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Get what checked out? A good working internal clock? I'll be going to sleep at between 8-10pm and waking up at 4:50-5:10am, and even if I go to sleep later than 10pm like say 3am I'll be waking up no later than 6am no matter what.

You're always complaining about sleeping issues.

Which is what you should get checked out.

But if it's not such a big deal, then that's it. XD

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I wanted to see Brave first thing this morning, but I had business that needed to be taken care of! I'm certainly not going now -- I dislike opening night crowds. Maybe tomorrow. I'm glad to see it's good!

I'm not glad to see Pixar is doing a Monsters Inc. sequel. I don't doubt that the movie will be entertaining, it just feels like a financial cop out to me because it's "safe."

I was going to say something else profound here, but I forgot what it was. Oh, right! I found frozen "Canadian Wild Boreal Blueberries." I'm curious if blueberries from Angie's homeland are blueberrier than the average berry.

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Silver -- how did that job thing go?

Well, they have offered to give me a 4 hour long battery of tests to determine my true strengths and then find the best fit for me! I just have to schedule it and do it!

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Well, they have offered to give me a 4 hour long battery of tests to determine my true strengths and then find the best fit for me! I just have to schedule it and do it!

Don't wait on that! I know I'm not your mother so you'll get friendly prodding instead! *pulls out her prodding stick* *prod*

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