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How does I add people to conversations?


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When creating a PM, add other names to the Other Recipients field.


To add someone to an existing message, click add found in the Invite Participants section of the sidebar found on the left when reading a message you've sent to someone.


Note: Numerical quantities shown in my screenshots may/will be different depending on type of membership held.

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So just to be clear on that. Does the number of people you can invite to a PM conversation your rank based on your posts? Does having donator status increase the number? And since this is Shadowbolt business, and there is both a Mod and a RP helpstaff member among us, do they have a significantly larger amount of possible participants to a PM conversation, compared to normal users?

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To add someone to an existing message, click add found in the Invite Participants section of the sidebar found on the left when reading a message you've sent to someone.


Note: Numerical quantities shown in my screenshots may/will be different depending on type of membership held.

there are only 5 people in the convo and I dont have that option

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As Tales said, 5 is the limit.

Your inbox currently has a large quota of 150 messages.

Donators don't have the option for more as in most cases when the perk period runs out the donator is placed back into their original group. (see donation tab on main menu for details of perks)

Why? ...the PM system is not a chatroom system. It's just a little feature to CC someone in on a message.

Why don't we add more? ...to prevent further instances of spam, uses resources for over a thousand members and simply because it's not a chatroom.

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