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You're right, Hinkel should have bitten somepony by now. Is anypony craving the enamel off of your friends' teeth yet? Unexplained bucktoothedness?

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Silly Rosie. I'm not crazy, I'm insane. And bored Angie. Very bored. I'm all up in your thread, acting like you were referring to me with "friends." :blah:

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I don't think I've reported anything in my life ever .-. I've blocked annoying people on various websites, but I never report things

except when I was little and I thought the report button on zimmer twins was where people without accounts left comments

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abusive comments in the gallery? .-.


never would've expected it :I any more-so than in the forums at least

with the exception of that one comment W0W made

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Oh, there was a time when Starburst was being kind of a Trixie about BBB, because she vectored a sketch of him without asking, and posted it without giving credit, and she went on a smudge campaign to attach Brian, which didn't work, like, at all. But there was plenty of report-worthy stuff among those comments. ^^

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I do like your Cadence picture however.

If I saw that face anywhere, I'd jump into endless pits of burning oils and hellfire with unstoppable feeling of guilt, even though I'd be innocent.

It's evil... The first thing that comes into my mind while seeing that pic, is: "I'd kill ANYPONY who made her look that sad!" ... Cadence is charm-overloaded.

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