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Bah humbug to the holidays.


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Anybody here have any holidays they hate, or just dont like as much? Valentines days is coming up and i have to say, i've never liked it...

For one, i've been single for every single valentines day... but that's not the only reason. When i was in elementary school everyone use to buy those cheap '20 cards in a box for 2 bucks" things, and you had to write everyone's name on one... i just felt it was really impersonal and felt really forced... it just annoyed me that while i only got a half dozen of those cheapo cards, other kids were getting specially made cards that they made themselves... not to mention two years in a row a guy had Harley Davidson themed cards, and both of those years he specifically chose the 'fatboy' motorcycle card for me... ass...

Not to mention i hate how people start saying 'Oh, me and my love are doing something extra special for valentines day! we havent done something together like this is forever' Really? why do you need a holiday to do something special for the one you love? why can't every day be special? that isn't love, it's just a cheap way to pretend you care. Buy a card, some candy and maybe a teddy bear and OMG he's the greatest person in the world... twenty bucks at a Walgreen's show's that you care about her more than anything... pft, please...

I dunno, maybe it's just the lack of love in my life that gets me in a bad mood around this time of year... but anyway, discussion about whether or not Valentines day is a crappy holiday or not, and other holidays of dread... Go!

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well, I for one LOVE holidays :^D

<---- new avatar for every holiday, if you haven't noticed by now

but I will admit there's one holiday I don't enjoy, and that's thanksgiving. thanksgiving isn't as big a thing in Canada as it is in the states, and since we have it a month earlier and most of my internet friends are american, I miss the whole holiday hype. on top of that, I'm a picky eater and I find most thanksgiving food less than tasty :/ I'm not as picky as I was when I was little though. when I was little, thanksgiving was the worst day of the year.

also, I never knew that you were supposed to give thanks at thanksgiving until about three years ago XD

EDIT: also, since it's valentines, I should give my opinion on it. always get free chocolate from my parents, so I see no reason to complain :^D for those of you who don't get chocolate free, it's super cheap the day after valentines. go stock up on chocolate.

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I hate Valentines Day.

It is the bane of my existance...my least favorite day of the year.

I don't hate love.

I hate the commercialization ad overusage and exaggeration of it.

Valentines? Pffffftttttttt.

I've been sent Valentines before.

I don't send them back though.

I usually politely cope with it and so forth.

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I like the story behind Valentines Day. I hate the way it is celebrated. This modern commercial junk is annoying. The free chocolate was always nice. I just didn't like the pressure that seems to be put on people around this time of the year. My school always made a list of who was single and published it in the school paper.

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I like the story behind Valentines Day. I hate the way it is celebrated. This modern commercial junk is annoying. The free chocolate was always nice. I just didn't like the pressure that seems to be put on people around this time of the year. My school always made a list of who was single and published it in the school paper.

Daaaammnnnn...that was a hell of a school.

I uhhh...did something stupid and banned it forever more in my elementary school long long ago....

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The more I think about it, the more I realize that a lot of the holidays we celebrate embody an emotion that we should be keeping in our hearts 24/7. For Christmas, it's compassion. For Thanksgiving, it's gratitude. For Valentines, it's love. For April Fool's, it's laughter. :D For Halloween, it's... ahem... fear. These holidays especially, their true meaning gets drowned out by theme.

I never liked Valentines, but I never hated it. Especially when I was the Forever-Alone meme. Now that I'm married, not much has changed.

Hmmm. So what does Kirby Krackle think of St. Patrick's Day? ...heh. Drunken shenanigans.

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When Valentine's Day comes around, I go into an emotional blackhole and feel that my life is incomplete and that I am a waste of space, food and oxygen. This time of year reminds me of how lonely my life has been and I get this feeling that there may be no one who would love me for who I really am.

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I hate the commercialization ad overusage and exaggeration of it.

That's exactly how i feel.

My school always made a list of who was single and published it in the school paper.

Dude... Was this the students or the teachers? either way that's just wrong! singling out students who are single, it's like they're mocking them...

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I'm not big into St. Patrick's Day.

It's not that I hate it, I just don't consider it a major holiday. Unfortunately, around here, that's considered the same thing.

I grew up in a place where literally no one cared, now I'm in a place where there's a huge St. Patrick's parade every year. I just find it really weird when my only celebration before was wearing a little green.

And as for Valentine's, since we're all talking about it, I've always loved it. Even when I was single. I loved getting conversation hearts (but not any more since they changed the recipe and they taste funny) I loved getting cards, even if they were from classmates forced to give me cards and from my parents. It's just fun.

Now that I do have a boyfriend, I still consider it just fun. We get to splurge on a nice dinner out that we can't afford most of the time, but other than that, it's not a huge deal.

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Dude... Was this the students or the teachers? either way that's just wrong! singling out students who are single, it's like they're mocking them...

Students. The worst part was that I worked on the newspaper staff. Still nothing I could do about it. The editor-in-chief swore up and down that she was only doing it for the greater good. Bah!

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Plus this year is the worst one for my psyche, as my best friend is being ignored by her ex who has said in one message before falling off the face of the earth again that he misses her and wants to start over. Also her best friend that she knows irl said to her that if he commits suicide it is her fault, which that isn't fair to her as she has been hurting a lot more than he knows. So it has driven me further towards the blackness of the abyss than I have ever been before.

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Students. The worst part was that I worked on the newspaper staff. Still nothing I could do about it. The editor-in-chief swore up and down that she was only doing it for the greater good. Bah!

There is no way that this would be a positive thing... the only way i can see it being a good thing would be if someone read it and said 'Oh? that person's single? i didnt know that, i should ask them out!" which would never happen because if they ARE single they would be ashamed to see their naem in that paper... you gotta hate people who are so ignorant about who they hurt...

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Plus this year is the worst one for my psyche, as my best friend is being ignored by her ex who has said in one message before falling off the face of the earth again that he misses her and wants to start over. Also her best friend that she knows irl said to her that if he commits suicide it is her fault, which that isn't fair to her as she has been hurting a lot more than he knows. So it has driven me further towards the blackness of the abyss than I have ever been before.

wow that sucks for her.

But at least you 2 have a good chance to bond over a greasy burger this V day (totally platonic ofc)

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Holiday... Holiday... Hmmm

I guess I'd have to say my least favorite holiday right now would be New Years. Sounds strange, I know, but I honestly always saw it as just a sign of having to buy another calendar :/

And Valentine's Day really doesn't bug me or make me happy. Always been single during this specific holiday, so it kind of just evolved into a holiday I don't observe. Its just another day for me... Hmm, probably not a good thing if I ever have a GF during this time of year. Not sure she'd buy the excuse of me not observing it.

Although seeing as I always gorge myself on the after Valentine day chocolate sales, I may still manage to save my hide if and when that scenario ever arises.

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I guess I'd have to say my least favorite holiday right now would be New Years. Sounds strange, I know, but I honestly always saw it as just a sign of having to buy another calendar :/

I find this strangely amusing, hehe... I dont get calenders... i dont usually even focus on the day to day to be honest... although i'm not a big fan of new years either... kind of silly, people act like it'll be a brand new time with brand new experiences and i can't help but think "Why wait til new years to change? Start now!" but i'm nitpicking that one.

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Students. The worst part was that I worked on the newspaper staff. Still nothing I could do about it. The editor-in-chief swore up and down that she was only doing it for the greater good. Bah!

Actually I could see that, perhaps as a matchmaking thing

I personally don't mind valentines day, my parents don't really celebrate it and I've benn home schooled for most of my life so for me it's mostly watching Valentines specials and enjoying cute pictures of characters with hearts and candy. Though last year one of my male friends and I were each other's date for the day....Tell me boys if a girl your age did that would you end up dating a girl several years older than you without at least checking to make sure the girl your age wasn't already in love with you? (and no matter with one is younger and which one is older 5 years does seem like a big age gap to me)

But I really don't understand mother's day and father's day, my family hasn't done anything for it since I was a little Filly and even then I'd make a card for them and that's it (also we've seen people who use it to basically stay in their parent's good graces so that cheapened it a bit). The other one is Thanksgiving when you know what really happened it's a bit....disturbing....after all we don't have a holiday celebrating any other case of genocide (and it's really akward when your father's ancesstors literally helped sign the death warrent for part of your mother's family....my mother's French Canadian)

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wow that sucks for her.

But at least you 2 have a good chance to bond over a greasy burger this V day (totally platonic ofc)

She lives in Belgium, how am I supposed to do that?

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I cannot stand Halloween! Except maybe the candy corn....

Candles are a better source for wax fyi.

I'm not a fan of any federal holidays, but that's because I end up working most of them. Just gotta remind myself of the extra pay. Otherwise, I just find them as convienent excuses to do things, like giving gifts, indulging in sweets or seasonal foods, etc.

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk

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Meh, don't care for Valentines Day. It's nothing but commercialization now. There's no need to have a special day for couples, every day should be that. It's up to them to set their own special days.

My school always made a list of who was single and published it in the school paper.

I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be allowed to do that. That's not something that should be allowed to be set in public. You should make a complaint about it in favor of people's personal lives and their privacy. Not joking, make a complaint and start a storm if you have to, there's no reason that should be allowed.
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I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be allowed to do that. That's not something that should be allowed to be set in public. You should make a complaint about it in favor of people's personal lives and their privacy. Not joking, make a complaint and start a storm if you have to, there's no reason that should be allowed.

I believe the new VP banned or restricted it this year. I know people were starting to complain during my last year there. Some girls played a prank on some poor sophomore last year that was pretty bad.

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