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evil laughs are a sign of needing a hug.

my brother came in my room cuz my mom was in the kitchen and he didnt want to get seen and be given a chore. i decided to put on sweet and elite. he hated the whole thing, until the song, which we danced through terribly the whole way. then it ended and he started whining again. then we watched the tick and then he left. stories are fun.

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stops hugging and backs away and hides.

despite my hiding, I'm suddenly a lot less afraid of you.

I don't see why you'd be afraid of me, but continue to do so. :U

Yay my hugs are tolerated! *keeps hugging*

Now back to sleep cause I was up all night last night -.-


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Hay Appy.

Guess what you should do..


*twirls cane and lifts hat*

One step closer to a hug *hugs appi even more*

-.- And I couldn't sleep anymore even though I'm still tired.

Drink warm milk, and play Tchaikovsky's original compositions for Swan Lake.

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