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Not sure how much good it would do... Most unicorn horns look to be dull. The only ponies with pointed horns are three ponies, Fleur, Luna and Celestia. And I'm sure Equestria has some law system in place. She'd become as angry as any leader, which is to say not very. Maybe disappointed that one of her subjects would do such a thing, but she'd let the law handle it. Now if it was Twilight doing the stabbing, yeah, I can see how she would get angry at her for doing something like that.

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hi hi

Doesn't seem likely. Now I know this is just bringing science into a magical land, but from what I know of horned animals, when they use their horns in competition with each other, it generally doesn't cause serious physical harm.

This is true too. Tusks tend to be more for damage than horns are. We can assume Unicorn horns are the same as other horns in the animal kingdom.

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No, not really. I mean, if they ever became so mad as to try to harm another pony, I think they'd use magic, or trample them, or something. Unicorn horns looks very impractical for stabbing, and I think it wouldn't come to an unicorn's mind to use it as a weapon.

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sometimes I wonder if they knock stuff over with their horns... they're really long and I get the impression that sometimes they forget they're there XD

Yea, but it is impolite to point that out to a princess. Watch out for unicorn hugs though.

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It doesn't really matter if it's somewhat blunt if there's enough force behind it. And I'd say that since they're part unicorns, that horn could do some serious damage. Unicorns in European legend were so wild and untameable that the only way not to get stabbed or trampled to death trying to catch one was to have a beautiful virgin sing softly in a clearing, during which the unicorn would come and lay down its head on her lap and sleep. Then you could do what you wanted.

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