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its been super slow all day rosie i have no idea whats going on. the only Rp of mine that has made real progress is a Pm rp :P

rosie a question are you a purely a discussion board person? i never see you RPing

Morning! I do RP indeedie -- Aria and I have a really sweet one going on. It's sort of sitting there while we wait for what's-his-mane to reply.

I'm an advocate of quality over quantity, so I'm finicky about what I'll jump in on. As a result, my RP presence isn't very noticeable.

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Heh, finicky. So I realized today that I'm a total fan of tragic villains, i.e. Magneto, Sylvanas, Arthas, Illidan, Anakin Skywalker, Loki, Vergil...

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Tragic villains are more interesting than villains who practice a single ideal. Nothing is more scary than someone who thinks what they're doing is right or justified -- not just evil for evil's sake.

Even better is antagonist complexity from different angles. The best example I can think of off the top of my head would be Lady Eboshi from Princess Mononoke. She's ruthlessly at war with two different groups with their own causes for wanting her head, but she's doing it to give care to lepers and prostitutes. Delicious moral complexity!

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It IS $200 that I could spend on pony, but honestly my standards are fairly high for most merch. I'm really waiting for a quality Cadence to come out.

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Oh so foreign. :I

edit: Also, PonyHooves, that's totally not the number of the beast. That would be 999. ;D

999... That's the number I'd call if I needed an ambulance, the police or the firemen. So far, I've only needed the fiemen and that was when a pipe burst next door which caused it to flood into his house and into my house.

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