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The end of the fandom


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Sons and daughters of Celestia, of Luna, my bronies!

I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

A day may come when the fan art and fiction fails

When we forsake magic and break all bonds of friendship

But it is not this day

An hour of hate and darkened internet when the Age of Bronies comes crashing down

But it is not this day!

This day we fight!

By all that you hold dear on this good Equestria

I bid you stand, Members of Canterlot!

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Guest HipsterRarity

hi hi

Each to their own. I have a feeling that even after the show is long gone, people will still remember the good times and the friendship, and that is something special I think. :)

What exists here and in other brony sites/conventions/etc. is indeed special. I've never experienced anything like it.

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As was stated earlier, there's still a rabid Pokemon fanbase. Maybe not what it once was, but the fad has long since passed. What remains are those who found something lasting in that world, something upon which to hold.

The catch here is that there is still new source material being released by Pokémon (as questionable as it's quality may be...) same for the StH fandom (and same questionable quality of content...) That's why these havn't really faded out. Look at another fandom similar to ours (a show written for kids that drew adults) Gargoyles - Whats left of that fandom? I still occasionally see a Goliath or Demona at a convention, but overall it's dead and been absorbed by the ever-loving Furry fandom (like 'em or hate 'em, they are where dieing anthropomorphic fandoms all end up) Though that fandom isn't *quite* dead as I think I read somewhere Disney sold a lot of comic rights lately, including Darkwing Duck, Tailspin and Gargoyles)

On the other paw, FiM has left a rather noticable mark on pop culture history, far more than most series did (Pokémon, StH, StarTrek - we're in good company) So I dont know what exactly will happen once hasbro orphans us --- if they ever do! Remember the original MLP had 3-and-a-half "gennerations" of essentially the same style/stories, so there may be 3-4 series of FiM. Even if they dont embrace the bronies, the franchise is far from dead and there's a chance that Gen 5 will be as good as gen 4 is. (if they keep the same writers it's quite possible) While we'll all be sorry to see the Mane 6 'retired' I think we can all agree it's a better option than the franchise ending.

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I have a hard time believing that this fandom will go down without several remaining fans. I mean, even if the show ends--which I can't see it doing anytime soon, since it's raking in so much dough--My Little Pony has been around since it was 'My Pretty Pony' back in the 80's. Hasbro isn't going to let such an iconic thing just...DIE.

I've thought about this a lot too. I would type out my opinion, but knight said it a lot better than I ever could :P

also, thankies. :3

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Guest HipsterRarity

The catch here is that there is still new source material being released by Pokémon (as questionable as it's quality may be...) same for the StH fandom (and same questionable quality of content...) That's why these havn't really faded out. Look at another fandom similar to ours (a show written for kids that drew adults) Gargoyles - Whats left of that fandom? I still occasionally see a Goliath or Demona at a convention, but overall it's dead and been absorbed by the ever-loving Furry fandom (like 'em or hate 'em, they are where dieing anthropomorphic fandoms all end up) Though that fandom isn't *quite* dead as I think I read somewhere Disney sold a lot of comic rights lately, including Darkwing Duck, Tailspin and Gargoyles)

On the other paw, FiM has left a rather noticable mark on pop culture history, far more than most series did (Pokémon, StH, StarTrek - we're in good company) So I dont know what exactly will happen once hasbro orphans us --- if they ever do! Remember the original MLP had 3-and-a-half "gennerations" of essentially the same style/stories, so there may be 3-4 series of FiM. Even if they dont embrace the bronies, the franchise is far from dead and there's a chance that Gen 5 will be as good as gen 4 is. (if they keep the same writers it's quite possible) While we'll all be sorry to see the Mane 6 'retired' I think we can all agree it's a better option than the franchise ending.

I was very young when Gargoyles was up and running, so I cannot pretend to understand much about that fandom. I was speaking moreso in relation to the original Pokemon fanbase. I of course realize that new fans are made with the continuing series and product, but the main consensus is that the earlier incarnation was better, and there still exists a portion of this original group. I'm afraid I've lost my main train of thought here, but that's at least one point I wanted to make :)

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Indeed we do, If the clowns happy. Everypony is happy!

Unless you're afraid of clowns...

... Also, I believe that this fandom can survive off of Fanon. If a piece of Fanon becomes popular enough, it can be globally accepted as fanon-canon (or near-canon) (See: Lyra), or even reach a point of true canon (See: Derpy Hooves). Of course, if we take out the creation of true canon, something very interesting can occur. Assuming that there's a constant stream of fanon (which I believe there is), and still fans willing to accept it (Hey, there are still Goldeneye players after 14, soon to be 15 years, why wouldn't there still be Bronies?), this fandom can easily become... everlasting, I guess you could say. There are still large groups of fans for things no longer updated, so you can say these are immortal fandoms. Unless we all begin to hate all things pony, including our fanon, because of low quality canon being released, Bronies will last forever.

Really, look at my example - Goldeneye. It still has it's following fandom. Don't believe me? Go on YouTube, you'll still find good ol' machinimas, soundtrack uploads, walkthroughs, lets plays, parodies, and videos made with friends. If it is truely loved, it's followers will make it last forever.

Also: Queen. There are still TONS of fans. People still listen and love their music. Queen's been gone for a long time, but it still has it's fandom!

So, if Queen and Goldeneye can have immortal fandoms, why not Ponies?


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Unless you're afraid of clowns...

"Life Expectancy" by Dean Koontz is the best book I have ever read. About evil clowns. Just thought I would put that out there.

While I cannot imagine MLP gaining the following that Queen had, I will not speculate on how long MLP will last. However, there is a difference between surviving and having a healthy following. Do you really want a vampire fanbase? By which I mean you can see it, interact with it, but there are no signs of life and it sucks your soul dry. If the only new material for 50 years is fan created, I could see that happening.

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I love how everybody notices the clown joke, and one person noticed the one refference to Queen.

And nobody noticed the constant reffering to Goldeneye. :P

And it really is a shame, Queen is one of the best bands ever. What would Freddie Mercury think about his work being compared to My Little Pony?

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And it really is a shame, Queen is one of the best bands ever. What would Freddie Mercury think about his work being compared to My Little Pony?

I'm not sure, what would he think?

Plus, what would his view be on MLP:FiM?

But I'm not comparing his work to the show, I'm using his fans - the queen fandom, really, as an example.

And, yes, while MLP:FiM will probably never reach the popularity Queen ever had (curse you, prejudice against ponies!), Queen's fandom can still be used as an example of how a bunch of fans can last a long time, if not forever, with something wonderful yet discontinued.

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FIM will never die, it lives on in the hearts of those who's lives it has touched, the people who before were sad and depressed but now have the happiness of ponies to make their day, the people who had a little Rainbow Dash in their pockets that made them deal with abusive parents.

For as long as you keep them in memory the fandom will never truly die.

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FIM will never die, it lives on in the hearts of those who's lives it has touched, the people who before were sad and depressed but now have the happiness of ponies to make their day, the people who had a little Rainbow Dash in their pockets that made them deal with abusive parents.

For as long as you keep them in memory the fandom will never truly die.

Thank you. That's part of what I was saying, but I honestly don't think I said it right.

You did.

Sir/M'am, I salute you.

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I apologize if some of my post is just restating things. I'm a tad bit too tired to read each post thoroughly..

Yes, this is a "fad". There's no way around it. However, what you guys fail to realize (as what I've gathered from your posts) is that this show isn't new. "My little pony"' has been around for years longer than a lot of the members here have been alive. Sure, G1 - G3 were TERRIBLE in my opinion, but it was still there. If G4 is so good, who's to say the next era won't be better? What brought "bronies" together was the internet. Which did NOT exist when the original aired. (At least, not in it's current state) So there's a VERY good chance that the show could last MANY more years. We're going to grow up, but the show isn't It's directed at little girls. If the show is so good ,and they keep it relatively the same, then the show could only get better. The curtain isn't falling just yet. If there is a guaranteed 15 more episodes of Season 2, and 13 ordered for Season 3, we won't see the end of G4 for a LONG time. ( that's 28 episodes, One a week would take us to about next October) The fanbase will live on after the show's actual cancellation. Just as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon are still going strong. Yes, their respective shows still air, but the fanbase is STILL there. That's what I mean. Why look in to the "dark and gloomy" future of a MLP-less future? Why not look at it optimistically as "What will the future bring!?" As a few members have noted, yes, Hasbro has taken notice to the "bronies".

If the show got us hooked, then maybe they're smart enough to leave it how it is .If they change it, that won't be the same show as the one that got us hooked, so they could ultimately lose their biggest fanbase.

Even many years from now, the show will live on in our hearts. More as a nostalgia, then a memory alone. I still get teary-eyed when I think of my past. (I may be 15, but times have changed since I was even 6)

What do we do best? Love and tolerate. So why don't we do that to the future? I think I've pretty much covered everything now. Just remember guys. It's not up to Hasbro to keep the show alive.

It's up to us.

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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it's called the present.

It's more important that we enjoy the here and now. It doesn't make sense to live in the past, because we cannot affect what is already done. If we spend too much time worrying about the future, that leaves us with less time enjoying the time that true matters--right now. Enjoy each moment, treasure it. Live in each moment--not the past, not the future, but right now.

Stop, close your eyes and listen to the sounds going on right around you, right now. Acknowledge your thoughts and worries, but let them go. Realize they are not happening right now. It's senseless to get worked up over them.

For me, this fandom has so deeply touched my heart and soul, I can say with absolute confidence I will carry this love with me for the rest of my days.

As far as "will the fandom survive?" I think it certainly will. MLP has been going on since the mid-eighties, and especially with this latest iteration I highly doubt it will end anytime soon. In fact, I would not be surprised to see a lot of very young artists emerging a few years from now with a very heavy MLP:FIM-influenced drawing style.

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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it's called the present.

It's more important that we enjoy the here and now. It doesn't make sense to live in the past, because we cannot affect what is already done. If we spend too much time worrying about the future, that leaves us with less time enjoying the time that true matters--right now. Enjoy each moment, treasure it. Live in each moment--not the past, not the future, but right now.

Stop, close your eyes and listen to the sounds going on right around you, right now. Acknowledge your thoughts and worries, but let them go. Realize they are not happening right now. It's senseless to get worked up over them.

For me, this fandom has so deeply touched my heart and soul, I can say with absolute confidence I will carry this love with me for the rest of my days.

As far as "will the fandom survive?" I think it certainly will. MLP has been going on since the mid-eighties, and especially with this latest iteration I highly doubt it will end anytime soon. In fact, I would not be surprised to see a lot of very young artists emerging a few years from now with a very heavy MLP:FIM-influenced drawing style.

I could not agree with you more. :)

You just hit the nail on the head! Well Spoken. ;-)

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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it's called the present.

It's more important that we enjoy the here and now. It doesn't make sense to live in the past, because we cannot affect what is already done. If we spend too much time worrying about the future, that leaves us with less time enjoying the time that true matters--right now. Enjoy each moment, treasure it. Live in each moment--not the past, not the future, but right now.

Stop, close your eyes and listen to the sounds going on right around you, right now. Acknowledge your thoughts and worries, but let them go. Realize they are not happening right now. It's senseless to get worked up over them.

For me, this fandom has so deeply touched my heart and soul, I can say with absolute confidence I will carry this love with me for the rest of my days.

As far as "will the fandom survive?" I think it certainly will. MLP has been going on since the mid-eighties, and especially with this latest iteration I highly doubt it will end anytime soon. In fact, I would not be surprised to see a lot of very young artists emerging a few years from now with a very heavy MLP:FIM-influenced drawing style.

I heard that on KFP.
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So, basically, anything I say at this point is going to be what everyone else has said. This show's awesome, eventually it's going to end, and the fandom will most likely survive.

I would like to draw a parallel to Firefly. Although most of the fans became fans AFTER termination, people are STILL hoping for a continuation. I would like to point out that it originally aired back in 2002. That's right, 10 years later and people are still hoping. Heck, there was even a movement called "Help Nathan Buy Firefly" after Nathan Fillion, the 'main' character's actor, made a remark along the lines of "If I had the money, I would buy Firefly" and thousands of people were riled up and were about to donate money until Fillion said "Wow, thanks, but no."

I think something similar is happening with MLP. Obviously the show is still going on, but even after termination I feel that the fandom will still be united, just like the Browncoats. Cool stuff will still be made, people will still talk about the show, and maybe even some people will start a fan continuation. Until then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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