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I'm thinkin' 'bout starting an advertising campaign for this thread by linking new members to it in their Intro Threads.

Yeah, that would be counterintuitive toward trying to win but...

In all seriousness, a win isn't all too likely to happen for AT LEAST another year or two, when MLP potentially begins to peter out and activity slows.

So, thoughts?

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Not a bad idea really, I'm still thinking over it's effectiveness though :/

On the one hand it offers a good alternative to new comers who find other threads and the chat too daunting...

But on the other hand they could potentially not notice other good areas of the site...

I guess it'd be mostly hit and miss....

If that made any sense :-|

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idk I leave the work to the adults

Thatta boy, Acy~ <3


Not a bad idea really, I'm still thinking over it's effectiveness though :/

On the one hand it offers a good alternative to new comers who find other threads and the chat too daunting...

But on the other hand they could potentially not notice other good areas of the site...

I guess it'd be mostly hit and miss....

If that made any sense :-|

That's actually a VERY good point, Conor.

Folks who join our herd could fall into the same pitfall that some of us have and thus limit their exploration of the rest of the site.

But really, it's no different than IRC. Better than IRC, in THAT regard even, I think.

Some of the IRC ponies aren't amazingly active on the forums themselves and the chat is further removed from the forum proper than our topic, me thinks.

I would market it as an alternative to the more fast paced chat.

A small clique of friends.

A place for discussion, love, insanity, and shenanigans.

A home~

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I don't know Fawkes...:/

If you ask me it further removes people from the site...

Just coming here every now and then for a laugh or two would be fine but...

Honestly, I think the last thing this site needs is to be divided in these 'clique' as you put it :-|

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What an odd experience.

Brother comes over to my house. Jumps on my PC for a bit to use Vegas Pro 11 and make some cool stuff.

Upon clicking "File > Import > Media" it opened up, and the default was my MLP folder. Nobody but my two younger brothers know i'm a brony, so his reaction:

"You downloaded....*reads the video name* My little pony Episodes?" My initial reaction is "Yeah, it's a long story, with a good ending, i'll tell you about it in a bit."

"Ha ha ha....no...that's...okay.." He continued to laugh for a few more seconds, then continued on.

He found out I watch this, and I tried ot tell him about it, and he didn't care, but still laughed that I watch it.

What should I feel about this?

o.o What an odd experience.

Alright, this is what you needta do.

You walk up to your brother.

Stare him straight in the eye.

Say nothing.


He'll attempt to say or do something but just make "shhhhh"ing noises at him and hold your finger up to your lips until he quiets down.

Next, take his hand firmly in your hand.

March him in front of the computer.

Sit him down in front of said computer.

If there is a door, lock it.

Start up your favoritest episode of My Little Pony.

Every time he laughs or attempts to turn his head, smack him upside the head with increasing levels of intensity.

If he attempts to get up and leave, take out some sort of sharp, limb removing device.

Hold it up and say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, [brother's Name]."

He will then sit back down.

After the episode is over say, "Welcome to the herd, [brother's Name]. You have been assimilated."

Works every time. Like a charm~ :3

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I don't know Fawkes... :/

If you ask me it further removes people from the site...

Just coming here every now and then for a laugh or two would be fine but...

Honestly, I think the last thing this site needs is to be divided in these 'clique' as you put it :-|

Well sure, that's kinda how I would word it.

It would simply be to raise awareness of our herd. Give people the OPTION of coming on over and checking in now and again or staying for a bit longer if they wanted.

I mean, we have no one but ourselves to blame for not branching out to other parts of the Forum.

I know I've just been too lazy to really give the other sections a chance.

I can't blame this topic for that.

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Honestly, I think the last thing this site needs is to be divided in these 'clique' as you put it :-|

And, not to sound TOO harsh or depressing, but one of the only ways for us to do away with such cliques would be for us to abandon this topic as we currently us it.

We would need to give it back its previous goal: a competition for the last post. Rather than a daily chat sort of thing.

Even than, there are some cliques which we could do little to break up. I dunno if 'cliques' is even the right word... they're more like groups of friends... which are technically cliques...

I dunno x:

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two hours down and nothing to show for it :^|

what are we talking about? advertising?

I don't like new people ._.

just kidding, new people are great if they aren't not great :^D

and by that I mean, the more people we add, the more people I have to draw

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That's not true Fawkes actually...

I'm friends with plenty of people outside of this topic, writers, RPer's and artist alike..

And I can safely say my experience in Canterlot would have been lessr had I not met these people...

And despite all that, I'm here almost everyday...

We don't need to shut down this topic, we just need to treat it as you put it...a home...

We just need to branch out like I did, it may be daunting at first but we always have this thread to come back too, again, like a home...

But that's just a 15 year old's opinion, take it as you will :D

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I like to think I'm everybody's friend :)



I also have a date in 2 hours.

I feel like I'm gonna be sick :green:

Cuz I'm nervous, not cuz she's gross. Cuz she isn't . She's HOT! Which doesn't help the nervousness factor...

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I know that Fawkes, but I wouldn't consider myself of any clique :/

Like Imagination, I just like being everyone's friend :)

I don't really agree with cliques is all....just seems like a form of division...

And trust me, if you brought up in Ireland, you learn why division is bad...very bad :-|

....Oh and by the way Imagination, I'm sorry for this but my inner Irish man is begging me to say this....please forgive me


....okay.....let's hope I never do that again :blush:

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I like to think I'm everybody's friend :)



I also have a date in 2 hours.

I feel like I'm gonna be sick :green:

Cuz I'm nervous, not cuz she's gross. Cuz she isn't . She's HOT! Which doesn't help the nervousness factor...


Tell her Fawkes says "Hai!"


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I know that Fawkes, but I wouldn't consider myself of any clique :/

Like Imagination, I just like being everyone's friend :)

I don't really agree with cliques is all....just seems like a form of division...

And trust me, if you brought up in Ireland, you learn why division is bad...very bad :-|

....Oh and by the way Imagination, I'm sorry for this but my inner Irish man is begging me to say this....please forgive me


....okay.....let's hope I never do that again :blush:

You make teh good points, dear Conor.

I have teh ponderings to do :I

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Alright, this is what you needta do.

You walk up to your brother.

Stare him straight in the eye.

Say nothing.


He'll attempt to say or do something but just make "shhhhh"ing noises at him and hold your finger up to your lips until he quiets down.

Next, take his hand firmly in your hand.

March him in front of the computer.

Sit him down in front of said computer.

If there is a door, lock it.

Start up your favoritest episode of My Little Pony.

Every time he laughs or attempts to turn his head, smack him upside the head with increasing levels of intensity.

If he attempts to get up and leave, take out some sort of sharp, limb removing device.

Hold it up and say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, [brother's Name]."

He will then sit back down.

After the episode is over say, "Welcome to the herd, [brother's Name]. You have been assimilated."

Works every time. Like a charm~ :3

But that only worked on my youngest brother. He's now 11, but he was 10 when I converted him. Hey, if he doesn't care I watch it, I won't say anything. i'll attempt to show him it some time soon though.

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