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Silly English users...


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So i'm watching some UFO stuff, and i can't help but be annoyed by the people in these shows...

They are constantly saying "Hey, was that a UFO i saw? was it a plane? what was it?" And that bugs me...

Take a sec to think as to why that might annoy me...

figured it out? Okay, let me run through the steps... UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object... So when these people say 'hey was that a UFO? I feel like i have to ask them these questions...

Was it an object of some kind?

"Well of course it was an object"

Was if Flying?

"Well... it was up in the air and it wasn't going down... so yeah, i guess'

Can you identify exactly what it was?


THAN IT'S AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT YOU MORON! I can understand you saying "Hey, was that a ship from another planet?" But no, they use UFO like it automatically mean's an extraterrestrial ship. I can see someone saying "Was that an Alien ship" Because all Alien means is foreign, and unknown... so it COULD be Alien, in that it's foreign to you...

I dunno, i just find it dumb how an acronym that everyone knows is being misused and it bugs me...

Kinda like how some people are bugged by other's saying "ATM Machine" When the M in ATM already stands for Machine... So yeah, kinda silly in that sense too...

Anybody else have anything they'd like to contribute? I'm sure most of you probably hate how other's can distinguish which 'Your' or 'Their' they want to use... anything else?

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I hate when people say awkward :x

"I dropped my quarter!"


"my pencil broke!"


I got 19/20 on a test!"


I also hate "random", "'nuff said", and "oh BURN". I would probably hate "literally" too, but I actually don't hear it miss-used that often :l

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Too, to, two. Effect and affect. Calling a lady "ma'am." Save that for when she's on her death bed. It's "miss."

I have to admit, i have issues using Effect and Affect... I know the difference, but i have to think about it and sometimes i just... dont... *shaaaame*

You really don't like Ma'am? I always use it... i just see it as a polite thing to say... maybe younger woman find it odd because it's seen as something said to older women, but still...

I hate when people say awkward :x

"I dropped my quarter!"


"my pencil broke!"


I got 19/20 on a test!"


I also hate "random", "'nuff said", and "oh BURN". I would probably hate "literally" too, but I actually don't hear it miss-used that often :l

I dont mind Awkward when it's used properly, but sometimes it's not really that owkward of a moment... it only became awkward when someone uses the word Awkward at the wrong time.

Although Burn is very annoying >_<

You're, Your.

There, Their, They're.

Its, It's.

I hate it when people can't use apostrophes correctly.

It's Joe's Book, not Joes Book.

I have to admit, apostrophes get confusing when an S becomes involved... "My grandmas cars" ... Wait, my ONE grandma's car? or both of my grandmas' cars?

Chris's bike? or Chris' bike? I can't seem to say it right, i always feel weird pronouncing the possessive S when it's not there...

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I dont mind Awkward when it's used properly, but sometimes it's not really that awkward of a moment... it only became awkward when someone uses the word Awkward at the wrong time.

Although Burn is very annoying >_<

you should go to my school then :l it sounds like a herd of annoying pokémon called awkward live in the cafeteria

it's all I ever hear x_x

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You really don't like Ma'am? I always use it... i just see it as a polite thing to say... maybe younger woman find it odd because it's seen as something said to older women, but still...

Lemme let you in on a little secret...no matter what her age is, just call her miss. Trust me on this.

Woman is singular. Women is plural.

Also don't ever ask a woman if she's pregnant unless she's 1. On the ground, in labor. 2. She tells you. Otherwise don't assume anything.

Follow this advice and you might live to have grandchildren.

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you should go to my school then :l it sounds like a herd of annoying pokémon called awkward live in the cafeteria

it's all I ever hear x_x

"Look Vegeta! It's a group of pokemon!"

"Did he just call me a pokemon? Aww-kwaaaaard"



"It's an Awkward! I'm gonna catch 'em all!"

"I'm not a poke-*Doink* OW!"

"Aw, it didn't work."

"You gotta damage it first..."

"Right! Let's see if i can get a critical..."

Lemme let you in on a little secret...no matter what her age is, just call her miss. Trust me on this.

Woman is singular. Women is plural.

Also don't ever ask a woman if she's pregnant unless she's 1. On the ground, in labor. 2. She tells you. Otherwise don't assume anything.

Follow this advice and you might live to have grandchildren.

Oookay, i'll try o-0

And i know the difference between woman and women, i just type too fast to notice :oops: Aww-kwaaa *is shot by Angie*

As for the pregnant thing... Oooooh yeah, i know this lesson by heart... Don't 'Ass'ume anything or you'll make an 'ass' of yourself...

wait, would i not live otherwise? o-0 Oh god, ROSEWIND'S GOING TO KILL ME!

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Oh yeah, one more thing.

Let's eat, Grandma!

Let's eat Grandma!


That is why I say "Grandma let's eat! Even without the comma its hard to misconstrue. Rearranging words is quite effective. Throwing commas around all willy nilly gets ponies into trouble all the time.

Also... don't hurt me rosewind, but I sometimes say "ma'am" out of habit... I was brainwashed by martial arts! IT IS NOT MY FAULT! I do tend to say "miss" more often though...

On the subject of things people do... Has anypony watched "The The Impotence of Proofreading" by Taylor Mali? People need to learn to proofread more >_>. I understand typos in chat, but less so on forums... Is it so hard to read over what you wrote to ensure that its at least mostly grammatically correct and free of spelling errors?

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oh u were don't worry :shifty: *everyone looks at me* What im joking

I was? o-0 Oh god! I'm a cupcake zombie! :sniff:

On the topic of Miss And Ma'am.

I once called a woman Miss while in a bestbuy. She is in her early twenties, and she flipped out. She yelled at me and said it was "Mrs" because she was married. She didn't have a freaking ring on either. So confusing.

I've never had that happen to me, but i have heard of people who do... and it's one of those things where 'Well how the hell was i suppose to know?" kind of things...

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