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College sucks for me, the classes are hard and not interesting, the teachers don't give a crap about you, there's no one to make friends with. :|

High school...I miss it so much; the awesome teachers, marching band, hanging with friends, marching band, eating lunch together, marching band...it's not something teens should take for granted.

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Personally, I agree with the college sucking thing. I go to West Point, which is a military academy. Everything we do is wrought with arcane rules and procedures. The upperclassmen actually act as your military chain of command so you're not allowed to associate with them as friends and they generally make life horseapplesty.

I'm really excited about the end of the semester because generally the life of a first year cadet vastly improves after the first semester ends.

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They say college gets better once you get into your major specific classes, but I'm majoring in business; NOTHING about business is interesting or fun to me, I just chose it because it was the only major that doesn't require high-level math like trigonometry and calc; classes I can't pass because of my dyscalculia.

Don't ya just love a country where a zookeeper or animator has to know how to graph polynomials in order to pick up poop and draw?

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By the sounds of it my subjects are a little more easy-going than your lots'. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts in Film and English. So while you may think that means sitting around and reading books and watching films, it's actually a lot more difficult. But it is mainly sitting around reading books and watching films...

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First year of college too, and I really miss Highschool.

In the first few weeks of college it was boring and I had no one to hang with, but I started poking around and trying to break the shy barrier and eventually found a cool bunch of people to hang out with!

I guess my university is a little different, since it's local and built inside a mall. :P

I'm taking a one year foundation course in the local university, then I might head to the U.K for a full four years of Multimedia Studies.

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It's funny. I did one year of community college in the US and I loved it. You could organize your time schedule the way you wanted, pick the classes you wanted at the convenient time, which meant you could work at the same time, something you can't really do here in France. It was way better than high school for me. I had to move back to France after one year, but if I could I'd go back there and continue.

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A... Maaawwwl?

What is this... mawl? You speak of...?

We don't have those anywhere around here in Vermont. Closest one to me is in Berlin.

No malls? We get sick of malls here. I can't find anyone in this country who hasn't been to a mall. :P

*ahem* Being an adult is awesome!!!! Wohoo! No exams, no homework, no naked at class dreams! :blah: :blah: :blah:

Luckily I'm still young enough to not miss that times. :geek: And to act like a jerk as it shows...

*Shakes fists in rage*

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ah, it's really hard D: I'm still in high school, but I'm in IB, so it's supposed to be like high school in a university setting (more work, harder questions, etc. it gets you ready for university)

my english class is the hardest, but it's the only non-IB class I have ¬_¬ at least I'll be done with that class in February. my other classes go until June.

if this is high school, I never want to go to university D:

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I know how you feel Angie...

Even though my exams are just finished we still have a lot of work that needs doing, my english literature teacher wasn't happy with a few results and now the entire class has to put in overtime because of it....

High school man, seriously :/

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It's funny. I did one year of community college in the US and I loved it. You could organize your time schedule the way you wanted, pick the classes you wanted at the convenient time, which meant you could work at the same time, something you can't really do here in France. It was way better than high school for me. I had to move back to France after one year, but if I could I'd go back there and continue.

I guess that's a good advantage of american college over high school, getting to choose the times. But it's not so much choosing the courses, it's choosing the teachers; still gotta take all the required core and major classes. :/ GOD I HATE CORE. I would have been an A+ student in high school if I didn't have to take math classes. >.>

Adviser: Do you want to take American History or Civics?


Adviser: It doesn't really matter, you have to take both to graduate...

me: :wail:

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I'm really burnt out on the school. Very much in the whole taking everything at my own pace thing, and it is kind of feeling like its taking forever, even though I only have like three or so semesters left at the university, theoretically. Plus its gotten kind of difficult.

Kind of can't wait till I'm through with it all, but with my lack of enthusiasm I know that if I don't pace myself I'm just going to fail. :sleep:

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I'm really burnt out on the school. Very much in the whole taking everything at my own pace thing, and it is kind of feeling like its taking forever, even though I only have like three or so semesters left at the university, theoretically. Plus its gotten kind of difficult.

Kind of can't wait till I'm through with it all, but with my lack of enthusiasm I know that if I don't pace myself I'm just going to fail. :sleep:

I feel the same way. I go into the library where everyone's studying and doing papers and projects while I'm chatting with bronies or looking at youtube; and I think to myself "Should I be studying or something?" The only class that's difficult for me is math, but that can't be helped. My essays and tests in other classes are sometimes easier than high school...but I just feel like I'm not putting enough effort into school because I'm not losing sleep over finals or being active in signing up for classes (I just tell my adviser to sign me up for what I need, I don't research the professors or anything). There needs to be "Being a college student for dummies" I'm not partying..but I'm not studying....am I doing something wrong?

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oh yes, that's another thing about school. somehow I'm only taking six classes, all of them mandatory courses, yet I have no room at all for classes of my choice D: I have four spares, but nothing fits in them because all of them are every second day. even with all this free time, I still barely have time for homework, so I guess it's a good thing that I can't take what I want :roll:

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Passing all my freshman classes in all honors. Idk when exams are but I'll pass xD enjoying honors world history nxt year gonna take honors USA history, AP world history and medieval history-finance as my electives

WOT? :o

My high school was so lame, all standard stereotypical electives. But jeez, that's cool. In GA we're crammed with year after year of US history and government. I don't give a crapolla about this boring country, I want to learn some cultures and world history dang it! :x

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