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I sometimes forget what I was about to respond to a post quoted from few pages ago...

I wish you sunshine and ladybugs until you awake!

>.>'' Really Aria, I wonder how long yet I'll let you innocently have fun at my cost. Though, earning a smile > potential cost for now. Therefore I'm just saying!

She got a rock...and I'm getting stoned...








I know right >:l? The hay is that supposed to be? I mean... are we supposed to go there and talk how awesome we are? Or maybe mods will talk there about how awesome we are? Or perhaps both? Enlighten me!

Would you kindly kill Fawkes and Aria first?

1st: You'd fail.

2nd: I'd make you fail.

3rd: You'd fail anyway.

4th: They'd resurrect quite quickly .-.

5th: Cross me first...

Way to cry wolf, Angie. We are doing fine ever since the chat bar disappeared. :I

I still miss the chat bar.

I don't, LPW would have eventually died.

I was about to keep laughing out of control, but it would be rude. That's why I shall limit myself to a single:


Gosh I love reading through all those posts :D

Hello everypony!

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I...I don't even care anymoe.



Blackfang's gone.

He's never coming back.



I never got to tell him...how much he meant to me.



What if everyone else leaves?!

Dusty's gone!

Never knew him, but he has!



You need to tell the people you love that you love them all the time.




I always have.

Not matter what I did or said.

All this time.

These old threads reminded me of all the fun we had.


Don't you leave me boy.

Don't you ever leave me.

Don't be like Blackfang.

And leave Penumbra heart broken.



*Make's Blackfangs grave.


Here lies Blackfang.


*Puts rose.


You may have not cared about my well being.


But....Good bye.

Wounds still bleeding.

*Sad music.



I just miss him so much.


You wanted to see the real Penumbra.



*Curls up in ball and cries.

It'll be okay Penby

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*Raises hoof*

Aria provided visual support. Visual support quite better than emote. Although... this visual support reminds me of something else than giggling...

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*flops into throne with a soft yawn*

I'm having trouble coming up with a name for this Era in our histories.

The Resurgence?

The Reawakening?

The Time When the Chat Bar Died for Awhile and LPW became Active Again for a Bit?

Sometimes even Fawkes has trouble coming up with good names.. :'I

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Hmmm. The Ascension.

*ponders ponderingly*

ARE there that many vying for power?

Mmm... yes, I suppose there are.

Although I've recently separated LPW into only five factions.

I was plotting things in the event that we DO go over to FFA/Crossover.

I believe they hold true though.

My only fear is that LPW will plummet once more when chat is reactivated...

But every ascent must also have a descent, so I suppose the name is still fitting.

Very well than.

Aria's first chronicling as Princess is official then.

We currently find ourselves in The Ascension.

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I wonder if there'll ever be a quickening.

I want to saaaay...

That there was.

I feel like a piece of our history already carries that name.

I SO need to write that comprehensive LPW history that I've been putting off... :'I

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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