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who you follow on Youtube.


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So, i can only assume the majority of us have youtube accounts and are subscribed to people on youtube... so what odd or interesting channels are you subscribed to?

Phillip DeFranco is basically where i get my news now, that, and the Daily show. He's on monday through thursday with some unrelated shows during the weekend. he covers a variety of news topics from local political to big stories aroudn the world, sexy news, geek news and (my favorite) The D-bag of the day! always fun... he can be pretty biased at times, being very lefty, but he does back it up with a 'why' to his opinion, and usually i can agree with it, although sometimes i dont but frankly i can respect him for having a differing belief because he takes the time to think about them.

he actually has a pretty big crew, and there's actually a second channel where his friends have a mini news show, 20 minutes or less where they give you short bursts of news stories, again, covering a lot of variety. these guys are more comical about it though, but i still get all my info.

Vsauce and Vsauce2 are both very intellectual channels... and by that i mean they share some neat sciency stuff and it makes me feel smarter. they have a few different series' like IMG which is various cool images from across the web, BiDiPi, which stand for Build it, draw it play it, which shows neat works of art in all mediums, and my favorite, LuT which is interesting stuff you can buy...]

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but they also talk about neat thoughts that really get you thinking about stuff... i know i'm probably not giving it any justice from how i'm saying it, but trust me, it's really interesting stuff...

Kipkay is, er... WAS an interesting channel with neat hacks, mods, and whatnot. like putting an alarm in your suitcase, or making a pellet gun made out of a medicine bottle and a air canister... his old stuff is pretty wicked, but honestly... it's been lackluster lately. hoping he'll jump back on the awesome wagon soon.

If anyone has a job, they will both empathize and laugh at this series. Adventure in Retail is a hilarious series of animation that just.... well, just watch...

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Slenderman... if you know who that is, you probably know about this channel... if you dont know about this channel and love Slenderman WATCH IT NOW. if you dont know who Slenderman is, shame on you, and basically he's a... something... creature, demon, ghost, something... and he's bad and scary... just watch...

You shoudl also look up Foamy the Squirrel, a foul mouthed little renegade who love cream cheese... he may saw the F word a lot, but he often has a good point to make along with it... i won't like to a video cause of how much language he uses....

But yeah, Let me know about the interesting and abnormal channels you watch.

(also, darn media limit...)

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Well, I follow too many to remember them all... plus I don't follow YouTube so much anymore. But I'm still Subscribed, so it counts!

In the past, to name a few off the top of my head, I watched Meekakitty, Vlogbrothers, KalebNation, robynisrarelyfunny, maureenbooks (Maureen Johnson), and simonscat. To name a few.

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ah, for some reason, I'm really snobbish with my subscriptions, so I don't have a lot XD

lesshee what I've got...

[baman Piderman]

I guess I somehow subscribed to only their videos on whatever channel uploads them. I dun know how I did it though XD I'm glad I did, 'cause I hate happy tree friends. so yeah, just baman piderman videos o)3)


makes funny AMVs


makes axe cop videos. axe cop is a comic written by a five year old boy, drawn by his 27 (?) year old brother. they have animations and stuff on this channel


just diskowarp music o)3) music from diskowarp. I dunno


I dunno why I'm subscribed XP I never watch anything he uploads until somebody posts it here


does animations to diskowarpmusic's music


makes fanime stuffs


I think his account was suspended :l I need to get around to unsubbing. I subscribed to him when I first got into ponies because he was uploading all the episodes in HD


makes anime transformations by youtuber videos. basically goes around finding the best fanime made by kids in MS paint and wmm, and puts them together into one video.


an amazing drawer who makes speedpaints and the occasional hilarious video

ParryGripp and ParryGrippRadio

Parry Gripp music is amazing


makes Animal Crossing music. he takes all the sounds that K.K. Slider makes, and makes him sing non-animal crossing songs


my youtube buddy's channel pre brony


my youtube buddy's channel post brony


makes friendship is witchcraft


makes woof woof power :^D an MS paint adventure and dramatic reading of a poorly written fan fic on DA XD

and that's all of them :3

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I follow a lot of people... Mostly musicians...

But that adventures in retail thing... After working in Macy's for 2 years.... Oh man... lol.

Of the nonmusicians I follow... These guys are usually fun:

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I follow a lot of Pony remixers I happen to like. PinkiePieSwear (though he hasn't uploaded anything interesting in a long time), SimGretina, SherclopPones for FiW, EqD. I was following Sweetie Belle's VA for a while, but she got kind of annoying and I unsubbed. I used to follow EpicMealTime, but that got annoying too.

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Hilarious Let's Plays.


Mainly for his skits and video commentaries.


First Let's Player I suscribed to.


Also a let's player.


Another let's player.


Yet another.


The Yogscast. Famous Let's Players and skit makers.


Hilarious Commentaries and Vlogs.


Totalbiscuit, the cynical brit. Logical and sensible game reviews, news, and discussion.


The Angry Video Game Nerd. Comedic Game Reviews of crappy retro games. Great skits and behind the scenes info.


Absolutely eccentric and interesting gaming channel hosted by Gamechap and Bertie, exaggerated british let's players who know how to put on a show.


Skits, News, and Gaming Stuff straight from the Creatures.

That's all for now.

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(improv everywhere)

This is the only one that I have strong feelings about of the ones you guys listed. Great stuff.

I have lots of channels, but these are my top five:

  • I like pretty much everything from Barely Political. They have many series, but my favorite are their song parodies, like
    of Kesha.
  • How it Should Have Ended is frequently brilliant, and features the fridge logic we get from famous movies. Recently, they did Star Wars'
  • And then there is FPS Russia. I'm not into guns at all, but this guy is hilarious. For instance, in his
    video, he has both of the following quotes: "Don't try this at home, I am a professional Russian" and "So easy a child could do it"
  • Anyone NOT seen the Epic Rap Battles of History yet? The quintessential battle is
  • And for the nerdy, I present Minute Physics. For instance, the

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