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'Alicorn conspiracy' or "You're about to have your mind blown'


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So, we all know that Celestia and Luna are Alicorns... most of us generally assumed this was pretty rare, right?

Well, then Cadence showed up, having both a horn and wings,that counts for he being an alicorn.

Buuuuut Chrysalis, the queen of the changelings, ALSO has a horn, along with wings (they're a weird horn and wings, but still horn and wings nonetheless)

Soooo that means that we dont just have one new alicorn this season, we have TWO new alicorns...



EVERY SINGLE CHANGELING IS AN ALICORN!!! we dont have 2 new alicorns, we have thousands!

so yeah, not as rare as we once thought, huh?

(Argument against this= 'Changelings are not ponies, so there's still only 3 pony alicorns'. Meh, the point is Alicorns in general are still not that rare...)

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Ah, here we go:

My personaly theory is that changling bodies have no "Natural" form as such, but defaults to something that approximates the local creatures wit the highest population. Notice how in human legends, fairies and goblins and such always have a humanoid form? It's because they change to match the locals, rather than any fixed form. If they changlings traveled to the lands of the minotaurs, they would likely change to have bodies to match.
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Were the Changelings, other than Chrysalis, actually shown to use their horns? I mean, the Changelings shapeshift. Do they count as Alicorn is that form is not actually their natural one?


I'm guessing since they have bug wings and not proper Pegasus wings, they don't count as alicorns. That is my story and I'm sticking to it! :smug:

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hi hi

They may be alicorns, but they're definitely not tri-ponies. Vote Tri-Pony for the official princess nomenclature 2012. :)

(paid for by the committee of people who are not actually in a committee but think the term alicorn should be reserved for the material of a unicorn's horn but don't really want to make a big deal about it.)

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Oh yeah?! Look at this new leaked screenshot from Season 3:


Beat that!

(Also Berry Punch started again, Foxy, if you haven't looked already. Secret wink.)

... I can't... and i have no interest in trying... *Hug's ALL the Dashies* ^_^

(also, yeah, i replied ^_^ )

I'm guessing they're mutated ponies..Corrupted ponies...I do hope we get backstory on these guys..One of the days...

That's what i'm guessing... i mean they ahve similar body structure, so it's got to be some relation... maybe Alicorns were just as common as other ponies but most of them kinda got currupted... somehow... i dunno I DEMAND MORE BACKSTORY!

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They probably share a common ancestor way back on the species tree, and the genes kind of stayed reccessive in each one, making them have similiar characteristics.

If this theory is true as well, it would make the Alicorn 'race' a specific gene of pony. In this case then, it would be a rare gene derived from a rare mutation or parent. Which would mean it would be possible for 3 things: (well, more techincally)

1. There are possibly more races that share these genes. (ZEBRAS ANYONE? They might have an earth pony gene)

2. All alicorns are descendents of a parent who had a unique gene. Now the real mystery is who this is, and how it got passed down while skipping so many generations.

3. Alicorns might not be as extremely rare as we think due this theory.

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The Changelings, at least from a Tabletop RPG perspective, I think have wings and a magic horn mainly to be able to pass as any kind of pony. Oh, they have magic to be sure, but only to, again, better pass as a Unicorn if need be. I would even go as far as to say the average Changeling can only perform cantrips. Low level magic akin to Snips and Snails. They're Equine-shaped, but that's because Equine is the default shape of intelligent life in this universe (thank you, Dr. Whooves). On the other hoof, Skrulls are human shaped and shape shifters but they are definitely not human. Some can even copy powers to better infiltrate! Case in point:


I'm suddenly thinking about the Spy's Disguise Kit in Team Fortress 2. He can mimic the shape of any other class and even copy some of their attributes: Their voices, changing and reloading faux-weapons, even walking slower to better copy the Soldier and Heavy who are not at all fleet footed. It's definitely not a perfect copy, as he cannot move as fast as the classes faster than he, i.e. Scout and Medic. He also cannot use their taunts. But its enough to get by, especially when other players/ponies aren't looking at you.

My analysis: Changelings are not alicorns. In fact, Changelings are not even ponies! But worst of all, they could be any one of us! They could be in this very thread! They could be you! They could be me! They could be right behind you...

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Oh yeah?! Look at this new leaked screenshot from Season 3:


OMBC, Rose, I love you long time! lol. Most awesome thing I've seen in quite a while!

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OMBC, Rose, I love you long time! lol. Most awesome thing I've seen in quite a while!

I think it's more awesome I know what OMBC means!

:unsure: what the hay? *googles*

oh my battered cod? o-0

But yes, Rose always seems to have a witty response to just about everything =P

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:unsure: what the hay? *googles*

oh my battered cod? o-0

But yes, Rose always seems to have a witty response to just about everything =P

IS it battered cod? Angie would've guessed bucking celestia o)3)

*is not good at these type of arguments*

*nothing to add to what the topic is about*

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There was a big back and forth on the hypothesis of pony and changeling evolution in the royal canterlot wedding thread.

But it boils down to these theories:

Alicorns are the root species that all ponies descended from

Changelings are either corrupted ancient alicorns, or a predator species that evolved alongside the original ponies, and their ponylike traits were to make it easier to become a pony, or to blend into pony society in general.

Also, I will banish my E key to the moon, for it is misbehaving.

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