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As well, our most graceful Princess Aria is correct.

All who come, stay.

In one way or another.

The Forest takes everything...

But gives SO much more~

However, if you're looking SOLELY for those Madmen who have yet to be FULLY consumed by our giggling wood...

You need only look as far as the very first post~ ;3

Fawkes, your posts are usually so confusing that they end up making some deranged form of sense.

This isn't one of those.

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2000th post went to WHO?

That would be me.


Myyyyy bad.

You're both actually WRONG >:I

Pony :3

2000th POST went to dear ol' Fawkesikins, thank you very much~

So GOOD DAY to you sir and madame.


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increment posts are so mainstream U^U they're still worth it, but I'm going for the cool numbers. the ones that never show up as an answer on a math test, no matter how badly you want them to

such as 8008, the boob number

I saw, I was in Chemistry at the time

I have 6666

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Fawkes, your posts are usually so confusing that they end up making some deranged form of sense.

This isn't one of those.

The very first post of this topic, by Octavia, has been Liked by all the active members of LPW, as of one month ago.

In celebration of the six month anniversary of LPW :I

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At what page did all sane people leave this thread?


I'm making a story staring you guys (boredum) and I think I have a few personalities down:

Angie: The nice artist

Penumbra: (The closest personality I can find is) The Joker.

Fawkes: The "I don't care what you think"

Silverswirl: The athletic nice guy that no one listens to.

Davroth: (I really don't know :/)

Peggly: The loyal friend

Appy: ?

Ashton: ?

NoedigJk471: ?

BFL: ?

Micro: ? AKA Guy who's scared of Penumbra







Cat: Bane of all living. Very Evil. Wear protective goggles.

Any comments on this? I want to match your personalities as best as possible.

And these are the only people that will be in it as of yet (From LPW).


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Kind of hard to forget me. I am the most unique looking avatar here, started the love war and scored like a 60+ daily post count within what...two-three day...I don't remember. But I haven't posted in a billion years so...yeah.

ALso, I found my D&D Player handbook. Apparently its...Advanced edition...the first one apparently, by Gary Gygax.

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Kind of hard to forget me. I am the most unique looking avatar here, started the love war and scored like a 60+ daily post count within what...two-three day...I don't remember. But I haven't posted in a billion years so...yeah.

ALso, I found my D&D Player handbook. Apparently its...Advanced edition...the first one apparently, by Gary Gygax.

Ohhhh. I'm on the 3.5 edition. You have a bit of history there.

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Ohhhh. I'm on the 3.5 edition. You have a bit of history there.

Also, yeah. This is what my teacher gave me when I was a pre teen. I was into fantasy and he and I had good student/mentor relationship he would tell me his stories and I would be like "WOW" like the time he was swarmed by bats but instead of attack they banged their swords against their shields to mess up their sonar. Or about the vampire rose he encountered. It was awesome.

Anyway, this was the book he had since he was playing D&D. He gave me the DM one as well but I got to find it, it got moved about.

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