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Hey guys, I've been wondering about something....

Would you guys say what I do is....boring?

sit at a computer all day checking for new posts? that's what I do, and I think it's fun

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No. I mean, if you mean the act of writting in itself..well...it can be boring for the person writting when you simply got to think of mundane filler moments-for pacing effects, sometimes in a story nothing has to go on for a little while for tension, relxation, breaks and suspense or even mystery-but your writting itself dosen't bore me nor is writting boring most of the time except when I get those moments when I'm too tired to write anything good.

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Angie sits at her computer all day, then goes to school and wishes she could be on a computer (she can't because the graphic tech class is full of people who want a free credit >_>) then she goes home and back onto her computer

if it wern't for that school part in the middle, I'd say that I live a rather fun life

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