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About Myself: Just another brony who happens to have too much time on his hands, and would like to keep it that way.

How I found Canterlot.com: I google searched "mlp roleplay"

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friend introduced it to me.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
Hi all. I've decided to try and take up roleplaying in order to further improve my writing skills. I'm not very athletic or much of a sports guy, but I used to do a bit of fencing with my brother. I havn't done it in awhile now, but I would like to fence with my brother in the backyard every now and then. If there is anything I can say I feel strongly about, it would be insects, spiders, and any sort of bug. I harbor a great respect for them and have always found them endlessly fascinating and amazing. It troubles me greatly when I see people step on and kill them for no reason other than the sake of it. Currently, I have an almost year old dark fishing spider named Rosey.

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A FISHING SPIDER?! Awesome! I love those, and to have one as a companion like that is SO cool :D Cool to see another "bug freak" here ;-) Fencing is also fun! What do you fence with?

I prefer foil fenceing but I'm familiar with sabers. I don't mean to sound rude, but are you folks so hospitable in the introduction thread naturally or is it partly to help people with the 3 post rule thing? Either way, I appreciate the gesture. Thanks!
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Welcome! Why does everypony name their bug pets Rosey? :sad:

How do fishing spiders fish?

I'm glad you ask that. You see, fishing spiders are covered in water tension manipulating hairs that keep them from getting wet and allow them to walk on the surface of water and even dive under for a breif moment. When hunting, they leave their hind legs attached to the waters shore like a rock or such, with their fore legs resting atop the waters surface. When they feel vibrations coming from the water coming from, lets say a butterfly who has fallen into the water and is struggling to get out, they can easily approach it and drag it back to shore. Their not limmited to helpless meals though and can catch fish, tadpoles, and even frogs in this manor. Here's a video that shows it pretty well.

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