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Hey I'm very mad help me please


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Ok ok I know your thinking just love and tolerate but I'm being made fun of at times and I don't know what to do should I say that there jerks or should I ignore them or what I am so mad I can just kick something *kicks top of pot spins around then stops and brakes*

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Hmm, well first, I think this may belong more in the "Chit Chat" forum as opposed to "Brony Chatter" (as this isn't exactly MLP related)

As to being made fun of, I've found that people will only make fun of you if you give them a reaction that they're looking for. If they're looking to embarrass you or make you feel ashamed about who you are, don't give it to them. Example, if they're teasing you about being a brony, just shrug your shoulders like you don't give a buck and be on your way.

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Whoa there, calm down. Are these people on the forums here that are making fun of you, or people irl? cause if they are on here. All you got to do is simply report them. The staff will take care of the rest. As far as people in real life, as long as it doesn't come to violence, I don't see a problem in making your opinion known to those who are making fun of you. At the very least, I would say tell them off once, and then if the continue, just ignore them. They are probably nothing but trolls anyway that aren't even worthy of your glance let alone your attention or what you have to say.

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:hugs: the best advice that I can give you, is to be proud of who you are. If they don't like how you portray yourself, buck them. Remember that it's your life and that nopony but you haas the right to tell you what you like or dislike, and nopony has the right to make fun of you for such. Stay strong, and the next time that they try to poke fun at you, put them on their level of the totem pole where they belong. On the bottom. Stay confident. Bullies feed off of fear, and the hurt that they inflict on them. If you shrink away from them, and ignore them like that, then yes, they will continue to poke fun. If you stand up for yourself and hold you head up, and tell them to Buck off when they start coming after you. They will stop.

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i always thought sarcasm works as the best result to self defense in any kinda confrontation, people like that i have no time for in the world my friend, forget love and tolerate if they just cant understand you, block delete, forget about it and walk away with your pride intact

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Well here is what you do, get me there names and where they pick on you...I'll show up and show them what for.

But no, srsly don't give in to them. Just take it as it comes and dish it back out as you see fit. BUT DO NOT EVER stoop to their level.

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Well here is what you do, get me there names and where they pick on you...I'll show up and show them what for.

But no, srsly don't give in to them. Just take it as it comes and dish it back out as you see fit. BUT DO NOT EVER stoop to their level.

Basicly this ^

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If you are a guy and over 20 years old you've forgotten how It is to be 15 and under I'm 14 my bulie is 15 is mom and dad is devoced his dad yells at him all the time I don't know why but you would want to make somone feel like he's nothing iv felt that way before have you

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The best thing to do is show no reaction, and remain calm. It's hard to do, yes. But believe me, he wants you to fight back. He craves it, in fact. Whatever you do, don't fall to his level. If he wants to be an idiot, let him. He won't succeed in life like that. Remaining calm is the way to go, unless you want to start a "war", which no one ever does.

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OH! Bullies? I had issues with them when I was a kid. And honestly, doing nothing didn't work (they just tried harder), getting angry didn't work, telling teachers about it didn't work....

What did work? Standing up for myself. I believe I was 12 or 13... I finally snapped after about 7 years of being bullied. For the rest of that year and forever more he never messed with me again. I didn't EVEN throw a punch. I basically walked up to him slowly and basically set him straight in the most intimidating manner I could. He ended up turning tail and running. Was quite funny.

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Regardless of who is bullying you, or what your prior history with that person is; no one has any right to try and make you feel less about yourself. I understand the desire for respect and the public's perception of manliness at the age of 15, but I think you have to realize that no one is going to respect you until you respect yourself.

Yes. I know that it's a cheesy, and cliched answer, but all cliches have an element of truth behind them, and I think that's something you need to recognize.

Also, as for this bully being your ex-girlfriend and her having a difficult home-life; it's one thing to understand and empathize with the motives behind someone's actions. That does not mean you have to tolerate those actions. Depending on the circumstances of the break-up (which I don't know,) she may be feeling poorly about the situation and looking for something at which to direct her anger, and by unfortunate happenstance, that target is you. Now, you can garner respect by allowing her to be angry, but not becoming riled yourself; this will demonstrate to everyone that you are capable of keeping a calm head in the face of duress, and that it will take more than someone being upset with you to make you upset.

You'll just have to trust me and acknowledge that though I may not be your age anymore, I still know a thing or two about being that age. We all go through the same stuff, more or less, while growing up and while it's easy to dismiss your elders as not knowing what they're talking about, it's the more difficult, but more mature option to take heed of our advice, particularly after you've asked for it. So the best advice I can give is this: Allow yourself and your ex to be angry, but if things come to a head, do not act out based on that anger, control your temper, even if she does not. In any given situation, this will make you the victor, as you not only controlled your own emotions, you did not allow someone else's emotions to goad you into losing your temper.

TL;DR? Here's the short version:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

~Eleanor Roosevelt

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You can report me if necesery

No need for that.

Bronies are like every other group, we are human. Yes, we have a group philosophy of "love and tolerate" but not everyone has to follow that. Different people have different ways of dealing with things. Generalizing a community never works because everyone is different.

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