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That was a platonic friendly smooch.

Don't give me that look! *backs away* Erm...uh...ummm... *throws a distraction baguette and runs like a mad mare*

I'm shipped to Aria anyway! Forgive meeeee!

Reserves all rights to non-platonic smooches.

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VILLYFORT LANNISTER! I has news from the Seven Kingdoms!


Oh, Lady Rosewind, do you truly believe in gossip spread by the enemies of the Seven Kingdoms? The free cities beyond the Narrow Sea have long remained uncontrolled. Perhaps the time has come to teach them a lesson? They shall remember, that they're free mainly due to our... permission. Dragons... what a nonsense.

Also, watching Nasty play Amnesia is hilarious.

Where!? Where can you achieve that!?

except for that one time when there were jalapeños in my cheese :I

Jalapeños are one of the best things that ever happened to me Angie. You can trust them, they won't betray you.

The lords of hell are such drama queens.

Relatively speaking?

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Oh boy! Fish!

*Batters the Fishequus and adds fries

I'd ship with you Penby, but Rosie is all the pony I can handle.

shipping with Penumbra is a lot like stabbing yourself in the neck.

You'll have a sore throat.

there will be a lot of blood.

And you'll wonder why you did it.

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At least you have a ship...

*pat pats Penumbry*

You know who else knows dat feel?

The exciting rush of just dreaming of life with the ship that you're so sure you belong with...

...and then watching someone else come along and just steal her away?

Having naught but dreams of the day when you'll finally be reunited with her and you can at last feel that warm, salty taste on your tongue once again?

Dreams of the day when you can once more run your fingers over every inch of her before spinning her around, filling her deepest depths (perhaps with a couple of your mates, as long as they remember who she belongs to) and riding her all day and night until eventually falling asleep inside her?


Cap'n Jack.

He knows dat feel :'I

It sucks being shipless...

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"This is the post that doesn't end

It goes on and on my friends

Some ponies started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll continue posting forever just because..."

(Everypony! Sing!)

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mmmm, not what Angie was gettin' at, but whatevskies o)3)

what if I couldn't draw? then I'd have this as my avi :U


would Angie still be as popular like this?

because I could :U and because nobody is online this early to chat

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WHAT IS THAT THING? It sure isn't Angie Cakes >:I

95% of my Angie Likes only exist because of your amazingly likeable Angie Faces.

I look over at that face and I'm just like, "Now that's the face of someone who prolly says very Likeable things. Let me take extra time to read her posts."

And then I DO and the Likeability of all your posts are doubled cuz of it!

If that OTHER thing was your avi I'd just be all like, "Ew. Ew, why is this person posting here. Go away. Go away person. I bet this person just posts the worst kinda things. DISLIKE." I'd prolly end up Liking some of your posts just so I could UNlike them :'I

Also to note, WOULD that still be your avi?

Isn't the Mac cutie mark only your cutie mark cuz of your drawin' skillz on your Mac?

You'd prolly have a cutie mark of like... a tree or a rock or Tom Nook or sumthin.


Daaaavvy on the other hand....

He just has one of those pony generator faces that makes me go, "Heeeeeeeey. It's this guy.... Square Glasses Guy.... yeah, cool!"

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