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How the times have changed...


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Heh, getting a bit teary eyed from the past again. :')

So folks, tonight, I logged into my OLDEST Yahoo! account. November 07th, 2003, was the creation date. My Mom made it for me when I was only 7 years old.

I hadn't logged into it in over four years. That's 5 years of an absent Yahoo! account. Mind you, my family's changed. My grandfather died last February, my sister has gotten married again, and had another child, my other sister has gotten pregnant, and engaged. These are just a few "major" things that have changed in five years time. I logged into this account ,using the password I'd remember, because I made it based on an experience I'd had back then, and a childhood memory now. It felt like you find a key in your old tree house at your abandoned grandparents' house, and there's the metal box next to it. Your urges to open it overwhelm you, and you can't resist. The key goes in, and opens the box without a problem. There's the preserved photographs of the kids you used to hang out with. The ones who grew up, and you don't even know where they are anymore. Then comes the ones your parents took of you riding your bicycle for your first time... you get the idea. Of course, this didn't actually happen, but it felt the same..and I'm sure a lot of you understand what I'm talking about. :P

I've still got the original Yahoo! interface from 7 years ago. Every single e-mail I'd sent to my family, all still there... My oldest Sister who'd gotten married again 4(?) years go, she was one of 8 on my contact list. She still has her old last name on there, not changed, and preserved. Then of course, my other sister, who's name consisted of "Chillin Girl"-esque e-mails, because you know that was big on AOL and stuff back in 05'.

I almost started to cry when I read some of the e-mails I'd sent back and forth. Not because of sadness, or "I want these times back!" like one would expect. No- this is because of pure memories.

10378 e-mails in my inbox. I'd not deleted a single received one in 7 years. They're all still here. From my old Neopets confirmation for registry, to my first YouTube Account, my MySpace confirmation. All, still, here. The e-mails are an endless stream of memories. My niece, living states away,who I have Skyped with, was only talking about being born in these e-mails. And how she couldn't (my sister) decide on a name.

I suppose this is a digital version of looking through your year book from the 70s, as my parents have shown me. By now, I bet you've lost interest in my rambling.. There is, however, one e-mail that peaked my interest.

03/09/07 - "RDRTSFSAJPP" was the title. I checked it's contents, and found only this- "fim" followed by the text that glitches out. (Which I still don't know how to do)

I'd done a double-take on the text ,because my first reaction was "Friendship is Magic!?" and then I took a look at the title, then the date. I contacted Yahoo! about the e-mail, and they confirmed that it was not a glitch, and was indeed from 2007. Even IF you re-ordered the numbers, none of them make a date in which the show was airing. I'm still investigating this, and I should have a screenshot up soon..

I don't know what I want to do, guys.

Do I keep this Yahoo! account running, for years to come? It's been 9 already.

Or do I close it, and "close" that chapter in my life? Because maybe this would finally be my cure to my constant "nostalgia" attacks I am getting since moving.

I look forward to your replies, guys.


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I feel old now. I got an email not too long ago saying something about my account being active for 13 years (I started it in late 1998/ early 1999. Not sure exactly when) I was 23. :P

So am I a dinosaur for still using Yahoo?

But to echo others, you'd regret it later. Time capsules are neat.

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I still have my yahoo account from... I dunno... when Napster was still legal.

There are 62743 unread e-mails in it. It still has my AOL address as the backup address. it's kind of hilarious. Nothing major or life-altering in there though. Mostly just spam.

But here's a one-up for you. Here's my brother's ANGELFIRE PAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/SPORQUE/

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I still have access to my 2001 yahoo account that I haven't used in years. My phototbucket account is still linked to it though. : )

Those were the days.

In the beginning, they gave you 10mb of storage. However, as the popularity exploded, they reduced that to 4mb. But my extra storage was grandfathered in, and I got to keep it. It made me feel so special until they made it basically unlimited.

I still use yahoo though. I got a gmail account for a job once, but I didn't like the interface so I stopped using it when the job was done. The interface wasn't bad, but I didn't consider it intuitive either.

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My particular timecapsule, is real :blah: , my old nightstand, discarded to the garage since 1998 (I was 14 back then) inside the only drawyer I found some late childhood stuff.

1 Digital Stopwatch (No battery O.C.) dunno if it works

a bunch of magnets stuck together.

some loose change in Pesetas. like 50 US cent.

Some loose sprockets from some thing I disassembled.

1 set of clean underwear (no longer my size, heh, longer)

A laser keychain, no workie...

A keychain LED flashlight really dim even with fresh batteries.

A now very dated rubber

a 1998 Bubble gum

the fists of my G1 Optimus Prime figure

some .22 BB gun ammo.

P.S. I'm really startled at how long those internet things can be kept unactive, once I got a e-mail account void after 15 days of not logging in...

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