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Ok, maybe Penumbra was over reacting earlier.

I thought things would go badly after one of the people found out I was British and said "We have our own Edward Cullen"

Penumbra wasn't too pleased.

But then they all were overwhelmed after they realized I look like Heath Ledger.

They were all like "Penumbra! Smile again"

*Penumbra smiles

Squeeeeeeeee! His eyes do that Heath Ledger thing! Then some other girly noises.

Penumbra had so much Swag

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Ya know, i'm really gettin' kinda tired of seeing the Donation collection being so close to full.


I'm somewhat tempted to do it, but to be honest I don't want the Donation Rank to cover up my ACTUAL rank. ESPECIALLY after I make it to Wonderbolt.

Does that make me selfish? >;

that's the main reason why I don't donate :/ (aside from the fact that I can't). I hope they change that someday, because I might donate if I ever start using something other than cash.

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on the topic of stopped post counts, is anybody going to make a topic about it? I'd rather not make one myself, but I'd like to let it be known how great I think this is, and that people's post counts should be adjusted.

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on the topic of stopped post counts, is anybody going to make a topic about it? I'd rather not make one myself, but I'd like to let it be known how great I think this is, and that people's post counts should be adjusted.

Adjusted howso?

Like, by making the non-counting spam stable thing retroactive?

Naaaah, I think that's a bit too much.

I like havin' our post counts bein' ludicrously high all due to the spam stable.

It makes us the last Canterlotians who were able to do that.

We're old school >:3

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