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Canon death


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So i'm curious, if there WAS indeed a death in the show, for whatever reason and whatever cause... who do you think they'd choose? who do you think deserves it? who's death would have the biggest impact on you? least impact? do you think it would help/hurt the show's story? Just discuss how you think you'd feel if a character died in the show... (even if it ended up being a dream or something...)

Any of the mane 6: I would be devastated and probably shun the writer who thought that would be a good idea... unless it was a dream, in which case i would be devastated for a while, eager to see how they planned on bringing them back to life, and then relieved once they returned...

Celestia: I'd be pretty upset, but i think either Luna or Twilight taking over for a while would be interesting to see. It's one of those "I really hate how she had to die, but i like how the story developed because of her death" sort of things, kinda like Obi Wan in Star Wars... I dont think i'd feel the same way with the mane 6

Luna: Probably more devastated, she was so sweet and innocent... beside the whole Nightmare moon thing...

Granny Smith: a story could be made out of this... but i dont think she deserves it... i think she could do more alive in the series than dead, so i dont think i'd like it too much... plus Applebloom would be sad and i would just have to kill myself if i ever saw that....

Zecora: I dont think her death would serve any point... she's not quite as 'connected' to anyone to have an emotional impact on them, but she still helps them out too much to just be tossed aside...

Trixie: No, moving on.

okay, i'll explain Trixie... she has a lot of potential to grow as a character and i'd like to see that, she COULD be really awesome and fun... but i dont think she'll ever have enough of a character to give her a reason to die anywhere...

So yeah, those are some of my thoughts... your's?

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What coffin, I see no Coffin.

During the song on Hearts and hooves day there was a funeral going on apparently...

I could *never* see a death on the show.

Keep in mind this show is aimed at girls aged 3-6 or something like that.

I cannot imagine "Mommy, mommy! Pinkie pie died! *sobsobsob*" would be good for ratings. :I

And yes, i know it's HIGHLY unlikely... but im just asking 'what if, and what would your reaction be?'

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I love hypothetical questions like this but this surprised me:

who do you think deserves it?

Who deserves to die? Did I read that right?

In order for the death to be meaningful, most of us have to care about the character, and be sad that we will never see them again. Furthermore, the show has to be able to go on without them, or the episode would fail.

Who fits into that band? Many do, but the ones that hit both of those points for most people would be:

Granny Smith, Big Mac, Zecora

Ok, this is too sad to think about. I might come back later though.

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I still think if death is ever brought up in the show it will be through Applejack's parents.

This or maybe Scoot's parents, but more likely AJ's, since Faust has already mentioned it.

But for the sake of argument...

Mane 6:

Kill off Rainbow Dash and I will make it my personal vendetta to find this writer and make his life a living hell...

Kill off twilight and I will be really devistated

Devistation decreases in order of Pinky, Fluttershy, AJ, and Rarity would just be "oh geeze, now they gotta find a new element of harmony!... oh right, poor Sweetie Bell!"


Sad to see her go, but honestly, I am almost expecting this (though obviously she would "retire to some other country" or such) so not too suprising


Meh, she's not had much screen-time, we've not gotten to know her, it would be sad but...

Any of the CMC:

Not gonna happen, see "Infant Immortality" But if they did ignore that rule, it would be absolutely horrifying to me, especially since they'd have been cut down so young...

Granny Smith:

Not too suprising (though I doubt it would happen because they'd be down to just 3 apples then, of which 1 is still a filly) Sad, but she's had a long, full, life.


This would be symbolic of killing the fandom, turning their back on us forever. If for some reason hasbro's view DOES become anti-brony, I wouldnt be suprised if this happens and derpy is given a massive, impressive, final send-off.

Anyone else:

Unless to prove the point that Anyone Can Die, (which would REALLY change the tone - but if they decided to aim for an older demographic, this could happen) I dont see a point unless they're going to parody CSI: somehow, or, it is intended to be a lesson on how to deal with the death of someone you kinda-sorta-vaguely know....

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I love hypothetical questions like this but this surprised me:

Who deserves to die? Did I read that right?

In order for the death to be meaningful, most of us have to care about the character, and be sad that we will never see them again. Furthermore, the show has to be able to go on without them, or the episode would fail.

Who fits into that band? Many do, but the ones that hit both of those points for most people would be:

Granny Smith, Big Mac, Zecora

Ok, this is too sad to think about. I might come back later though.

Okay, maybe 'deserves' was a bit harsh, but it's just a hypothetical question about how you'd feel about one of your favorite or least favorite characters not being around anymore...

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I just wanted to add that I think there's a similar situation that could be used to convey similar meanings --- a friend moving WAY off where you'll likely never see them again.

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The biggest impact on me would be Granny Smith. My grandma, and only remaining grandparent recently had a heart scare. After my grandpa died, I was jealous of a cousin who had spent a lot of time with him. I wished that I had done the same. Though she lives far away, I wanted to spend more time with her. So I have been calling her about once or twice a month ever since.

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If I was a troll I'd say Fluttershy and watch people rip each other to shreds in argument.

There was some light speculation to this recently when she dissapeared from the Hub's character page...

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Ah, the age old concept of bringing death into a children's show. I'm not gonna say "It won't happen" because we're not in charge of Hasbro or The hub, so we can't control their action. It MAY be a dumb move on their part, but they have every ability to do so if they wish.

I think if someone HAD to be "let go" from the show (Like if they're dropping a character for some odd reason) it should be Big Mac. Now, let me "elaborate" on that, and maybe some of you will agree with me.

We all know who he is, he's had an episode "centered" around him (Hearts and Hooves) and he's got minimal speaking lines whatsoever. I don't hate him, but he's not my "favorite" character. He doesn't have to "die" either, he could "Move far away" which kids would be perfectly okay with. It would teach kids about people having to "leave" and how to cope with the "loss of someone" while not going directly toward "death." Granted, I'd hate to see any of them leave. But if done right, which I think the writers could, it could actually make the show better, and (hard to do this) more enjoyable. It could teach the Apple family a lesson, and Applebloom a very big one. Which, Big Mac leaving ,COULD be connected to her receiving her cutie mark. That all in a single episode would be fantastic.Heck, even a 2-parter. Pinkie Pie could throw the going away party, MAYBE show a bit more of "Pinkamena" in her, and it could be a very strong, heart-wrenching moment. Exactly what this show needs.


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I don't think a canon character would ever die. Not somebody named and interacted with. If it was any of the Mane 6 it would devastate the target audience, and even some named side characters would definitely suck.

If death was ever to come to Equestria, it would, in my opinion, happen only to a pet, or offscreen characters like AJ's parents. In fact, I would really like the latter...much as I hate death as character backstories I think it could be handled well and become a good driving force behind her character. But beyond that, death to a pony would probably only come to an unnammed one, possibly a "well known" pony around Ponyville, perhaps one of the older ones.

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