it coming.

*sets a tiny box on the forest floor and opens the flap. A tiny, fluffy monster with buck teeth and big eyes tumbles out*

This is Hinkel. He's a buck-toothed vampire, and he looks like this: (8B

He's not very bright, but he can spread buck-toothed vampirism. You'll forever hunger for those with beautiful smiles, and suck the enamel straight from their teeth as they sleep. I'd watch out for him.

*nudges Hinkel to start him waddling before carefully withdrawing the hoof*

So cute and disgusting.

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what's the url of the popout chat? .-. isn't it something like canterlot.com/popout or something? can somebody link it to me?

or am I not the only one stuck on mobile version? I'm at a computer

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Okay everypony. What's the big deal with signatures again?

I've just tried editing mine, giving it a new quotation coming from Rarity. And what?

With 3 lines it gives me error that I cannot use more than 4 lines of text. FINE! I'm not! What the hay!?

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how many characters is it? .-.

I dun really know how it all works, but I think it has to show up as under four lines and less than 200 characters 

but don't hold me to that.

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nuuuuuuuu D:

it was never a problem before D: Angie has always looked colt-ish

besides, I think it's more questionable to have a little girl on your head :l although both are pretty questionable

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I know I evoke a feeling of dread, happiness, and pure "meh" in other ponies in Canterlot. As for LPW, I'm not sure. I think they're just jealous. Why did you scream Angie?

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